Please PRINT OUT Lab report #7 and use it as evidence.The Most Important Document:Lab Report #7 Ron Angell am the International Liaison for Carolyn Palit is my Program Director This information can be Used as evidence and distributed freely as I have been given permission by my Program Director Carolyn Palit. Please SPREAD THE WORD FAR AND WIDE!!!The Most Important Document:- Lab Report #7 Nanotube formation Nano wire formation in Human Body (Morgellon's Disease)Millions of Victims of advanced nano biologic materials, contamination from aerial seeding operations and neurological weapons torture CANNOT exhaust domestic remedies due to being homeless, brain damaged, forced drugging, being physically disabled, wrongfully institutionalized in prisons or psychiatric institutions, raped, and murdered. The Judicial, Legislative, and Executive Branches of the United States Government of America have ignored/marginalized their pleas for relief since the MK ultra hearings of 1977. There are two million known victims of morgellon's (Intra-body Network) at this time in the USA. Overall global saturation of the human species with these Intra-body networks is estimated to be around 98% of the population. The is a possibility of reversal IF the aerial seedings operations were stopped immediately. Therefore, because no domestic remedies are available to victims, it is imperative that international bodies like th United Nations, The International Red Cross, and the organization of American States use their emergency procedures to force the end to this madness. Furthermore, Special Rapporteur on torture from the United Nations and special weapons teams with mass spectrometers as well as Electro-megnetic measuring devices and data loggers must be sent into all countries to gather evidence. Chemtrails combined with the H1N1 Vaccine equals a binary weapon because there are substances in the aerial spray (Chemtrails) that copy germs.The Most Important Document:Lab Report #7 these fibers serve as implants for the transmissions from
psychotronic, resonance weapons or as a communications network is not
known, but the fibers can be classed definitely as an exotic weapon and
fibers like these are used for intra-body networks. has been referring to these fibers as "signal
fibers," and we think this is somewhat of an accurate though limited
term for them. They may epitomize the state of the art of genetic
warfare and disease-frequency warfare. The nano-machines can
copy DNA. DNA restrictor enzymes have been found in the chemtrail

A communicable nanotechnology invasion of human tissues in the form of self-assembling, self-replicating nanotubes, nanowires, nanoarrays with sensors, and other nano configurations, some carrying genetically-altered and spliced DNA/RNA. These nano machines thrive in extreme alkaline ph conditions and use the body's bio-electric energy and other (unidentified) elements for power. (People should *not* strive for an acidic ph - they should work for a normal pH of 7.5 +/-). There is some evidence these tiny
machines possess their own internal batteries. They are also believed
to be able to receive specific tuned microwave, EMF and ELF signals and
information. ("Morgellons Defined,",
April 5, 2007) Phone Number of Carolyn 432 294-3131Address of Exoticwarfare Carolyn Palit Program Director of, 1208 Sanderson Street, Alpine Texas 79830Rense Morgellons Radio Specials

Download MP3 Files From Links Below

Cliff Mickelson/Gwen Simmons
WhatHappened To CDC Morgellon's Investigation?
(MP3 Audio File)

Carnicom On Morgellon's
Morgellon's Research
(MP3 Audio File)

Carnicom On Morgellon's
Morgellon's Update
(MP3 Audio File)

Dr. Amy Withington & Cindy Casey
Morgellon's Update
(MP3 Audio File)

Cliff Mickelson
Morgellon's Update
(MP3 Audio File)

Cliff Mickelson and Maryanne:
A Health Professional Describes The Spread Of Morgellons
(MP3 Audio File)

Clifford Carnicom
Carnicom Morgellons Research

(MP3 Audio File)

Clifford Carnicom
Aerosol Spraying Over America
First Observations From Clifford Carnicom

Blood Testing: Lasers, Morgellons & Fungus(?)
(MP3 Audio File)

Cliff Mickelson
Link Between GMO Crops & Morgellons?
(MP3 Audio File)
The CDC Morgellons 'Research' Project
Jan Smith & Cliff Mickelson
Morgellons Disease - Living With A Nightmare
CDC/Kaiser 'Groundbreaking' Morgellons Study A Fraud!

