The Kiss of Death

The Kiss of Death (EL Petó de la Mort) in Catalan is a marble sculpture, found in the cemetery of Poblenou in Barcelona.

The contrapratida Kiss Eros gives psyche, so that the human has a benchmark to compare and choose, for me it is the kiss of Thanatos, which gives us the knowledge of mal.El psychic knowledge finite.
I have personally received a kiss of death as a victim of electronic harassment, and this kiss killed me. It was the most bitter knowledge that someone living who loves nature can suffer, she is lethal to create separation and hatred between the physical world weapon, because if educates paternalistically to be a spoiled girl who only worships itself , femininity used to pay for the services of men to get what you want.
In the astral billions of women have given up the femininity and were denatured as biological females programmed to care for and educate the tribe for money and pagan pleasures ... As teleport avatars bodies of other women to make love with handsome men Pecan or desired ... for mental, physical and psychological health of another woman to love a monkey desired.
Sin against others with the use of bioresonance quantified to eliminate rivals and have your garden of desirable males ... This has been the most bitter death I received from the astral ...
I've always related to life with the good women, if a woman's devastating effect on a man to be mortal.
I think there is so much hate the woman because the woman herself is implementing cloud hatred with denatured by the desire to conduct ...
Cognitive biostimulation creates subidon testosterone, adrenaline and dopamine, especially a sidereal feast for female fustrada not find earthly

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