Now I'm a polite schizophrenic. Don't immediately discredit me because they will hurt the deviants, of course. I had the disease before they messed with me, but since I'm useless, I get picked on like they have something to prove. They did change my backthoughts and tried to reprogram me, which resulted in me splitting everywhere and going nutty. I kind of had a 4D reality there for a while. Reality can only be so many ways, and we react in patterns that are predictable and hard to change due to the nature of reality, as I said. They think they can achieve world peace, or that's the lie they tell to the naive, but they don't want to fix the actual causes of poverty and crime, as it doesn't fit into their agenda or how they govern as a whole. Sometimes you have to oppress people or burn them in the game. If they're failing at the bottom, do you really want them to party hardy? Stuff like that.
Annoyance. They also tried to make me a pedophile. And world peace! I'm not one, don't worry. They don't have mind control down to an art yet.