It would appear even after a preliminary decoding of the Great Seal ofthe United states of America that the America is either a pawn of themodern Babylonian mystery school of the seal of the "New Babylon"mentioned in Christian prophecy. It must be significant to theinitiated reader that America was sealed with the seal of Babylon. Cana country guided by such subversive undercurrents retain its originalintegrity?......Just look at her woe fulleconomy. Notice the unprecedented moral decay. Feel the confusion- the chaos- thatvibrates the very foundations of America unity. Even the originalguarantees of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights have been bentand misconstrued to the point of utter uselessness.Will America be thesacrificial goat in some pagin, Global ceremony to "free mankind of allits ills"? If so Christians are for-warned: "come out of Babylon"