Its been a good week since I been able to get online here, I finally figured out what browser was compatible, all I did all day was clean and all I could think about is how not to go down hill I got my black teas my healthy liver foods and a grounding matt and a good couple of emf absorbing stones but may not be enough picked myself up a sewing machine for something to do. They were so loud I could barley function today that and there constant picking...  I still have yet to finish getting stocked up so I can sit here for a good month without leaving the house I'm dieing to get out for a bike ride half wondering how to construct a tent out of maylar or tin foil that's affordable and re useable for the living room if anyone has any ideas I'd love to hear them, if i come up with something strong enough I'll be sure to post the plans, for now I've been sleeping under a maylar car blanket which doesn't do enough, I had it on the windows which mind you made the apartment look like a meth lab and did not do anything i've thought about leather curtains if i can one day afford it for now ive constructed something out of denim patches of old jeans and I have yet to get the other panel on to test if the sound still comes through.... wondering if i end up sewing the car blankets into the curtains or a tent with out the reflective side sticking out does it still work? half thinking about putting one of those cooler bags from freshco over my head with the reflective side out and wondering how many of those i could patch together...

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