Many of us have been injected with bio-compatable hydrogel which contains many different types of bio-sensors, bacteria, interactive electronic circuits and even living cells. The hydrogel is infiltrated with nutients inside the human body so that it will grow and eventually permeate the body provided that it is injected as several sites over a period of time. The bio-sensors inside the hydrogel are enabled to transmit and receive information.
After allowing the hydrogel to grow inside the human host and adhere to the tissue, ligaments, bones and muscles of the human host the human host eventually becomes one with the hydrogel. The human host can then be remote controlled like a human robot from a distance. They can have unbearable pain transmitted to them from an unknown remote location. They can have voices and images sent to their brains from an unknown remote location. This is occurring widely across the world but the police and others are refusing the believe the victims because the whole population of the world are being subjected to mass mind control at a level never forseen.
In the future if you dont accept the hydrogel vaccine you will not be allowed to buy or sell and you will not be allowed to leave your home. Algorithms are being programmed now so that whole populations can be controlled by those pre-programmed algorithms at some time in the future. How soon can this enslavement system be disassembled and banned forever?
How can be make the hydrogel biodegrade inside our bodies so as to set us free from remote controlled enslavement?
How and when can be disable the mass mind control most people are under today?
The covid-19 was created in order to bring about a mind set of acceptance of global governance in the worlds population under the contol of the world health organisation.
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