In the State party, I and we tried everything I/we could, hoping:

1) The State party and politicians in charge can stop their ongoing acts of torture
  2) Investigate our allegations of torture, or cruel, inhumane, degrading treatment com...mitted by anyone

However, they don’t do anything. So, their torture keeps going. They refuse to investigate any allegations.

In 2006, I filed complaint against The Scarborough Hospital’s psychiatrist with the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario, who helped Toronto Police, Canadian Torturers commit “ torture”, “ medical torture” with The Scarborough Hospital.( I believe you have read some documents about my torture case.) They fabricated my medical report, and refused my request for my full medical record. He even stated: “ You don’t trust police. That testifies you are having mental problems.”

It took me so long, and in the end they refused me. This is their conspiracy. How did they refuse me? How did they violate my/our basic human rights regardless of facts and law? Please see The College’s decision:

“ The investigator reviewed the report and his concerns with him. Mr. Yan refused to provide the consents required for the College to undertake an investigation…”

Is this logical? Is this a lie? I filed a complaint. I refused to provide the consents. Actually, I singed and mailed it to them. Why did they do this? Some people were behind them. In the “ presentation of Canada’s Sixth Report to the Committee against Torture”, dated May 21, 2012, “ the State party promised on behalf of its all provinces to the Committee: “ Review bodies exist.” Do these or those bodies really review?

This is our situation. If you need their full decision letter, I will forward it to you. Thanks.


Canadian torture victim

Robin Yan

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