This is the aftermath after I filed complaints against Toronto Police, Canadian torturers!


I must specify the way how they torture me or other victims economically.


Whatever I did in one company and no matter how happy my boss was with me, in the end, I was fired or forced to quit my jobs within 2 ,3 or 4 months. They fired me without any written reasons. When I went for job interviews, Toronto police parked their cars not far from my car. When I began to work, police arrested some employee of this company and released him 4 hours later. And local government checked this company’s account for a long time. I worked for another company as sales manager. When I visited my customer, police car just parked at the customer’s entrance... And all my telephones have been hacked and interfered. ( One technician confirmed.) I can hardly use my own phones.!/photo.php?fbid=677972065603442&set=a.150339425033378.34750.100001719652877&type=1&theater




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