Timeline of Important Dates in the History of Electromagnetic Technology and Mind ControlBy Cheryl Welshhttp://www.dcn.davis.ca.us/~welsh/timeline.htmThis timeline will demonstrate the US government and the military industrial complex involvement and the state of the technology from several independent unclassified reliable sources. This is a sample of the sources of information on this topic. These topics need further investigation.1942-1947From Cybernetics by Norbert Weiner, Weiner is the originator of cybernetics. New York Times wrote this comment about the book. "One of the most influential books of the twentieth century... Cybernetics was judged by twenty-seven historians, economists, educators, and philosophers to be one of those books published during the "past four decades," which "most significantly altered the direction of our society..."A quote from this book, "This existence of sharp frequencies in brain waves and the theories which I gave to explain how they are originated, what they can do, and what medical use may be made of them represent in my mind an important and new breakthrough in physiology. Similar ideas can be used in many other places in physiology and can make a real contribution to the study of the fundamentals of life phenomena."The book further states: "The neclkeus of our meetings has been the group that had assembled in Princeton in 1944, but Drs. McCulloch and Fremont-Smith have rightly seen the psychological and sociological implications of the subject and have co-opted into the group a number of leading psychologists, sociologists, and anthropologists. The need of including psychologists had indeed been obvious from the beginning. He who studies the nervous system cannot forget the mind, and he who studies the mind cannot forget the nervous system.Weiner also writes, "I had known for a considerable time that if a national emergency should come, my function in it would be determined largely by two things: my close contact with the program of computing machines developed by Dr. Vannevar Bush, and my own joint work with Dr. Yuk Wing Lee on the design of electric networks.And finally, "Dr. Rosenblueth at a meeting held in New York in 1942, under the auspices of the Josiah Macy Foundation, and devoted to problems of central inhibition in the nervous system. Among those present at that meeting was Dr. Warren McCulloch of the Medical School of the University of Illinois, who had already been in touch with Dr. Rosenblueth and myself, and who was interested in the study of the organization of the cortex of the brain.In Dr. Becker's book Crosscurrents, 1990, Jeremy P. Tarcher, Inc.,p220 he writes about Dr. Weiner, "As a result of these comments(fluctuations of magnetic fields of the earth may cause undesirable behavioral changes), I was contacted by Dr. James Hamer of Northrop Space Laboratories, who informed me that his group was already involved in this area. He also noted that Dr. Norbert Weiner of MIT, the originator of cybernetics, had been interested in the same subject. Weiner had been involved in a German experiment in which human volunteers were unknowingly exposed to a low-intensity, 10-Hz electrical field. The subjects reported feelings of unease and anxiety when the fields were turned on. Both Hamer and Weiner were working under the assumption the ELF internal rhythms in the brain were determinants of behavior, and that pulsing external fields could "drive" these internal rhythms, thereby altering behavior."1947Central Intelligence Agency is formed.1950From Time," Lost Prisoners of War: "Sold Down the River"? September 30, 1996 p45, House National Security Subcommittee hear about newly declassified intelligence reports and other documents and testimony of U.S. Army Colonel Philip Corso and Major General in the Czech army, Jan Sejna. "There were few doubters"... about the fact that POWs were used as guinea pigs in experiments. "Sejna testified that the Czechs, on orders from Moscow, built a military hospital in North Korea during the war. The "secret purpose of the hospital," he said, "was to experiment on American and South Korean POWS." Prisoners were used to test the effects of "chemical- and biological-warfare agents," atomic radiation and "various mind-control drugs."1950From International Defense Review, Vol 23; No.8, "Biological Weapons; How big a threat?" by Dr. T White and Dr. K. White, August 1,1990. p843. "The shock of seeing American prisoners of war denounce their country after they had been brain-washed by their North-Korean and Chinese captors prompted the CIA to launch its now infamous 'MK-Ultra' project. The aim of this research was to discover the techniques and 'mind-control' drugs being used by the Chinese to