The truth behind a most recent NYT article

The clown that wrote the NYT article had been corresponding with DR.Robert Duncan,a well known whistleblower in the TI community.What Duncan said in the interview was omitted...Here's what Duncan posted to FB shortly after.I said that I would tell the public what was asked by the NY Timesreporter with my responses if he didn't publish it. I was irrelevant tohis interview. Hopefully Mike won't be upset that I posted this. Youknow who to thank for smearing my credibility on the internet and hencecreated his own demise, A.F. Be sure to thank A.F. for perpetuating yoursuffering and the many aliases he uses."-- Is it correct thatyou worked on some kind of “voice-of-god” weapons for the C.I.A.? Couldyou describe that work and when you did it? And what makes you certainthat it is being deployed against TIs?Yes. The CIA was not theonly interested party. The Pentagon and DARPA had great interest in ittoo. I need to be careful here on what I tell the public. The militaryapplications were quite transparent. I worked on the AI (artificialintelligence) natural language responses. They are broadly called"chatter-bots". They are useful in occupation of the target mind fordisablement, NLP (neural linguistic programming), and interrogation.From an unknowledgeable observer's perspective the target will appearcrazy and easily discredited. The CIA formerly used mostly LSD and othersubstances that would perform similar functions.I haveinterviewed over a thousand self proclaimed victims of this newertechnology that uses old mind hacking tactics. I have only includedabout half of those people in my studies because naturally occurringschizophrenia does exist but these sets of technologies can "drive atarget crazy with voices". With "V2K", as the army called it, or "voiceof god" technology, the vocabulary and sentences that the target "hears"is a dead giveaway for the methods used to break the human spirit andprobe the memory of the target for reprogramming.-- Who is behind this? And what’s to gain from torturing U.S. citizens this way?There are many stake holders. A weapon more powerful than the atomicbomb for influencing populations is quite sought after by manycountries. It is another arms race.When weapons are "field tested"they need to be very secretive. The database for the probabilitymatrices of the efficacy on each culture and language needs to be donefor improvements, development, and evolution of the AI system. Doing itworld-wide is necessary for other reasons too. The testing needs to bedone in a way that few researchers could statistically discover outliersin the people complaining of such torture. In the far future countryboundaries will be less important, so the system needs to work on allpeople.-- There are records going back to antiquity of peoplehearing voices in their heads. How do you ascertain whether the voicesheard by TIs are a product of “voice-of-god” weapons?True. Mosestalked to a burning bush. From a psychologist's perspective, theincreased number of people complaining of non-stop talking in theirheads can be explained away by stresses of modern society. It is aperfect cover story. For "area 51", it was UFOs. For "the Philadelphiaexperiment" for RADAR jamming experiments, the cover story was they wentback in time.A different technology often called the Frey'smicrowave hearing effect and another called LRAD were used in the GulfWar to say in their local language, "I am Allah. Lay down your arms." Ifthe communication appears non-directional, it is easy for religiouscultures to believe it is their God of choice speaking to them.-- Could you explain disinfo agents? I think I saw someone accusing you of being a disinfo agent somewhere.Technically they are called "offensive information warfare" or"psychological operations" units. Most countries have those divisions.It is a good sign that they don't plan an assassination if they try thatfirst on you. In fact, one of their tactics on the internet is to pointthe finger at someone else, while the other three are pointing back atthem. Could just be their paranoia or mistakes that I have made.-- How do you think this all ends?Let me give you a couple possible futures.1) Here is how the TI community would like it to end. They would liketo see the story go mainstream around the world. They would like to see acongressional investigation more deep than the Frank Church Hearingsover MKULTRA. They would like an apology to the world TI citizens,regulations passed, and compensated for their participation innon-consensual human experimentation.2) More probably this willhappen. The "Brain Initiative" will achieve progress in the next 10-20years. The government will hold their position that it was just inventedat that time. They will not reveal the many technologies already in useuntil they are rediscovered in the public sector. Regulations will bepassed but no agency will be capable of enforcing them. Schizophreniawill have a cure through modern brain entertainment technologies.Society will have the debate over freewill. Those who join a hive mindbecome more intelligent and employable, and society bifurcates betweenthe Luddites and the hive mind. People like me will develop a type of"firewall" for the human mind. 40 years from now the majority of thepopulation might read TI history and believe the experiments occurredand maybe a future UN leader will issue an apology.Empathy onlyoccurs in humans if that human can recall or imagine a similarexperience derived through the senses. No blood or torture marks, noempathy.-- Finally, how large do you think the population of TIs is in the U.S.?That is an impossible question to answer. There are many experimentsgoing on where the pleasure centers of the brain are stimulated and theytalk to a kind god. This group is not vocal in public trying toalleviate their pain. They often get a Jesus complex. According to anArmy intelligence officer, the Russians were bombarding the U.S. in the1970's with psychotronic microwave brain entrainment frequencies to calmthe population. Perhaps everyone is slightly affected. TIs are just thepopulation enduring the extreme experiments of splitting personalitiesand using Monarch Programming methods.Numbers from supportgroups based on those who are vocal, speak some English, and know how touse the internet would imply a minimum population of ten thousandpeople world-wide. Clearly given those restrictions, the number must bemuch larger."
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