There's a rat in the kitchen

oh my head. My family members are not who they say they are. They are supporting the gangstalkers. The gangstalkers have taking over their minds.They listen to the app of the gangstalkers. Nobody calls me and talks about it. They don' t worry about me, why is that. They are interested in the gangstalkers word. He uses my dreams against me. I've met a man on a datingsite we 've been talking to off and on for more than 3 months now. They say he's in love with your sister. Leave him give him to your her. My other sister daid the same. They lie when I ask them what they said. My date said Nice and he said nice distraction. Not again I said. My sister is after my date she called his name and said something to my cousin. I can't recover it got ugly inside my head. I started having these dreams about them them having sex. The gangstalkers are using this. Your sister is with him they say. My sister wouldn' t hesitate to steal from me. I seeing stuff him and her together. If I am in love and I am " mean" she would go after the man I love. I loved him so much. Every single day they use it.The bullied me so much I cried. The gangstalkers are bullying and bullying me. I Hope their heart gets broken like mine did. Mind fucking. They mind fuck me. I was aneamic and weak when this happenend. I just talked to him and he said nice to my skirt and the gangstalkers laughed. We' re friends now. My love is fading away. They keep on mind fucking me about the situation.  They infiltrate. They hate my life.

My sisters really don't love me. They talk behind my back about gangstalking. Nobody has the decency to talk to me about it. In a sick way they enjoy it. It is sick. Who lets her own sister be raped and keep silent. That is the only way she"ll find love . That is what I believe they think. They are not interested in my well being. Their life is Ok. I'm kind hearted but because of caracter asasination nobody believes me. The alter ever thing. How can you listen to their junk. Will they ever break free. The gangstalkers messed my head up. I know things. I know things before it happens. My dreams use to come true. The gangstalkers still say it's true what you've dreamt. They love negitivity. They hate peace. They use a little bit of thruth to make me believe them. Aeroplanes harass me. Dogs harass me. People harass me. I can' t clean my house, without they bully me. I hope they end up in a pigsty. Pick this up pick that up. They are jealouse of me. I need someone to talk to. 

Your sister this is this your is that they say. They bully me with every thing I go through. When I am angry they put everything on their app.  People will know. We did it they can say. We bullied her good,  we're happy. They listen to the result. It's for happiness this app. Have a go hurt her they say.  I' ve seen a movie about something like this.  You' re in a cirle and the bullies keep kicking you.  Yhey killed her in the end. Nobody will understand this how this have happend.  Sofiticate people joyning in. Using all kind of dirty excuse to hurt me. 

Well Bye bye for now, 

Angeline Klas

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