subvert their American prisoners. In the course of the ICA-funded investigation, American and Canadian citizens were used as guinea pigs in experiments that have been compared with the German medical experiments in the 'death camps'."1952From The Puzzle Palace, James Bamford, 1982, Penquin, p15. November 4, 1952. The NSA, a new federal agency came into existence. "No news coverage, no congressional debate, no press announcement, not even the whisper of a rumor. Nor could any mention of the new organization be found in the Government Organization Manuel or the Federal Register or the Congressional Record. Equally invisible were the new agency's director, its numerous buildings, and its ten thousand employees."1953From Electromagnetism and Life, Dr. R.O. Becker, p.227. "The possibility that the Soviet Union might be ahead of the USA in EM weapon systems has persisted at least since the discovery of the irradiation of the US Moscow Embassy in 1953." And in the Washington Times, Nov 15, 1992, "The Russian Government is continuing to bombard the U.S. Embassy in Moscow with microwave radiation, according to U.S. officials." The pulsed "emanations originate from a residential building across the street that is believed to be staffed by Russian security officials." In 1976, the Globe reported that Ambassador Walter Stoessel "developed a rare blood disease similar to leukemia and was suffering headaches and was suffering bleeding from the eyes. Two of his irradiated predecessors, Ambassador Charles Bohlen and Ambassador Llewellyn Thompson, died of cancers."And further, from The Zapping of America, by Paul Brodeur, W.W. Norton and Co., 1977. The investigation of this "moscow signal" was call Project Pandora and "information about it was parceled out on a strict "need to know" basis..." "In addition, the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA)-a highly secret organization within the Department of Defense, which was engaged in developing a wide variety of electromagnetic weaponry, including electronic sensors and other devices that were designed to detect enemy movement on the Ho Chi Minh Trail and elsewhere in Vietnam-set up a special laboratory at the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research, in Washington, DC where, over a number of years, experiments were conducted in which rhesus monkeys were irradiated with microwaves at power densities and frequencies similar to those of the Moscow Signal." (Mr. Brodeur published part of his book in The New Yorker.)1953From Washington Post, Aug7 1977, "Psychic Spying? The article discussed Dr. Andrija Puharich. "His connections with the military/ intelligence communities go back to the eary 1950s when he worked in the Army's Chemical and Biological Warfare Center at Ft. Detrick, Md., site of the CIA's now famous shellfish toxin repository. He presented a paper entitled "On the Possible usefulness of Extrasensory Perception in Psychological Warfare to a Pentagon conference in 1952 and later lectured the Army, Air Force and Navy on other possibilities for mind warfare. Expert in hypnotism as well as microelectronics, Puharich also invented a miniature tooth radio, reportedly for the CIA."1970From The Mind Manipulators, Alan W. Scheflin,1978, Paddington Press, Ltd. p 348, On tracking humans such as prisoners, he writes, "During the Nixon administration, the United States government was sufficiently intrigued by the possibilities of tracking (both with and without ESB,(Electronic Stimulation of the Brain)) to commission a report on the state of the art and the pertinent law. It chose as its reviewer Ralph K Schwitzgebel, the leading experimenter on tracking, then a researcher at Harvard University. He reported that tracking was close to being practical and effective, and that is was legally acceptable."1972From Psychic Warfare, Martin Ebon, 1983, McGraw Hill, p12. A (1972) report by Defense Intelligence Agency stated, "the major impetus behind the Soviet drive to harness the possible capabilities of telepathic communications, telekinetics and bionics is said to come from the Soviet military and the KGB."1974From The Body Electric, Dr. R. O Becker, p321 The following research plan was released under the Freedom of Information Act. "The experimenter, J.F. Schapitz, stated: "In this investigation it will be shown that the spoken word of the hypnotist may also be conveyed by modulated electromagnetic energy directly into the subconscious parts of the human brain-i.e., without employing any technical devices for receiving or transcoding the messages and without the person exposed to such influence having a chance to control the information input consciously." As a preliminary test of the general concept, Schapitz proposed recording the brain waves induced by specific drugs, then modulating them onto a microwave beam and feeding them back into an undrugged person's brain to see if the same state of consciousness could be produced by the beam alone.""