the mind control

The Mind Control of a young man, seduced, because his father was going to testify at this hearing. Its not about gun control; its about mind control. Wait till it happens to you. You'll think those thoughts are your own..... until you realize they are not yours. My mind had obsessive thoughts for two months last Christmas, couldnt push them out, but they always lasted two hours, exhausting and exact. Then anger - same thing. Then I realized.... When I realized that someone else was messing with me, I spoke up. It doesn't happen anymore to that extreme. Now they just try for hours to bring me down. Buzz my implant to make me sad or extremely low - I fight it and ALWAYS win now. Now that I know my government has turned against me. Thank you Marty Weinberg, Kevin Cockle and Terry Garraway. Weak monkeys.
best wishes n love lots
BBC News - Libor – what is it and why does it matter?
What is the benchmark Libor inter-bank rate and what did Barclays bank and others do to rig it?
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