So, if you're in the US, you know that the FBI frames a good deal of people. It's comical. It's almost as funny as their new technology that disrupts normal brain function. What they're using on me now seems to be temporary because it'll shut off when I do other activities.
They're trying to train me to not write. It isn't going to work. I flip them off and do it anyway. While my sentence structure becomes corrupted at times, or I use the wrong word, sitting down to write is actually easier. Now I can write for days on end. I have to outline more.
It's not like I ever get published anyway, nothing big, but they have decided, by God, I'm a target, and they're going to take care of it. I just watch people rush around me on every side, getting ahead, so as usual, the FBI is accomplishing nothing. Just like with the original COINTEL PRO, the black people triumphed.
They're using me as the only one they can control. It gives them a false sense that they're doing something productive.
I was trying to write the other day and all of a sudden half of my body became numb. I felt strange sensations occurring in the left hemisphere of my brain, and I was unable to recognize letters for a few minutes. I felt really weak all of a sudden.
They said that I was "getting in on their good" by writing, which is a joke. She said she couldn't damage my brain anymore, or I'd be retarded. I think I am.
I think they like paying all my bills. They tried to make me look developmentally disabled for my evaluation, but they failed that too.
They can't do anything right.
LOL Did you know that a truly retarded person managed to kill one of them, and he was given the death penalty, even though he was actually retarded? They're morons. They'll never get anywhere.