I show you the evidence and ask three questions, but the same. “Will you believe what Toronto Police, Canadian torturers stated or showed?”



  1. Here is my first report to Toronto Police after consulting with      my family doctor several times, after a series of body checks, and after I      read Canadian law. However, Toronto Police hid and refused to disclose and      forward it when being asked. So, “Will you believe what Toronto Police,      Canadian torturers stated or showed ?”













Here is the statement by the department of Justice of Canada













  1. After I reported to 41 division of Toronto Police about my      suspect neighbor, my neighbor was changed to one handicapped lady who      couldn’t speak. Why did Toronto Police do this? After they designed this      scenario, Toronto police, Canadian torturers could induce anyone who could      get involved in, such as, The Scarborough Hospital, my family doctor.      Really?  Toronto Police involved      officer stated this in my family doctor’s office for inducement: “His      neighbor is not person who can commit this crime.” So, “Will you believe      what Toronto Police, Canadian torturers stated or showed?”











  1. Here is their formal report by Toronto Police shared by the      Government. In their report, there wasn’t any words about my first report.      And, I reported to them about the use of Non-Lethal Weapons. However, they      sated in their report: “He speculated that the rays might have been      nuclear in nature.”  So, “Will you      believe what Toronto Police, Canadian torturers stated or showed?”



“He speculated that the rays might have been nuclear in nature.”  ( 14th line of page 2 )



“He also supplied an information sheet on “Sound as a Weapon” ( 20th line of

page 2 )

















Canadian torture victim



Robin Yan

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