TI goes nuts and assaults innocent man!!!


Quadrocopter pilot gets attacked by drone-hating woman

Woman accused him of taking pictures of people with “helicopter plane.”


Liveleaks has published an iPhone video taken by a Connecticut man of a woman assaulting him for flying a video-enabled quadrocopter on a public beach. The man originally posted the video to YouTube, but it has been taken down by the service, and his account has been suspended “as a violation of YouTube's policy prohibiting content designed to harass, bully, or threaten.”

Calling him a “pervert” after calling police to report him for “taking pictures of people with a helicopter plane” and "trying to upload them," the woman, 23-year old Andrea Mears, lashed out at the pilot as he was putting his quadrocopter away, knocking him to the ground and tearing his shirt.

When police arrived, Mears claimed the man was taking inappropriate pictures of people sunbathing on the beach and that he had assaulted her. But after the pilot showed the surreptitiously captured video of her assault on him, she was arrested.

On the RCgroups.com forum, the pilot posted a description of what he had done and the aftermath of the situation:

I never went below 50 feet save for take off/landing, then after the end of my last flight, some crazy lady came over and started taking pictures of me, and dialed 911 for the 3rd time in 15 minutes. They basically said that they'd send someone when one gets free during each of the 3 calls she made, she decided they didn't care enough about someone obeying the law so when no one was around she assaulted me and she decided to stop when she got a phone call. I called the police to report the assault, and boy was the response big...10 or more vehicles arrived (cops, DEEP, and an ambulance). The police approached me very aggressively, believing her full story, and before anything else was said I brought up something that she missed— the fact that the cell phone in my hand has a camera, that was recording. I had video evidence that she went nuts completely unprovoked, and was the one that assaulted me. She was then charged with assault, and breach of peace and I gave the cops a copy of the video for their prosecution. I then also showed them my last flight where you can make out her colorful shirt getting up from the beach then following it until it lands which proved that she lied when claiming that she asked me to stop flying before calling the police.

At the end of it all, one of the officers said to me basically, "Flying that thing the way you were is fine, you're not in any trouble. You can come back and fly, but just be aware that some people can be alarmed.

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  • * Maybe because these others know if you ignore gangstalking, it becomes an ineffective tool for the perps.

  • Lebowski, be careful...,.if talking to me increases gangstalking, thers anotger car coming. One more post and ill bet the itch powder doubles.

  • Endless Pain, going around taking pictures if strangers, especially the same strangers, by law(in the usa) is stalking! Have you looked at many videos online shiwing gabgstalking? I have. Not one of themnwere actual gangstalking.
    Many experienced TIs say ignore gangstalking and it will go away. You say dont ignore them take their picture!

  • Lebowski, like Deca said in a separate post perps arent dumb enough to go around anouncing themselves. The cars could have been pulked over to text. They could have been a caravan going to a party.
    Or get this....the peros know that im right. The last thing they want you to do is listen to me.so they double their efforts to cause you to blame it on me. If I was a perp, and I was sent to misinform you, they wouldn't then drive you away from me. That makes no sense.
    The moderators will not ban me for what I say. They agree with much if it. They just dont argue with you because you will call them a perp. The moderators dont hang out atvoeacepink because its depressing to know that if others listened to your knowledge, they would gain some relief , but no tgey dont want any help. You only want to be placated.

  • Endless pain, I am sorry to hear that you harassment has gotten worse.
    Do wish to defend myself against certain claims you nake. I NEVER said that gangstalking doesn't exist. I did say that the perps create the illusion of gangstalking far more than actual people. Thus has been said by several others. Did yoy notvread their posts? When otherscsay tgecsame things tgat I do, but you onky call me tge perp, there is something wrong. It is really unfair to me, and my message.
    Things tgat you call proof, like whitecstuff coming from planes automatically being the cause of your ilnesses, just isnt logical. Hiw can you call me a perp because I simply point out that your illness could be caused by something other than the plane? Look at it this way, if you can't convince me of chemtrails, how will you convince others?
    I will openly apologize for saying what I say in a way that offends. I WILL NOT apologize for the message. Being right is sometimes is extremely unpopular. Galileo almost got his head chopped off for being bold enough say tge world is round.

  • Endless Pain, the important thing is to realise/recognise when you're being perped and inform others.  I know I'm on right exposing David because my Gangstalking has increased 1000%! I am now literally under siege in my local area with perp goons lurking all around my house. I live in a remote rural area and it's not hard to spot 5 to 10 cars parked along a remote road, with goon perps flashing their headlamps and indicators at you as you pass.

    Sadly this forum and its associated chat facility have no moderation. This means that alphabet-agency  perps like David will continue to run amok, insidiously shaping the forums to present TIs as crazy to the outside world, while sowing fear and confusion amongst the genuine TI community. As long as we stay quiet they win.

