%2834%29Bushs%20decade%20of%20brain%20DARPA-Cyberkinetics-new%20technology%20for%20Mind%20control.jpgI am sorry but my case is a little differnt from most,They have harm my grandcheildren with their techology and i am angry about this.My commumications eqipment is suposed to go down today.I have att&t but i gess they don't want to shut down my eqipment for i am paying them to hurt my family and have been for many years.I have a document that says ATT&T Bell Labs and GTE Labs Advanced Commications R& D equiment is part of Bush's decade of the Brain here is a document that states this.Every month we pay these people to harm and kill our familys in the worse way,please understand that i know how everything is being done to the people from A to Z but it seems that no one cares about this or they are afraid of the Truth.This document is hand writing but i have all documents about this.I am going back in time where they can't harm my family anymore, this includes commumications equipment and Smart Meter.I will post what happens when all my commuication eqipment goes down. Thanks and God Bless!!
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