The Tin Foil Hat Club
This web site is solely for the understanding and preparing of all who are targeted individuals of radio frequency mind control, also known as electronic gang stalking. Today we all face the great beast that has developed technologies that can make us think we are going crazy, possessed with demons and even become murderous to our own loved ones. Anyone who thinks they are immune to this technology may possibly be under psycho control or influence already. This is a problem for every man, woman, and child on the face of this planet. This technology is part of the coming beast system, which will and is being used to conform us through electronic torture means.
The mark of the beast is only one avenue of deception in which Satan and his angels are carrying out their last days strategy to take as many as possible to the lake of fire with them. Do not allow yourself to be chipped, vaccinated and brainwashed into thinking it is safe and no harm will come of it!
As more information is made available it will be posted for your review.In Jesus Christ Services
Wayne Morin Jr
This is a Christian Minister who is blowing the whistle on Gangstalking - Listen to his sermons and share with other KJV Bible believing Christians and send him a warm Thank You.