...The second experiment was to be the implanting of hypnotic suggestions for simple acts, like leaving the lab to buy some particular item, which were to be triggered by a suggested time, spoken word, or sight. Subjects were to be interviewed later. "It may be expected," Schapitz wrote, "that they rationalize their behavior and consider it to be undertaken out of their own free will."And in Lobster Magazine an article by Martin Cannon states: "Schapitz' work was funded by the Department of Defense. Despite FOIA requests, the results have never been revealed." Further, "His (Schapitz') instincts on this latter point (rationalizing their behavior) coalesce perfectly with findings of professionalhypnotists.66 In the same article in footnote 66, "See Bowart p 218 (Operation Mind Control) for an interesting example. This rationalization process at work in the case of Sirhan Sirhan, who was convicted of the assassination of Robert F. Kennedy. In prison, Sirhan was hypnotized by Dr. Bernard Diamond, who instructed Sirhan to climb the bars of his cage like a monkey. He did so. After the trance was removed, Sirhan was shown tapes of his actions. He insisted that he 'acted like a monkey' of his own free will-he claimed he wanted the exercise!"1975From Crosscurrents, Dr. R.O. Becker, 1990,p224, "Since the mid-1970s, (Jose) Delgado has been director of the premier Spanish neurophysiological laboratory, Centro Ramon y Cajal. His interest has shifted from direct electrical stimulation of the brain to the broader area of the biological effects of electromagnetic fields. He has studied the influence of specific frequencies of magnetic fields on the behavior and emotions of monkeys, without using any implanted electrodes or radio receivers. While Delgado did not publish any of this work in the scientific journals, its existence leaked out."1976From The Zapping of America, Paul Brodeur, 1977, p 300-301. "A report published in the New York Times on October 30, 1976, revealed that in recent months a mysterious broadband, short-wave radio signal had been broadcast intermittently from the Soviet Union. The signal was so powerful that it disrupted radio and telecommunications throughout the world." "Dr. Zaret is concerned about the Russian signal, ..because of its potential hazard to human beings. ..it was very clear that such an encoding impressed onto carrier wavelengths could have a central-nervous- system effect."From Body Electric, Becker 1985, p323. Complaints from the UN International Telecommunications Union have not stopped the signal. The signal now has holes and skips crucial, (emergency frequencies for aircraft, etc.) frequencies as it moves up and down the spectrum.From NBC Magazine with David Brinkley, July 16, 1981, p3. David Brinkley states: "As I say I find it hard to believe, it is crazy and none of us here knows what to make of it: the Russian Government is known to be trying to change human behavior by external electronic influences. We do know that much. And we know that some kind of Russian transmitter is bombarding this country with extreme low frequency radiowaves."From p13-14, the article further states. "This man's name is William Bise. ...for the past four years he has traveled the Pacific Northwest monitoring strange radio signals." Garreck Utley asks "To what extent can you disrupt the mental process, the brain through the use of electronic fields, microwaves? Bise replies, "Will I would think that the easiest way to do it would be microwaves." Garreck Utley stated, "Bise has limited equipment but other sources, some of them classified, have traced the signals to transmitters in the Soviet Union. Those sources will not discuss their work. Bise will."1976From Planetary Association for Clean Energy, July 1979, Newsletter by Dr. Andrew Michrowski, "USSR ELF (extremely low frequency) Emissions." "At least five USSR installations are operating simultaneously up to 24 hours daily since July 1976, with an intensity of up to 40 million watts. The installations appear to liase with the highly magnetic MHD apparatus located at Semipalatinsk" Non-Hertzian, resonant effects are produced. Because of this, their mathematical description is non-linear and based on the physics concepts of soliton—fields that demonstrate prolonged states of existence." There are psychophysical, and physical effects. The signals have the unique capacity to penetrate buildings and living tissues. Magnetic intensity (at 500 microgauss) for such frequencies have been monitored.This and other evidence suggests that the Soviet Woodpecker signal "entrain and capture the brains of the biosystems by placing them in forced sympathetic resonance."This also corresponds with research of Dr. Ross Adey, of University of California's Brain Research Institute who conducted research on emf and brainwaves and confirmed that brainwaves could be entrained to externally generated signals. His work was funded by the U.S. Navy.