It's a crime to watch me through satellite,but it's a sin to comment on it. Barb Ickelikes to write articles that indirectly attackme and so she gets voted number one newsreporter in the Quad Cities. The guys inthe Quad Cities who come on to me, theyget their own shows. The know it all'sat the Quad City Times, they get to keeptheir jobs after running me out the door.Ah, home. What a feeling of utter contempt,of bad politics and cruel weather. And thenthey thank God they don't have the crimeof Chicago.Do they have to watch me?No, they don't have to be criminals.Do they have to comment on me?No, they don't have to go to hell.Could they have helped me instead?You bet. But all bets are off.This is a contest of who loses the most.Funny how I never even entered.It gets even worse.They are watching me being torturedand still slam me on their jobs,the jobs they get paid money for andhating me that I get money from thegovernment while I try to fight peoplelike them as my full-time job.Ah, home. Hand-held through hellno rising water could help.
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