The police in my condo and Chinese couple, my neighbor listen up:

You will be responsible for what you are doing.

This Chinese couple, their status was so vague.They both don't work over 8 years. They are not only helping Toronto police ,Canadian torturers torture me, but they are harassing their downstairs neighbor, who was over 65. They let their two kids jump and run over his head and over his room . He talked to the Condo's office. This couple keep going. Why? There are two policemen in our condo.


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  • Torturers, and their superiors, need to hear the following message loud and clear: however powerful you are today, there is a strong chance that sooner or later you will be held to account for your inhumanity," Pillay said.

     "Torture is an extremely serious crime, and in certain circumstances can amount to a war crime, a crime against humanity or genocide," she added in a statement to mark Saturday's International Day for the Victims of Torture.

     The High Commissioner for Human Rights urged governments, the United Nations and campaign groups "to ensure that this message is backed by firm action."

     "No one suspected of committing torture can benefit from an amnesty. That is a basic principle of international justice and a vital one," Pillay added.

  • Sue,  if you see were truly ignoring it,  how would you know whether or not it went away? 

  • I give up. Believe whatever you want.  If you are going to discount what Annie, Kathleen,  aoiija, and myself say, so be it.  I will no longer bother you.  I sincerely hope you get relief from the things you know work!

  • this video shows two guys walking a a half block down the street. this guy is stalking people in the subway. He mentions a TI that killed some people he thought were stalkers. this guy pulls up next to people and records them, claiming that they are stalking him. He thinks the fact that they were there again means something about him.  They could meet there to smoke cigarettes at fuwork break. here's a TI that certainly has gone nuts! The guy is on the oofensive and becomes the stalker as he harasses people on the public road. NOtice if he had been watching a soccer match instead of looking out his window with a camera, he would never even have known about drivers pulling over to text!

    Do you think any of these videos are showing actual stalkers? If so please check yourself into the nearest psych ward.  The only stalkers were holding the cameras.  If they had been knitting or playing6 chess,  they never would have had a need to stalk people with those cameras. 

  • David of Tomorrow:
    You didn't read my words. I DO see the criminal neighbors, they avoid me when I meet them in the yard ( not the case b4 my targeting). I also see the GF leaving in the morning. This is the prove that the flat is occupied. They host the perps and they participate in the EH. For the heels, I saw the recruited big girls wearing very high heels, she couldn't even walk with. I saw her through my windows when she left after spending ago of time following me in every place of my flat SO this is real ( seen) and not V2K.
    As for the stalkers, I saw the same faces many times and I am wise enough to make the difference btw normal people and a stalker, ex: the one who is standing at the bus station scotched to his phone. The indiscreet look at the target. It could be an innocent person waiting for the bus BUT surprise, this innocent person will not take the bus, he will simply leaves once you are in the bus!!! An other ex: you go out late in the night ( grocery) and you find someone ( with the phone in action) in front of your residence, he will turn to hide his face when you notice him ( this typical now, all the stalkers in communicatin will turn once I look at them because they know I recognize them). Why would a normal INNOCENT person hides his face while using his/ her phone?
    I am aware of the sound they can make to fool TIs. They put helicopter sound in my head to let me think that I was followed by all the govt institutions although, I can make the difference btw real and illusion. My situation is different as well as my targeting. You say ignor the sound ( i can also ignor the stalkers) . I agree with you , this would be achieved with a little effort BUT how can I ignor the torture? The burning hot iron on my scalp, the electric shocks to all the brain parts, the headache 24/7, the sleep deprivation since 2012?? I would love to know and i am sure my life would be more easier than now.

    For example, Ciblee repeatedly says she never sees anyone upstairs from her. She refuses to listen to me, Annie, Kathleen when we say that the perps can and do make sounds of people upstairs. It frightens her. Thats why they do it. If Ciblee ignored the sound (how hard is it to ignore them?) The perps would quit using the trick. How many times do i have to say this
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