(MP3 Audio File)
Texas Chemtrail Samples Compared To Samples From Venice Italy
Hildegarde Staninger, PhD, RIET-1
Dr. R. Michael Castle
(MP3 Audio File)
Morgellons: A Nano-911 Foreign Invader
Hildegarde Staninger, PhD, RIET-1
Dr. R. Michael Castle
Jan Smith and 'Anonymous' from the Midwest

(MP3 Audio File)
Special Update Program
(MP3 Audio File)
Psych, Emotional, Personality And Relationship
Impacts - Cliff Mickelson, Jan Smith & Guests
May 10, 2007
Inspiring Letter About Morgellons Special #8
(MP3 Audio File)
Hildegarde Staninger, PhD, RIET-1
Jan Smith, Morgellons Victim
Morgellons Identified - World Exclusive!
Shocking Research - Nanotech Machines
Running Wild In The Human Body
March 29, 2007
Morgellons #7 Documentation
Project FMM - Fibers, Meteorite, Morgellons
(MP3 Audio File)
Hildegarde Staninger, PhD, RIET-1
Rahim Karjoo, M.D., F.A.S.C.P./F.C.A.P.
Jan Smith, Morgellons Victim
Shocking Breakthroughs!
November 9, 2006
Morgellons Specimen Photos in Sequence - Special No. 6

(MP3 Audio File)
Hildegarde Staninger, PhD, RIET-1
Rahim Karjoo, M.D., F.A.S.C.P./F.C.A.P.
Jan Smith, Morgellons Victim,
Stunning Data, Solid Evidence
October 24, 2006
(MP3 Audio File)
Cliff Mickelson, Jan Smith,
Gillian Penkethman from Melbourne, Australia
Morgellons Victims
August 18, 2006
(MP3 Audio File)
Cliff Mickelson, Jan Smith, Cindy Casey, RN and Charles Holman,
Greg Smith, MD & Judy Smith, RN
Morgellons Victims
July 17, 2006
(MP3 Audio File)
Cliff Mickelson, Jan Smith, Cindy Casey, RN and Charles Holman
Morgellons Victims
June 27, 2006
(MP3 Audio File)
Cliff Mickelson & Jan Smith
Morgellons Victims
June 22, 2006
(MP3 Audio File) I Ron Angell am the international Liaison for and this information can be distributed 1-888-444-8340hotline
formerly: (based on HR 2977) linked here for historical & educational reasons
ExoticWarfare is a program of the International Humanities Center a 501 [c] (3) public charity tax-exempt under the IRS code.

taken with an infrared-light-sensitive camera
-- how to make a camera like that

Site was hacked (again), working on fixing it up. Sigh . . .

Are our brains WiFi-ed? Are our all our thoughts and feelings really self-generated? Why is the whole world breathing microwave, radio, EMF, and ELF transmitters and receivers? When barium powders are sprayed on us and we breathe these powders in, do we glow like a beacon when they look into our bedrooms with 3D from any angle satellite video that is " capable of day and night observation, which can 'see' through weather, smoke, sand storms, forest canopies, most buildings and underground tunnels, with extremely fine spatial and spectral resolution . . . ."

no spray/no zap

"The Air Force Wants Your LOV:
Aerial Seeding of Biological Implants into Food, Water, & Air"

"LOV" is Air Force for "locus of values." The implants are referred to as "biosensors."

You do know you are being sprayed with a weapon, don't you? Lookup;watch the skies. I have noticed the constant spray planessince 1997.

Electricity moving thru a gas plasma will form a twisted, Birkeland current.
Alpine, Tx. 2006

COMING SOON: DATABASE -- We Need Statistics on These Crimes:
Illegal Domestic Surveillance and Bugging, Morgellons Nanotech Syndrome, Psychotronic/Directed Energy Attacks, Germ Fallout, Chemtrail Flu-Like Sickness, Depleted Uranium, Non-Consensual Implants, Chemtrail Heavy Metal Poisoning, Genetic Tampering, and Illegal Drugging, Medical, Vaccine, or Psychiatric Experiments. We also are taking data on weather modification incidents that may have caused drought, flood, hurricanes, earthquakes or other disasters.

The Gallery
-- slideshow of American Torture
Download the free E-Book or Stand Alone Slideshow
Safe Download -- Scanned forViruses or Malware

Public Interest Lawyer Search Below
Navigation is at the bottom of each page
put your mouse over the pictures for an explanation

Join our list server network -- for news, announcements, lawsuit information, and networking.

Help fund lawyers. Please become a member or donate to ExoticWarfare.
You can do that here.

Audiocasts are coming in the near future!

Are you being harassed or wrongfully diagnosed when you try to report DE attacks, illegal surveillance, or non-consensual experiments to the police? We provide advocacy for people with law enforcement, mental health professionals, and family crisis/rape/abuse centers. We can educate these people on the issues. * We can provide workshops for your community. Write to: Your calls are confidential.

People are now testing positive for "synthetic hair." Theirhair has been replaced by man made hair. What else is in usis being replaced? We are being disappeared right before oureyes.

Sick of breathing these THINGS?

These are all over your home, car, office, and on your body.Now growing in people, animals, plants, and insects. Nanowires foundall over a home in Texas. Collected and put into ajar. Visible with a magnifying glass and UV blacklight,Palit, Spring, 2008

Can you say: "intra-body network"?Not only can some of these things electronically communicate and becommunicated with, they can put ANYTHING inside of them:germs, genetic materials, nerve gas, drugs, etc. We Are Change takes onnew meaning.

