TI symptom cure...

     I am cautiously optimistic that I am beginning to feel symptoms decreasing in intensity due to some changes I have adopted beginning August 1, 2017.  It has only been a week, but day by day, I believe organized stalking is losing its grip on me.  To reinforce this suspicion, it feels like every perp in this county is showing up at my house to turn up the harassment heat in punishment.  They do not like to lose ground. If what I am doing continues to work, I will begin to post updates. 

     I stumbled across a video and website purporting to have found a way to end the pain and suffering associated specifically with organized stalking. While researching the recommended changes, I came across another course of action with many things in common with what I was researching.


I opted to follow the Candida Diet bcz it offered a less extreme approach, and all I pretty much had to do was change for the better the way I ate.

     A Candida overgrowth produces a wide variety of symptoms, so is difficult to identify as a cause. Although Candida is commonly labeled as being a “woman’s” issue, it can affect MEN, WOMEN, and CHILDREN. It is NOT an STD or caused by lack of hygene. It is a systemic health problem which can arise from something as simple as taking a course of antibiotics and killing off all the good bacteria in your gut which kept the Candida under control.  Systemic means it is capable of invading every organ in your body, inside and outside.

     If you choose to try out the diet, there’s nothing other than your food choices to contend with. If you find the diet a life changer as I did, after a couple of weeks you might want to invest in some recommended supplements bcz they will help you progress quicker.  I also ended up buying their ebook after 3 weeks. I’m not trying to sell anything here. Neither the supplements nor ebook are totally necessary. The website contains enough information that if followed, will convince you that you are on the road to turning around your life and making it yours once again.

   Many of you old timers know me, even though I come here infrequently.   I ask you to challenge your closely held beliefs, and consider giving the Candida Diet a try for a week or two.  You really don’t have anything to lose, and everything to gain.

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