This is typical TI treatment......

I believe I had seizure Monday. Went to neurologist yesterday, he put 2 big needles in back of my head with lidocaine to stop the pressure. I was also bleeding from the ears and falling down right in front of him. My fogginess also showed and I took a friend who explained how my memory is slipping and I can't remember when I let the dog out, when I've eaten or where I'm at.. I used to have a steel trap memory one year ago and my neurologist knows that... The only thing he gave as reasoning for symptoms presented was possible migraines. He did not order any tests and asked if I had any tests recently. When I said yes 3 and the EEGs had spikes but the interpretations said they were normal you, doctor said that was fine. His reply, no spike on an EEG is fine???? I have been going to this doctor for 15 years. He is now speaking out of both sides of his mouth about my test results, not following through on diagnosing me on what is wrong in my brain and sends me on my way with no explanations. The only good thing is he is taking me off all medicines by end of August. What neurologist has a patient walk in saying they had a seizure, their right arm is numb, they have bleeding from the ears (which he verified) and then sends her on her way with no follow up????And yes I have gone to a second neurologist, the university of Pennsylvania ... They were just as bad....This is how a true TI does not get adequate care.. I have several stories, some worse than this.. It's time to start writing a book....
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