Are we breathing DNA-copying nano-receivers? Can thesereceivers be used as biowarfare weapons, disease frequency weapons,genetic weapons, or for mind control? Allof the above? Are the ideas that chemtrails are solely weather controlor only a global warming sunscreen just a bit too convenient?Were these nano-warfare machines purposefully released or just a big,boo-boo? Now, it appears that the Dept. of Defense "is poised" to beginopen-air testing of germs over America (again) right when theenvironment is covered with machines that can copy those germs theywill be spraying. How many people who run the Pentagon ownstocks in pharmaceutical companies? Rumfield and Tamiflu isone example. Hmmmm.

Shocking vid of biological cocktail coming down at night. Don't miss this one. Click the red box in the right hand corner of the video screen to enlarge the video.

courtesy of Lynnskywatch at

Join our public interest lawyer search -- the higher numbers of people who sign on the better choices we will have in lawyers. Make sure you join the correct lawsuit.

Class Action: Contamination with Biological Implants (nanotech), Heavy Metals, and Germs -- Sue for Contamination from Chemtrail Fallout

Permanent Injunction to Stop Directed Energy Attacks on Americans -- Stop DE/Psychotronic Attacks

Permanent Injunction to Stop Aerial Releases of Nanotechnology, Microsensors, Heavy Metals, Germs, Chemicals, and Other Harmful Substances -- Stop Chemtrail Spraying

There is an environmental disease on the horizon that will affect more humans and the environment than any one person will know. Its environmental impact will be far greater than DDT, PCBs and asbestos have ever been. It is called Morgellon's: A Nano-911 Foreign Invader. It has many names fiber disease, mystery disease, delusional parasitosis and unknown dermatological skin disorder, to name a few. It is silent, smart, glistening powered by its own transitional metal battery. And when it strikes its victim it feels like a piece of burning broken glass as it pierces the skin. Smaller than any of the 150 pieces of a virus (known as virons), it is invisible to the naked eye. So silent is it, only the one who has been invaded knows its true nature. Marked with the seal of man-made, self-assembling nano-size materials they can be used in forming drugs, pharmaceuticals, chemicals, biomaterials, artificial nerves, artificial brains, pseudo skin and molecular electronics. Yes, it was patterned after nature's many wonders, but it is still one hundred percent man-made. The nano-brew has been let loose from itsscientific flask casting its woes upon an unsuspectinginnocence. (Hildegarde Staninger, PhD, RIET-1, IntegrativeHealth Systems, LLC,415 3/4th N. Larchmont Blvd, LA, CA 90004,323-466-2599 323-466-2774 (fax), copyright 2007Hildegarde Staninger, 9-17-7,

Check out this amazing video.This guy shaved his head, and he scrubbed himself in shower reallywell. He has two days growth of hair on his head and a bunch of glowingfibers in his scalp.

courtesy of Ivanhole at

Like Charlie Frost says, "Makes you yearn for the good old days when all you had to worry about was nuclear holocaust or a giant comet hitting the earth."


DevilVision: The World's NewWireless Grid
Bill Gallagher explains HAARP, Chemtrails,Weather Modification & Mind Control

The ultimate goal of the chemtrail fiber infestation of humans? Mind control and genetically created biowarfare. The chemtrail/Morgellons fibers copy the DNA of bacteria, fungi, viruses, etc. that may be present in your body. The Idaho Observer found all kinds of germs (and sedatives) in the fallout from some recent chemtrails, including uranium and anthrax.

6 bacteria, including anthrax and pneumonia

9 chemicals including acetylcholine chloride

26 heavy metals including arsenic, gold, lead,mercury, silver, uranium and zinc

4 molds and fungi

7 viruses

2 cancers

2 vaccines

2 sedatives

Listen to the latest audio interview #11of Dr. Staninger and Dr. Castle at where they confirm thatthe ultimate purpose of chemtrails is mind control and geneticbiowarfare and that possibly one million to 20 million people may haveMorgellons fibers in their bodies. LINK tointerview #11 (scroll down to "Chemtrail/Morgellons" section)and latest results from the comparision of chemtrail fibers from Texasand Italy (yeah, they match). Finally, the researchon chemtrails, Morgellons, and directed energy attacks on people cometogether. HERE a famous scientist talksabout how the application of spider-web-like nanowires in the brainwould work and the time the NSA came by to see his research.

