The trap beam electrons by mail: OUR AURA ELECTROMAGNETIC
Posted by Paragon DOES NOT HAVE the October 10, 2014 at 1:43 AMView blog
An atom without electrons !!! THE AURA ELECTROMAGNETIC mythical.
Would you like psychically raping a Martian from home?
Just inoculate nanoparticles microchip or something .... invading your space with positron emissions which are the antimatter electron. And a golf interior light was generated, with the consequent bubble bioplasma.
Wow with FREE WIFI system that is going to love will have controlled us all.
OUTMET, wow for all satellites.
And the casting data
Datacasting (data broadcasting) is the transmission of data over a wide area via radio waves. It most often refers to the additional information sent by television stations along with digital television, but also can be applied to digital signals analog TV or radio. Usually it does not apply to data that is inherent to the medium, such as PSIP data that defines virtual channels to DTV systems or direct broadcast satellites; or for things like cable modem or satellite modem, using a completely separate data channel.


"In physics, EBIT stands for electron beam ion trap or ion trap electron beam. This is a device that allows ionize atoms, creating positively charged ions are trapped by the electric field these electrons induced by its negative charge.'s a compact device that allows to reach higher states of ionic charge, reaching to
I start all electrons even heavier elements, including uranium U92 + to the level that is leaving the bare core electrons. "

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