(The Zapping of America, Brodeur,p84 and Body electric, Becker, p319)1976From Mind Wars by Ron McRae,1984, St. Martin's Press. McRae worked with Jack Anderson. The book states, "In 1976, the CIA contracted for an exhaustive review of Soviet parapsychology research by outside experts," The report was titled, "Novel Biological Information Transfer Systems" by Dr. J.W. Eerkens, et al and Dr. Eerkens "now believes 'the Soviets are actually building prototype equipment for psychic warfare'.1977From Zapping of America,1977, Paul Brodeur,p298. An article in the New York Times, July 20, 1977 stated, "CIA documents revealed that the agency had conducted a fourteen-year program to control human behavior with drugs, electric shock, radiation, and ultrasonics."1977From Psychic Warfare by Martin Ebon,1983, McGraw-Hill, p116-117. "Public evidence for an attempt at influencing U.S. officials during a visit abroad was presented by Dr. Sidney Gottlieb on September 21, 1977, during testimony before a Senate sub-committee. Dr. Gottlieb, then retired, had been the CIA's director of mind-control experiments." "He told the committee that...several members of President Nixon's staff had shown 'inappropriate' behavior." Including "crying without provocation.""In other parts of his testimony, Gottlieb did include the President himself among those who seemed to be affected by some type of unusual influence. Gottlieb stated, "Not too long ago, in connection with a presidential visit to a potentially hostile country, the President, when he came back, described some unusual feeling he and others had and asked if I would be able to give counsel." "(President Nixon visited a 'potentially hostile' country the Soviet Union in 1972.)"1977From audiotape by Dr. Andrija Puharich at an Electromagnetic Conference, September 1987. "We were able to develop a hearing device that fit under the cap of a tooth and we could hear very clearly from a small little relay and receiver and transmitter and unfortunately it was promptly classified by an agency of our government. But we did solve the problem in terms of hardware. "About ten years ago in 1976, no I'm sorry early 1977 I made the basic measurements which showed the elf nature of elf coming from Russia and that it was psychoactive, that was my finding and I deduced the chemicals that were released by the frequencies that were being used and I passed that information onto every intelligence agency we have in this country from the president on down and England and Canada and all I got was four years of harassment. My house was burned down, I was shot at, they tried to kill me, they tried to eliminate me, etc., etc., and finally they agreed I was right and in 1981, the U.S. government went into full scale elf warfare and set up all their big transmitters down under in Australia and Africa so on and so on and now their in business and everything's classified and you can't say a god damned thing about it, a tough situation. And you can't get any real information out of any government agency. And I know all of them that do the work. I know the people who head the projects etc. When they're in trouble, they usually come ask me. And they classify what I tell them. Insanity."1978From Planetary Association For Clean Energy, 1978, Dr. Andrew Michrowski. "Potentially, almost anything could be inserted into the target brain mind systems, and such insertions would be processed by the biosystems as internally-generated data/effects. Words, phrases, images, sensations, and emotions could be directly inserted and experienced in the biological targets as internal states, codes, emotions thoughts and ideas," This conclusion developed in part out of research by the Russian scientist, Litisitsyn's 1968 US Defense Documentation Center paper. Retired Col Tom Bearden commented on the paper which reported the Soviets "worked out 23 EEG band-wave lengths, 11 of which were totally independent."1979From US Psychotronics Association. Conference 1979 Dr. Beck then read excerpts of a scientific research paper co-authored by Dr. MA Persinger of Laurentian University, Canada, an expert on elf radiation. "Human subjects exposed to certain ELF field patterns report sensations of uneasiness, depression, forboding..." Dr. Beck, a physicist who measured