  • La Brat,  you are throwing out what other,  experienced TIs are also saying,  but you aren't understanding what they are trying to say. So you isolate the instances of me saying it. Because,  yes its true,  I get foolishly impatient and therefore the desire to teach is overshadowed thus the actual point can be lost on a person. This is important because,  like I said,  often other experienced TIs know these things and say so. For some reason their suggestions are ignored,  but my suggestions make me a perp.

    No, im not scizophrenic,  or a perp. I just tell of truths that many cant take. Like the reality that many of us are mentally ill. The numbers dont lie. 1vin 4 Americans are mentally ill in some fashion. That means that 25 out of every Amercan TIs has a mental diorder. Then if you take the information from Decas recent post about crime against mentally being much higher than for non mentally ill,  then that 25 mentally ill Americans per 100 jumps up at least double,  because perps are more likely to target the mentally ill than not. 

    This fact is frightening! The reality is that most of the 50-80% of the mentally ill pp members, are ALSO really TIs! This means several things:

    1) that large chunk of mentally ill TIs are dealing with twice as much as the others. The schizophrenic deals with sciz voices, plus v2k. When people say that the number of mentally ill are low, when reality shows different,  then those of us who in the most need, are being ignored. Also, creating an environment of sterotyping mental illness as bad and that if you try to adress the illness,  even in a way to help, you get called  perp. This leaves the mentally ill without support for their illness.

    Treating the MI is different than treating a TI. T his is a problem when one is both. How do you do it? This next part will help answer Sues question.  I do have OCD. I have had it since I was 9. I have dealt with long periods of severe depression. I have a slight touch of paranoia. I can be Narcissistic.  All of these conditions were used greatly by the perps. Using their tech and my conditions,  they built a world of illusion that I lived in for years. Over time, I realized that I was wrong about yhings, like whether a person was a stalker. Over time the instances of being wrong stacked up. I had to ask myself why I was wrong.  I looked honestly at the situation.  15% of tge problem was my paranoia, 5% narcissism,  the rest was trickery by the perps. I developed tools to easily identify these things as situations came uo. This led to a realization the majority of my life was based on illusion. It took several years to fully remove the illusions.  One huge factor is that often the perps quit using the tricks when you can realize them for what they are and ignore them. This leaves energy to apply to factors that are mine.

    I LEARNED from this process. I learned the importance of logical thinking. I learned the importance of being honest enough with myself to see and accept my own weaknesses. Everyone has weakness,  it's those who both see and manage their own weaknesses that suceed. Realizing that every weakness i have will be taken advantage of by the perps,  motivates thus self honesty.

    When people create a negative image of being mentally ill, they create an atmosphere where TIs will not want to seek self honesty. They will not learn to separate MI from perp influence. This Unchecked, influence of MI is plastered all over the petitions we send to authorities.   It is painfully obvious to others that many of us have untreated MI. So they throw out the petition. There is overall,  no advantage to us to intentionally blind ourselves to the MI among us, either as individuals or as a group. 

    In fact, considering how fundamental personal realization is to understanding our situation, one could turn the tables and say that anyone denying MI is the perp. The last thing the perps want is s MI TI to see the difference between their illness and the perps. 

  • La Brat, yes I think you've summed him up. What surprises me is that more people on here don't get annoyed with it. To be Gang Stalked and DEWed is horrendous, as many people on here know. To then be told   "you're imaginging it" or "you're mentally ill" in a glib and patronising manner is deeply offensive, particularly to those who have suffered psychiatric reprisals.  It's Gaslighting on steroids. I have enough of it from my perps and didn't expect to find this overt and blatantly obvious perping offered as "help" on here. But then it doesn't surprise me that the forum has its perps, as does its chat facility. It's entirely what one would expect.

  • Just going back to the original post, there is still no evidence to suggest that the woman who attacked the drone pilot is a TI, or even considered herself a TI.  The video is however a perp's wet dream. All perps want you to react exactly in this way: lose the plot (presumably after many years of taunting) and physically hurt someone, or yourself.

    Also, lets assume for one moment that she is a TI and finally "snapped". DOT claims the drone pilot is "innocent" and there's "proof" of it. But all we have is the young man's own testimony. He's not exactly going to say "yer, I'm a perp and I harrass TIs for a living" now is he? Doh....Maybe he or his colleagues were harrassing the woman for weeks or months using these quadcopters, perhaps near or over her own property? Who knows? I certainly wouldn't put it past the perps to do so. Or maybe he was just GangStalking her without the copters? Who knows?

  • Nice point Deca.... "There seems to be an emerging sub group that has "morgellons" symptoms......"

    This ties into my blog...data is key..... There are several types of sub groups, whether deliberate on the part of the program or not....
    Those with just stalking
    Those with EH & Stalking
    Those with EH, RNM & Stalking
    Those with v2k and the combos above
    Those with morgellons and the combos above
    Those who have had reduced symptoms of all above

    One quick data point on the tormented..........
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