My name is Steve Bolen,
I may have already been in contact with some of you about my research. For those of you who don't know, a real solution has been found. This one technology will shield you from the torture, hide your inferred signature, shield you from radar, disable chips, even reverse the DNA damage caused by these microwave weapons. please research the following information to verify for yourselves that this IS the first real solution ever. I am leading this new research myself with a small team of scientists and technitions and request any volunteers with any technical background to help in this work. To anyone else reading, please forward this to every victim, every activist, and every politition you know who is trying to help the most tortured individuals in our society. To victims who believe they have found relief: the perps control the volume and radiation intensity to allow our community to believe anything from farraday cages to cassette tape film works, this is done deliberatly to confuse us so we never find real solutions. please don't be fooled by this. The weapons are microwave beams (electron beam). Here is a short list of things that do not deflect electron beams. Any kind of metal, other than polarized. aluminium, which also leads to alzheimers. Videotape, farraday cages, EMF shielding plate, EMF jamming devices, lead, pot lids, EMF shielding fabrics, and any other attempt you've made other than powerful magnets. Metal also amplifies the signal for them, they turn down the radiation to allow victims to believe anything works. Go over victim testimonies, notice how all of these things work for some victims and not for others. Here is a list of things that will deflect electron beam and disable chips. Magnetic fields, staticelectric fields, electric fields, and electromangetic fields. If you google " Deflection of electron beams youtube", you will see a pair of helmholtz coils deflecting a visible electron beam in a magnetic field, that beam is exactly what's being aimed at us carrying EMF signals to and from the brain of remote-neural-monitoring victims. A low pressure gas chamber is the only reason those beams on youtube are visible. Without the low pressure gas chambers they would be invisible. My research is leading to the development of magnetic field generating solutions. common magnets will not work for beam deflection, only in some relief. If you know anyone with any technical or scientific background please have them contact us, you would be a great asset to our research for the real solution. It is also the magnetic field that will restore our DNA, even curing aids and cancer. please research all of this information, it is the real basics every victim and every company should know, and IS the only solution. we all need to understand this and get organized on this one solution. also i know first hand the torture we all experience, remember there is power in prayer. Any help is greatly appreciated.
Thank you for your time.
Sincerely Mr. Bolen
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Yes It's Valid I'm on the Team with him !!
Peace & Love