4:54AMwith nostrils blockedsince 3AM they additionally tweaked a point in my throat where they've strategically placed a nano particle or do something quantum physically at their
display screen, maybe tweak the point of influence with their "illuminati" pen
where they remote access my body- the same spot is used to occasionally cause me to choke on something or else to irritate and bring on a coughing spell . The point was tweaked so the passageway through which breath flows was also messed with. At this point It's
starting to look like the criminals in high places want me either dead or out of the picture with my mouth shut in a secured location.... maybe a FEMA camp? I know who they are, and they know I know. Nor do they delight in the fact that they have not yet been able to beat me into submission. They haven't been able to break my spirit and as God is my witness, they've tried.
Ten minutes ago I was on my way walking up to the University where I am now at a computer station to document this diary entry. (They have robbed me of so much, including my computer). To make it nearly next to impossible to reach my destination, both hips were targeted to cause neuromuscular pain and cause my legs to seem very heavy with psychotronics while at the same time targeting behind both legs
at the knees... it's now 2 PM, and it continues. As my fingers just touched the keyboard typing that last sentence, they decided to give me a thrill and increased the pain in my legs to where now Ill have to take some time out and continue this documentation later on. Stunts like this occur on a daily basis as I'm sure is the case with other victims. Yet our leaders turn their back to this state sponsored terrorism. VERMONT STATE SENATOR PATRICK LEAHY is well aware that this is going on, as is the LOCAL POLICE DEPARTMENT and the FBI is complicit in it. The game of dirty politics is alive and well in the fine State of Vermont. We either have a bunch of criminals or a bunch of cowards. But one thing for sure - it speaks volumes about their moral character. And, I’m convinced they would behave no differently were I a five or ten-year old child screaming
for help. I was commenting on my walk this morning where they took several pot shots with their laser gun at a beautiful pair of leather boots I'm wearing -scratched off the finish here and there so as to give them a scruffy appearance and mark up with their usual trademark 'white chalky or white paint-like chemical of some sort.
My black tights were also attacked in the same fashion they do almost each and every day whereby using a suction device to gather up lint, blonde hair and dust particles and as soon as I step out the door they let me have it – it is unbelievable the length to which they go... they've even sucked up sand from the sidewalk and in a focused beam target my black tights. Another favorite when I’m walking in my clogs, they will isolate and suck up a single small pebble and deposit it into the open heel clog as I walk along. It's not too
difficult to figure my family and the general public consider it far fetched – it sounds too fantastic and science fiction and with the media black out on the subject regardless of the internet filled with
testimonies, it's difficult to say the least. And, these low-life scum buckets in their brown slacks and patent leather loafers with tassels know it which really ticks me off.
They learned early on that I have an artistic eye and prefer beautiful things, and this gives them the incentive they need to destroy my possessions in their ongoing
psychological warfare campaign. Another diary entry will be
dedicated to the ongoing 'damage' I'm sustaining. I will, however,
give one example which occurred a little while ago when my son sent
me a box of photographs I had in storage including his baby
portraits – I held one of the studio photographs in my hands
remembering his wonderful childhood, and before I put the photo down
it was shot through with a bunch of tiny pinhead laser white markings
– the usual suspect being the PEP or Pulsed Energy Projectiles
Weapon designed for pinhead precision targeting. The claim to fame
of this weapon is HEAT – DAMAGE – COLD – PRESSURE and the
weapon which outraged the scientific community when they were ordered
to make the ultimate torture weapon and to produce the weapon in
terms of pain threshold up to the very maximum point of tolerance
just short of killing the target or targeted population. The article
I have included herein is only one of many to be found on the subject
of (LIPC)laser induced plasma channel/ (ADS) Active Denial System and
other (PEP) pulsed energy projectiles.
http://www.theregister.co.uk/2005/03/03/us_plasma_weapon/ This is a weapon that is being used on me.
