News from Michael Aebi
Dear Friends
I am nonstop tortured by the Swiss Governement/Regime since 2007-2011. The Deadsquad wich is set behinde me have activ tried to kill me (13 attempts),prevent that i can reach the Swiss Justicesystem. Since okt.2010 i tried several times to file Courtcases to the European Court for Human Rights and the ICC International Criminal Court,the Swiss Governement/Regime /Deadsquad have snatchd my Files from the Postdeliveryservice (Post & Fedex/DHL) in Trinidadand Tobago (my Residence). In February 2011 i have reciefed a Lettre from the European Court for Human Rights wich state that i have to sent further evidence to the Court,the Lettre lookt genuine but by the second look i have noticed that the Stamp on the Envelope read "Zuerich/Muelligen8010/Swisspost"?????
Info: In the 70is the Swiss Governement/Regime have been approched by the White Governement/Regime from South Africa to help finding a way to control,sickening,manipulate and killing the Blacks. The Swiss owned Wepon Technology Factory "RUAG" was awarded the Contract...then there was a Whistleblower and the whole "Thing" went Public but the Swiss Governement/Regime shot down all Pressreleases and the Skandal was gone in a Week (Pressmanipulation).....But the Swiss Governement/Regime have obviosly continued the developement of the programme and used now on there own People and operating via Satellite Worldwide,. The Victms ar illegally implanted whit electronicaly readable Implants...the rest is op to your imagination...a unbelivable Crime....see my
Michael Aebi 18. 3. 2011 ...........under 24/7 torture since 5.sept.2007