Toronto Police, Canadian torturers keep me under their surveillance, especially, internet surveillance. And, they hack me everything, that is, anything you can imagine.
How about international human rights organizations and UN? “ No one can be invulnerable” now matter who you are, UN Human Rights Council, UN Committee Against torture, IRCT, Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International, OMCT, World Without Torture…
A few days ago, I have shown you they hacked UN Human Rights Council, UN Committee Against torture facebook’s walls. You may have seen that.
Now I show you how they hacked Human Rights Watch facebook’s wall. Here is the photos of my post regarding “ Doctors and Medical Torture” which was defined by Canadian Government. They hacked this link I provided.!/photo.php?fbid=680088382058477&set=pcb.680088442058471&type=1&theater!/photo.php?fbid=680088412058474&set=pcb.680088442058471&type=1&theater
Here is the hacked link:
Here is the real link :
Toronto Police, Canadian torturers may argue like this : We hack his posts. We don’t hack UN’s. I provide the facts and evidence to UN and some international human rights organizations. They stop me and don’t want them to be seen. So, no difference at all.
Why are Toronto Police, Canadian torturers so unscrupulous? That is fear behind unscrupulousness. What do they fear? More and more people have realized this is torture, systematic torture by Toronto Police, Canadian torturers, which is rare and hair-raising in the world.
Canadian torture victim
Robin Yan