"One can envision the development of electromagnetic energy sources, the output of which can be pulsed, shaped, and focused, that can couple with the human body in a fashion that will allow one to prevent voluntary muscular movements, control emotions (and thus actions), produce sleep, transmit suggestions, interfere with both short-term and long-term memory, produce an experience set, and delete an experience set. It would also appear possible to create high fidelity speech in the human body, raising the possibility of covert suggestion and psychological direction...Thus, it may be possible to 'talk' to selected adversaries in a fashion that would be most disturbing to them."

Secretary of Defense William S. Cohen, Defense Viewpoint, December 1, 1998

Special Broadcasts #7 & #11have some of the best data:
Morgellons/Chemtrail Fibers Are Nanomachines
& Receive/Transmit Microwave, Radio, ELF, etc.

mp3 ( Lab Report for Broadcast #7 (Bestlabs in the country!)

Morgellons Broadcast #12 with JanSmith and Cliff Mickelson

"Morgellons Disease -- Living with aNightmare"
by Jan Smith
with incredible photos of fibers & other Morgellons
oddities that are growing in people

See These Vids of Mystery Nanomachines that Came from the Body of a Morgellon's Victim -- is this a hydroxyapatite crystal and fluorescent minerals? It has the 6-sided shape of a hydroxyapatite. Your bones have a hydroxyapatite as part of their makeup.

This vid shows the scale of the nano machine.


Chemtrail fibers submitted by Dr. Mike Castle, a high density polyethylene expert, were determined to be the same nanowire machines submitted by Morgellons sufferers to Dr. Staninger, an environmental toxicologist. MIT was one of the labs that identified these fibers as nanowires. According to Dr. Castle, they spray in every country except China and sub-Sahara Africa. But, it is known that China has Morgellons victims.

Morgellons sufferers report that one might not feel these implants until they are "switched on," i.e.. remotely accessed. The fibers copy DNA. Sufferers are reporting that "their hair is not their hair." A sample of hair was sent to these labs; it was determined to be pseudo hair. I know of two women who have tested positive for synthetic hair. These fibers are copying us. How much of us is being replaced with synthetic cells is not completely known at this time. The fiber material can create chimeric, pseudo-life forms that are often insect-like. Someof these fibers may receive and broadcast frequencies to create theselife forms and possibly disease.

Whether these fibers serve as implants for the transmissions frompsychotronic, resonance weapons or as a communications network is notknown, but the fibers can be classed definitely as an exotic weapon andfibers like these are used for intra-body has been referring to these fibers as "signalfibers," and we think this is somewhat of an accurate though limitedterm for them. They may epitomize the state of the art of geneticwarfare and disease-frequency warfare. The nano-machines cancopy DNA. DNA restrictor enzymes have been found in the chemtrailfallout.

A communicable nanotechnology invasion of human tissues in the form of self-assembling, self-replicating nanotubes, nanowires, nanoarrays with sensors, and other nano configurations, some carrying genetically-altered and spliced DNA/RNA. These nano machines thrive in extreme alkaline ph conditions and use the body's bio-electric energy and other (unidentified) elements for power. (People should *not* strive for an acidic ph - they should work for a normal pH of 7.5 +/-). There is some evidence these tiny machines possess their own internal batteries. They are also believed to be able to receive specific tuned microwave, EMF and ELF signals and information. ("Morgellons Defined,", April 5, 2007)

The fibers that were tested self-assemble, self-generate, and are self-motile. They can operate as a network. The fibers can communicate with each other. It is not clear how much of the movement seen in these fibers is due to resonance from electromagnetic energies. Many people who are victims of electromagnetic torture are also suffering from the Morgellons syndrome. Even people with no outward manifestation of Morgellons skin problems, can have the nano-machines in their bodies. Some of the major symptoms are sensations of pinpricks, crawling things under the skin, or feelings of being bitten by many bugs.

Morgellons seems to infest people more easily when their immune systems are not strong. Do you think the immune systems of people living on today's, toxic earth are compromised?

Bees navigate due to radio energies. Are the Morgellonsnanowire receivers that are in the environment interfering with thenavigation abilities of the bees? Or, maybe they are dyingfrom a fungus that is in the spray. Could they just get loopy from thesedatives in the spray and forget their way home? Do you still remember your wayhome?

ExoticWarfare is asking a lot of valid questions, and wants you to think for yourselves.

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Tee-shirt Photo -- Pat Stewart
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Notice -- The posting of stories, commentaries, reports, documents andlinks (embedded or otherwise) on this site does not in any way, shapeor form, implied or otherwise, necessarily express or suggestendorsement or support of any of such posted material or parts therein.

*ExoticWarfare is committed to resolving the exotic weapons issuelawfully and non-violently.

** We are not mental health professionals and cannot providediagnosis or treatment for true mental health problems nor counselingfor PTSD from DE torture or unwarranted, domesticsurveillance. But, we can BE there for you and makeauthorities understand that these are very, real issues.
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