Memet Kilic(Die Grünen), born Ali Güldane in 1967, is closely tied to this PSI-Terror and was a visitor to this turkish PSI-Group and was seen several times visiting the house where I was a neighbor (Humboldstrasse 24, 69120 Heidelberg-Neuenheim).
We have profound reasons to assume that there is a danger to the public. This turkish PSI-group has shown and proven more than once their homicidal nature. But is it sufficient to say they are simply psychopaths, sadists, sex-lunatics, perverts, deranged minds, PSI-rapists and saboteurs?
Of course, it is a tremendous election fraud, a tremendous political manipulation, since many years being clearly attributable to this turkish family and to Memet Kilic(Die Grünen). The origin of all modern political PSI-Terror, manipulations of society and of voters, terminal experiments in reality with numberless deadly consequences, the weakening of economy, rising numbers of school massacres and rampage actors and many other things more, all of this is attributable to the devastating psychological factor of experimental PSI-Terror or should we say experimentally political-PSI-Terror.
I am of the opinion, on the basis of detailed observation, that this was and is their full intend, all facts point in one direction.
By the way, the telepathic PSI-Group I am referring here and in my other blogs is not pictured anywhere together as a group in the internet. And the guys on Memet Kilics' Facebook page are not the real persons. There are family relationships between the turks from the PSI-Group and Memet Kilic, they are brothers and brothers in law and probably a sister. The real and actual perpetrators are different persons, according to what I came to know 8 turkish males and 2 turkish females, very special characters that one cannot overlook. Almost Voodoo-characters. But rumors say that single turks from this PSI-group are pictured and can be found in the internet.
If anyone is interested I can state what I believe actually to be a genuine picture from one of the persons of this turkish PSI-group from Heidelberg.
It appears these turks knew that continuously provoking, assaulting and insulting other citizens, authorities and other politicians can lead to serious consequences like crisis and states of emergency. I wondered about a telepathic phrase from them as early as 1999. After one very PSI-active night with barely or no sleep at all a female turk from this PSI-group, probably the sister, suddenly started over telepathy: " geht es nicht weiter, wir müssen den Notstand ausrufen....". I wondered very much about this in 1999, because nobody could imagine what that meant at that time. Today we know much better what is meant.
The last 20 years were a pure nightmare, synthetic terror, wars of economy, desaster capitalism, impoverishment of whole cities and generations and by far not enough jobs all that happened specifically before the background of PSI-methods, telepathy, psychokinesis and mindcontrol and with a concrete relation to Kilic Heidelberg, to one single turkish household, acting from a private apartment and terrorizing, provoking and molesting the rest of the world.
Supposedly the third world war can be precluded at all, strategists would swear. Others say, my person included, that PSI-Terror by Kilic is the one and the only authentic preliminary origin of all and every hatred, infinite rage, and all thinkable escalations in the last 30 years, and we have solid proof for this assumption. It was present over years and originally started in the 80's and always had most disastrous multidimensional impact. We all must understand, that this turkish PSI-Terror lead to disastrous consequences and that it is most probably about manipulating and programming people to permit and even endorse and then favor a war. Although it was and is a domestically perpetuated psychological warfare or state-sponsored-terrorism there is no reason to endorse a war. By sexually oriented PSI-Terror Memet Kilic(Die Grünen) and his turkish PSI-group incited almost all citizen to favor radical, pervert and inhuman living styles with much hatred present. He incites the general public and all generations and probably even benefits from his fatous experiments.
Now, 20....30 years later we know what it means if one single turkish household of deranged minds was permitted to continue their dubious and illegal domestic game in closest proximity to healthy citizens, without being removed, without being livelong commited to forensic institutions. It damaged and psycho-transformed a whole society and it finally catalyzes or catalyzed and provoked forms of international war or international wars. Kilic's PSI-Terror is a False-Flage-Operation, a combination of PSY(psychological) and PSI(telepathic) methods, together this is a dangerous combination because everybody in every condition can be incited.
Democracy, processes involving the masses are overruled by this Kilic PSI-group utilizing PSI-methods, PSI-manipulations and psychokinesis. Most frequent observed method is to overrule the unwitting and sleeping society by night with wild PSI-TERROR, Telepathy and sexually-oriented or genital-oriented Psychokinesis. Kilic's PSI-group stays very, very often awake(!) and then, overnight, democratic processes are developed further without the citizens. That's true! Exists since Kilic's first telepathic appearance in southern Germany and probably also back in Turkey.
- The repeated KILIC-PSI-TERROR we "experience" over and over again is also tied politically to the old "GLADIO" STAY BEHIND Army, once deemed to be necessary to fight the Russians, in the end just only a most maniac CIA/MOSSAD-NATO-TERROR-GROUP against civilians was formed, covered legally by CIA-Administratives in every country. A special situation arose when KILIC-PSI-GROUP was ordered to move to Heidelberg, Germany, only a few hundred meters away from a known US-NATO-Headquarter, because this was the point in time when, actually, PSI-Methods, telepathy and PK were to be molded in one giant intelligence/NATO-monster-Operation, even if this took KILIC some years to convince/persuade relevant people here or there, fact is, it became one giant operation.
- From today there seems to be no doubt about these illegal developments, but nevertheless it is a truth together with fraudulent investigations, highly politically biased opinions, clandestine pro-CIA opinions, fraudulent misconduct, corrupt judges and many other ugly things more that finally came to daylight. Also, we should never forget what the revengeful right-wing jewish agendas/politics brought to daylight, ALBERT EINSTEIN, the german-jewish physicist wrote as early as 1948 a most enlightening article in the N.Y. Times, condemning sharply recent right-wing developments in Israel and how equivalent they are compared to N.S. - Nazism.
- So this means, KILIC-PSI-TERROR must be understood as a modern part of an extended "GLADIO-STATE-SPONSORED-TERRORISM-PROG" combined with illegal, inhuman and cruel PSI-TERROR-Methods/KILIC-PSI-TERROR from Heidelberg, and as it looks, also tightly connected to the socalled "Moderate-Muslime-Prog.", all these are sub-features of the giant 80's Star-Wars-Prog., and it seems after developments in the 90's it became also effectively combined with Israel's Yedon-Plan, all this combined in one giant operative program, using former structures, operatives, agents. And look what came out: all those criminals managed to keep their jobs and do more illegal, inhuman, cruel crimes against humanity. All those developments wouldn't have been possible without illegal KILIC-PSI-TERROR. KILIC is a criminal and a war/terror-maker. Without this family it seems questionable if all those pervert developments would have happened. Developments go back to the very early years of the US-Remote-Viewing-Prog. back in 1981...1982 maybe. And the problem is, what developed hasn't much to do with self-defense(UN-Charta), it is about synthetic TERRORISM, existing former programs from the 80's against civilians, it's about perpetual warfare/war/terror and it's about the biggest fraud we can imagine. We must never forget that all these details must be taken together into one whole and truthful picture of what cruel things developed on our planet.