The Scarborough Hospital(TSH), a public hospital of Ontario, Canada, commit “medical torture”, conspiring with Toronto Police. They performed mental status exam (MSE) in my home without my “informed consent”. When I found something strange during that MSE by a nurse of TSH, I wrote a request for the access to my full medical record. They refused my request by stating: “ I would like to inform you again that it is standard and legal practice for mental health professionals to destroy such notes…” However, the deputy minister of Ministry of Health and Long-tem Care of Ontario said in his email to me: Medical record must keep at least 10 years.

The most important parts of my medical record which I insist are as follows:

1)Handwritten note by the nurse who performed MSE in my home

2)The voice recording of that MSE ( One medical professional stated they must have it. If you can hear that recording, you will realize how they commit medical torture. )  
3)The telephone recording between Toronto Police and The Scarborough Hospital

From the telephone intake index which I got from TSH ,which I posted as supporting evidence, after seeing the highlighted parts, you can find how they fabricated my medical record ( The second person fabricated that index.).
The Scarborough Hospital has committed medical torture. However, the ministry and the local government refused to look into it. For the details, please see this video below. Under this video, I listed some supporting evidence. They hack and block all of them. Even, they blocked the link regarding “torture and medical torture” which the Canadian Government created. I corrected them several times. They must hack back.
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