Posted by mikal haley on December 17, 2008 at 12:30am
"The word 'deception' is an interesting one because it would be wrong to use the word in any context other than a strategic or tactical deception. For example, if the Special Forces of the United States were getting ready to undertake a direct action against a Al Qaeda stronghold someplace in Afghanistan, and they want to come in from the west, they may very well do things that will lead the people in that enclave to think they're coming in from the north instead of from the west. And that would be characterized as tactical deception.It seems to me that what people have to understand about this is very clear: number one, government officials, the Department of Defense, this secretary and the people that work with me tell the American people the truth. And to the extent anyone says anything that at any time proves to have been not accurate, they correct it at the earliest possible opportunity. I've read some of these articles that are floating around, and my advice is to think of it the way I've just described it: That's the way it works. That's the way it has worked. That's the way it will work in the future."Secretary of Defense Donald H. RumsfeldDuring a press briefing on February 20, 2002Psychotronic For The People. Apply Directly To The Forehead.-The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is an agency of the United States Department of Defense responsible for the development of new technology for use by the military. DARPA was responsible for funding development of many technologies which have had a major impact on the world, including computer networking (starting with the ARPANET, which eventually grew into the Internet), as well as NLS, which was both the first hypertext system, and an important precursor to the contemporary ubiquitous graphical user interface.Its original name was simply Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA), but it was renamed DARPA (for Defense) on March 23, 1972, then back to ARPA on February 22, 1993, and then back to DARPA again on March 11, 1996.==========================================NO, Al Gore didn't "invent the internet." it's still being invented in fact, still expanding and despite the denials of Christoids, still evolving. As all things are.It's always been STUPID of Christoids to imply that there is an infinite and omniscient God, and then claim absurdly that that God could not EVOLVE. That said "God" could not do things that a weak limited opportunist like Charles Darwin simply came up with.(I still am glad that Nietzche is dead, though.)What Al Gore did was engineer legislation to make sure that Rumsfeld could not keep DarpaNet -- and thus the Internet -- just to himself.The moronic duplicity of those who lie via denial and hope to be taken seriously as legitimate journalists. The whole truth. People's heads aren't going to explode if they learn the truth.But they might explode if Rummy's evil weapons stay trained on them too long. Oh, maybe...Secretary Rumsfeld Media Availability En Route to Chile[Excerpt on DARPA'S Total Information Awareness program]November 18, 2002Q: [Admiral Poindexter?]Rumsfeld: Well, you know it recalls to memory the front-page stories across the nation about weapons in space last year. The next morning I was prepared to brief about the space commissions organizational recommendation. Cartoons followed, op-ed pieces followed.Then of course when the military commissions came up, the immediate response was, I think it was something like "oh summary executions, torture!" I can't imagine who would say something like that. But that is what was said and "what has happened?" We've had a perfectly rational group of very distinguished legal experts, both political parties of all political persuasions, have come together to advise us and we've made our announcements of how we're going to plan on how to handle these things if and when somebody is heaved over the transit to us, and everyone's now relaxed.And then there was the office of strategic influence. You may recall that. And "oh my goodness gracious isn't that terrible, Henny Penny the sky is going to fall." I went down that next day and said fine, if you want to savage this thing fine I'll give you the corpse. There's the name. You can have the name, but I'm gonna keep doing every single thing that needs to be done and I have.That was intended to be done by that office is being done by that office, NOT by that office in other ways.Q: (inaudible)Rumsfeld: Now. We're now into a new one of these where people are, ready shoot, aim. I would recommend that people take a nice big deep breath and look at the pattern in the past and rather than assuming the worst, they get their sea legs, make some inquiries, learn something.Now, the short answer to your question is no, I can't explain it. I don't know much about it. And what I do know, I'm not sure I understand completely which is not surprising. I spent a good chunk of my recent life, a couple of decades in defense development, in technologies, I'm sorry pharmaceuticals, in electronics.What you do is take money and invest it in forward-looking things, in things that you don't know much about. Things that may not ever happen, but things if they do happen might very well be helpful. And as you go down that road, very often there are non-intuitive paths that you end up following that you didn't understand when you began.Indeed in pharmaceutical research, if you go back, much of what we benefit from today was arrived at serendipitously. It was not something that someone set out to do. You take intelligent people, give them a focus and direction and provide them with some money.Now what is going on in DARPA? DARPA was the beginnings of the Internet. When the network began the people doing it had no idea that what would evolve would be what we see today. It never crossed their minds.Package switching and various things came as a result of various contracts with RAND. It's been an amazing thing in the world. What is going on in DARPA today is exactly that kind of activity. You've got a bunch of very talented people working internally, dealing a lot of talented people outside the institution, taking some small fraction of the taxpayers money, investing it and to see if we can't find ways to do things better.One of the tasks that you'll find in DARPA, meaning the Defense Advanced Research and Development. What is the A?Whitman: Agency.Rumsfeld: Of course, that was a test to see if you are as sharp as Torie. And indeed you are. I lost one letter in another of a billion acronyms. ================Pharmaceuticals.Electronics.As in: take diet pepsi -- which Rumsfeld was part of "inventing"-- including a bizzare substance that reportedly turns to formaldehyde in the body -and add the HIGH FREQUENCY ACTIVE AURORAL RESEARCH PROJECT -- a powerful MICROWAVE EMITTER constantly hammering the lower atmosphere with microwave beams that bounce right back down to earth and into your skull.Maybe also some Monsanto chemicals that you would need, well, let's say A BACKGROUND IN PHARMECEUTICALS to understand as far as their effects on the human body. What do you have?well,with microwaves plus food one ordinarily has meals.add, uh, human brainsand we now return you to BOHEMIAN GROVE starring The New World Order already in progress.All over the Earth and deep into space.