The founder and leader of the World Economic Forum, Klaus Schwab set up 'The Global Leaders for Tomorrow School' in 1992. It was later renamed as the 'Young Global Leaders School'. Those who have been schooled at that school have been schooled to think only as a collective school and not as individuals. There are now working as international politicians and corporate leaders throughout most if not all countries in the world. They remain in close contact for the most part and they co-ordinate the same policies all over the world.
They have been injected with bio-technology to the extent that they can no longer think their own thoughts. (This is known as mind slide programming.) They have intra-brain nano-networks in their brains which is a type of software which allows others to program their thoughts to a precise degree. They have become fascist and fanatical. Their aim is to enslave their fellow men and women of the entire world by forcing them to submit to the wills of the one world government controllers.
Undeclared bio-technology is being found in all vaccines which have been examined by independent scientists throughout the world. Therefore if you have been vaccinated you also have a network of bio-technology inside your brain and body by now. Your thoughts are being externally influenced. In spite of this capability to heavily control the minds, the emotions and the physical bodies of those who have nano networks inside them, some people are not mind controllable. Those who are in chronic pain or who suffer from chronic anxiety or who have unresolved trauma in their minds are unprogrammable for the most part. The above information is heavily censored by corporate owned Big Media because those who wish to enslave us own and control Big Media.
Please view the following online links for more information about intra-body nano-networks.
We need to urgently destroy the nano technology which is now inside our bodies and brains. We also must stop all chemtrail spraying of the skies over our heads and we must have all of the transmitters and receivers throughout the world disassembled and banned urgently. Please share this article widely.
I and many other men and women throughout the Republic of Ireland and the rest of the world are being wirelessly experimented on from unknown remote locations by wireless means because bio-medical sensors and other technology which has been injected into our bodies are being stimulated by unknown neuro operatives. My name is gretta fahey from Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Eircode F12 Y560, Republic of Ireland.