MODERATOR PINK GIRL (peace pink girl moderator)
Why peacepink was born?
The purpose of creating was to support Worldwide Campaign to stop THE ABUSE AND TORTURE OF MIND CONTROL TECHNOLOGIES AND DIRECTED ENERGY WEAPONS; to bring victims together and help each other; to expose such horrible crime to public; to seek supporting from public to stop the secret abuses and tortures of mind control technologies and directed energy weapons. It offers its users the opportunity to connect with people locally and globally, share photos, videos, create events and discussions, postblogs and join groups. The etymology of the name of the community, inspired by the Rose pink family Rosaceae(Rosa chinensis 月季, pinyin, yueji) and that the language of flowers means peace love and care.
It is a community of diversity and is open to receive new members from all cultural backgrounds. All members are free to give their own opinions; all opinions are respected and appreciated. Peacepink welcome donations from individuals, organizations, and corporations.
to bring victims together and help each other;
The problem of social networks is the tone. Often, the tone of the messages, emails and comments is misunderstood by personal selfishness. The study of psychology is crucial to our community.
As we all victims in mind kontrol with a side of perps, nervousness and stress is greater.
The possibility of misunderstanding the tone is greater. I think exceed 50%. According to the study that was published Nicholas Epley, a psychologist at the University of Chicago [6] in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology [7], we understand perfectly the
tone of an email in only 50% of cases, although we expect that to happen much more often. The study, carried out on 60 students arranged in pairs, revealed that each interpreted the tone of the
email according to your mood of the moment. For Epley it depends on a form of selfishness and inability to break your mood perceptions surrounding. As shown in this study, in emails which causes misunderstandings, and can give rise to conflict situations. A fortiori, in a situation of chat or forum, where the mediation of the interaction is added to the speed with which we interact, the misunderstandings are even more likely.
Source wikipedia
mercoledì 6 agosto 2014 03:34:23
This to all of you who spend your majority of time in here mainly making complains over spams, trolls, other members etc, or mobbing other members.
First of all I have a hard time understanding how you can spend your energy (usually when being a TI energy is quite low due to torture..) acting like a mob against another member. Do you really think it will have an impact on our situation? Dont you want to use your energy on more productive things? This person you have decided to accuse, remember, he or she is a victim like yourself and suffer just as much.
I find it discusting reading some things, its like kindergarten in one way, with very low methods, not to talk about the words and language used. No one being a TI deserves to hear or read that. I also want you to think over, that when you accuse a member being fake etc, how can you know that? How can you be so sure? For one, we are all under brain manipulations and could be made to think or believe things we arent even aware of.
Secondly, most TI´s havent met IRL, so how can you judge another member being fake, troll etc? If you do not like or agree with another member, walk away and spend your precious energy on things that can improve your situation instead.
I want you all to consider this site and its existence may not continue. There is complains over spams, lack of moderating, lack of this and that, well, Soleilmavis, the owner pays for this site with her own money and some donations from some members, and when you complain over the lack of protection against spams or any of above mentioned things, you might think it over again, since the owner is not able even to log in here due to restrictions in the country she lives in, also, money from donations do NOT cover much, and having this site on the web still running at all is because of Soleilmavis and her efforts. So the question is, would you like to have the site still running and with some errors here and there OR would you like it to be shut down? You need to canalize where to put your anger and complain I think.
When it comes to mobbing certain members, remeber your words can have a devastating outcome. Being a TI and already in a very hard situation, there is not much of a limit left to stand accusations from another member, that in fact instead should be supportive.
From now on, if any of us, who is trying to help out on this site (pls note, no one is paid being a moderator, its all done with only the wantings to help out and be supportive, informative when the possibility/ability is there) see or read anything from any of you who make accusations or mob another member will be suspended. This goes also for the members that keep on ranting or massposting the same messages over and over again, ignoring members who have turned down receiving such messages.
I am serious and with all written above, and I am tired of some members very childish acting and the destruction of what this site really stands for. Namely support, sharing information about our situation and friendship. So shape up and spend your time in here with the aim of being supportive to other TI´s and spreading related information about our situation.
After all, most of our members in here are friendly, supportive and empathic. Lets try to keep this site and have a good spirit in here.
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Who can view this post? just me and moderators/administrators of peacepink
What is peacepink?
What is peacepink? is a membership forum (or social-network) of Worldwide Campaign to stop the abuse and torture of human beings by people who use the following technologies and devices: directed energy weapons; neurological weapons; Mind Control Weapons; body and brain manipulation weapons; psychotronic weapons; space weapons; non-lethal weapons; Cointelpro; and any other unacknowledged or as yet undeveloped means inflicting death or injury on, or damaging or destroying, a person (or the biological life, bodily health, mental health, or physical and economic well-being of a person) through the use of land-based, sea-based, or space-based systems using radiation, electromagnetic energy, psychotronic, sonic, laser, or other energies directed at individual persons or targeted populations for the purpose of information war, mood management, or mind control of such persons or populations some of which have microchip subcutaneous grafted in a fraudulent manner and that in many cases, shall be present radiological evidence of such devices that work with RF freequency.
Who created peacepink?
- was created by Soleilmavis Liu, who is a Chinese citizen, born and raised in China, and was first attacked in December, 2001 by mind control technologies when she was studying for a Master`s Degree in Australia. At the time she was unfamiliar with mind control technologies. Eventually, she came to learn of these technologies that are being secretly used or covered up by governments worldwide to control and harass the populace. Since 2002, she traveled to many places to try to escape from the remote torture and harassment of mind control and voice to skull technologies. she had been to Hong Kong, Thailand, China, New Zealand; she was kidnapped by mind control technologies and sent to USA Embassy in Hong Kong on Apr 2002. On Apr 2003, she went to China and still live there today.
- Peacepink encourages all members to become volunteers in their areas for supporting and networking.
- Peacepink is fortunate and very appreciative to have Some wonderful contributing managers. Managers of Peacepink don't earn a cent for their work at Peacepink, and neither do our thousands of other volunteer authors and editors.
Why peacepink was born?
Why peacepink was born?
Why peacepink was born?
The purpose of creating was to support Worldwide Campaign to stop THE ABUSE AND TORTURE OF MIND CONTROL TECHNOLOGIES AND DIRECTED ENERGY WEAPONS; to bring victims together and help each other; to expose such horrible crime to public; to seek supporting from public to stop the secret abuses and tortures of mind control technologies and directed energy weapons. It offers its users the opportunity to connect with people locally and globally, share photos, videos, create events and discussions, postblogs and join groups. The etymology of the name of the community, inspired by the Rose pink family Rosaceae(Rosa chinensis 月季, pinyin, yueji) and that the language of flowers means peace love and care.
It is a community of diversity and is open to receive new members from all cultural backgrounds. All members are free to give their own opinions; all opinions are respected and appreciated. Peacepink welcome donations from individuals, organizations, and corporations.