The spirit of rebellion
Most people in this world do not care about the soundness of our political systems. As long as they have a job and money in the bank, they are willing to look the other way. This is especially true in China. Some will even take advantage of the political systems and be parasites. In other words, they will abuse the political systems for self gain.
We are placed in this world to serve and to love. But sadly most people are in league with the spirit of rebellion. That is the reason why Papa YAHUVAH is getting so mad at them. My advice is do not be one of them. Hell is forever. Once you get to hell there is no chance of coming out. Your suffering will be forever.
For those of you who will take heed of this message, please go to and read the salvation prayer to get saved. We are here to love one another and to edify one another. Now is the time for salvation, tomorrow maybe too late. Learn to do the Ten Commandments. Learn about the biblical festivals. Learn about our Saviour YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH.
Lastly, politicians around the world are treating economy as God. They will pay for their mistakes.
Thank you for reading this message.