jesus christ
bielever or not
not many possessions
or everything the lot
when things are bad
down on your knees
prey to the lord
will you succeed
clasp hands oh so tight
please,please lord
make everything in
the world right,
thats the believers
tend to do good
go to mass
scrape for there food
help one another
give everything away
for eternal happiness
they recieve one day
pray for the sufferers
pray for the needy
pray for starving
what evers appealling
but thats just the bad
theres also some good
besides people dying
third world countries no water nor food
there are miracles
everyday and every year
babies are born
deaf people hear
if you seek you shall see
believer or not
made a believer in me
even none believers pray
but more when tradgedy is near
too frightened to ask questions
so full of misery and fear
ask for forgiveness
ask to win money
make family safe
greed is not funny
when you have it all
thats why you dont pray
the sick
the needy
pray to the lord,pray
but things shall change
so non believers
be more caring
have too much money
life is for sharing
when another person
whos needs are more
greater than yours
please be more generous
round of applause
divided opinion
could jesus christ be real
our saviour,our lord
depends what you feel
tradegy and suffering
seems thats whats in the news
everythings blue
so non believers do something nice
and maybe you will share what
the believers have got
in jesus christ
best wishes n love lots
give alittle for xmas,think of the less unfortunate people
remember checkout me on youtube mixes