Last night was another where I was heavily targeted with the neuromuscular pain which I've been unable to find any shielding for. This weapon goes through metal, I
understand. I couldn't remain in bed and quarter to midnight got up
and ran a bath... got into the tub and instead of slumping down to
fully immerse myself as I ordinarily would, my sixth sense kicked in
when a thought entered my mind - that I could be drowned in the
bathtub especially because I was exhausted, so I only leaned back
against the tub – no sooner had the thought registered when I was
put to sleep for probably not more than a few seconds because the
next thing I knew my head was thrown back against the wall which
snapped me back to an awake state. A great deal of taxpayer money
was spent to set me up in this program, and I've always thought too
much certainly to simply knock me off.. but then again, they didn't earn the money. After all, I'm being used for “r e s e a r c h” and not just
someone they can get their jollies with by torturing with
electromagnetic radiation weaponry. After all, how many U. S.
citizens get to be babysat by elements of the USAF. Just putting it
down in words on a sheet of paper sounds like the rantings of a
delusional mind because on the face of it, it appears totally
preposterous. All except that when you take into consideration that
I was reduced to putting the seat down and sleeping in the back of my
old Volvo, this is exactly what happened to make sure nothing
happened to me when I was camping out in my car – too spooked to
stay in my apartment. Flying high in the sky back and forth in a
military aircraft I was told was an EC130
which makes perfect sense because Lockheed is the Corporate
Sponsor of U.C. Berkeley Black Budget Aerospace Programs conducted at
that University and is the same institution whose graduate degree
students were (are still?) involved in the military research being
done on me without my consent. An aircraft with the capability to
see things at a far distance is the one that kept an eye on me and
flew overhead close to the rooftop of my apt. more times than I care
to remember. The aircraft I was told by AAA was the EYES of a fleet
of Lockheed aircraft and could spot and detect intruders who might
bring harm to me. I was parked in a remote, hilly location far off
the beaten path and was no place a squad car would show up and yet
within 10 minutes of a suspicious car showing up near where I was
parked one night, there was a squad car at my side.
i am truly sorry that you are in such pain - i notice myself, that they strike even harder when outside
why do they want us inside , to be isolated in our homes?
I think walking and being "in nature" helps a lot. But once they hit me walking on the beach and i felt terrible, but nature helps, and to be on the move. I got healthier when I did a lot of exercise. Not doing exercise means turning into a pale ghost, that is what i think anyway. I should start to walk again a lot.
The next day, I had multiple answers, even if i'd been there for quite a while, and i am a very active member.
I thought "gosh", either they are all now brainwashed somehow to collectively notice my blog, find it interesting, or some of them are really perps, collaborating. I started to make theories in my head. You know researchers - every time we tell about our experiences - get feed back. Written by the victim itself. I thought that maybe, now they want to make us collaborate - and at the same time, the researchers collaborate. One day, I even believed that some members are perps here, or that they thought that I am one.
But what better option do I really have? Being afraid of perps. keeps us unorganized and in fear of anything. It can simply be so that they do manipulate us so we suddenly discuss the same things or think about the same things. They can use it on masses of people, right? Not only on one individual.
Anyhow I am trying to write a petition to the EU - commission for human rights, and I also intend to send it to the Justice Department in Sweden and other actors. I will post it in English online here, so other see it and if they want to contribute or add/delete something, change my English, etc. they should say so and later maybe sign it. I will of course write it in Swedish as well.
Yes - I don't understand why they must break us down!!!!
And also destroy clothing as well. They can sell me shoes in stores as well that don't match when it comes to color. Makes us look strange i think, so they use it. Once I bought a nice winter jacket, and they made me feel guilty I did, and made me think it was medicated, and I vomited a lot, thinking about it - I didn't know about the weapons back then.
Personally I found out about "the weapons" because I could not help thinking about "biological weapons", a near by concept - and I looked in google for "mind changing weapons" in stead and started to get information and find out stuff. I noticed that I must have some kind of implants because no matter where I was hiding, the gang stalking was present everywhere, I did try to see if I could escape.