the Soviet Woodpecker signal stated, we found the Soviet signal coming in like gangbusters.. ...right in the window of human psychoactivity"1980From Military Review (official publication of the U.S. Army Command and General Staff College) article on "The New Mental Battlefield" Lt. Col. John B. Alexander, U.S. Army, Ph.D.. "(Soviet) mind-altering techniques, designed to impact on an opponent are well-advanced. The procedures employed include manipulation of human behavior through the use of psychological weapons effecting sight, sound, smell, temperature, electromagnetic energy, or sensory deprivation." He further stated, "Soviet researchers, studying controlled behavior, have also examined the effects of electromagnetic radiation on humans and have applied these techniques against the U.S. Embassy in Moscow."Also, "Researchers suggest that certain low-frequency (ELF) emissions possess psychoactive characteristics. These transmissions can be used to induce depression or irritability in a target population. The application of large-scale ELF behavior modification could have horrendous impact."1982From The Weekend Guardian, "Field of Nightmares", Peter Kennard, Feb. 2-3 1991. "In 1982 a US Air Force Review of Biotechnology stated: Radiofrequeny radiation (RFR) fields may pose powerful and revolutionary anti-personnel military threats...RFR experiments and the increasing understanding of the brain as an electrically-mediated organ suggests the serious probability that impressed electromagnetic fields can be disruptive to purposeful behavior and may be capable of directing and or interrogating such behaviour. Further, the passage of approximately 100 milliamperes through the myocardium can lead to cardiac standstill and death, again pointing to speed-of light weapons effect. A rapidly scanning RFR system could provide an effective stun or kill capability over a large area."The article further states, "There is little doubt that crowd control devices using Radio Frequency Radiation do exist. The development of such devices would complement Sonic and infra-red weapons, which are well known, and were advertised in the British Defense Equipment Catalogue until 1983. These included the Vaikyrie, an infra-red device causing night blindness and the Squawk Box or Sound Curdler, developed by the US for use in Viet Nam. The Squawk Box was designed to induce feelings of giddiness and nausea in the victim, and is highly directional, so that as individuals are hit by the invisible effect, distress and confusion is spread amongst a crowd." "..In 1984 the Ministry of Defense ordered that all advertisements and references to 'frequency weapons', be cut from the Defense Catalogue."1985From The Body Electric, by R.O. Becker,1985, p 323-4. The Russian Woodpecker signals are transmitted at frequencies "between 3.26 and 17.54 megahertz" and sounds like a woodpecker or buzz saw. It is pulse modulated at a rate of several times a second, "in the extreme low frequency (ELF) range." The Woodpecker acts as an over-the horizon radar. "The signal is maintained at enormous expense from a current total of seven stations—the seven most powerful radio transmitters in the world."1986From The Boston Globe, July 7, 1989. Larry Collins, author of a fiction book about mind control. "Collins research on the theories of the paranormal and brain and behavior modification is impressive. ...He began his writing career as a correspondent for UPI and Newsweek." He interviewed William Casey, CIA director and asked "Could we influence human emotions and behavior; are or were such experiments now going on?" "This is not a subject we're going to discuss with you or anyone else," he quoted Casey as saying. "Casey's pro forma response was enough for Collins. "I knew I was on the right track."1987From The Nation, "Zapped? radiation at Greenham Common peace camp", editorial by Louis Slesin, p313. Nuclear protesters against the placement of cruise missiles at the USAF base in southern England claim that they were harassed with non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation in order to get them to stop protesting. In support of their claim, the author, editor of the publication Microwave News, stated, "In The Search for the Manchurian Candidate, published in 1979, John Marks relates that in response to a Freedom of Information Act request, the CIA told him that it had a roomful of files on electromagnetic and related techniques to alter behavior and stimulate the brain. The agency refused to release the papers, and they remain classified." The protesters described agonizing headaches and unexplained anxiety among other symptoms.1988From U.S. News and World Report, U.S. News Investigative Report, Jan 24, 1994, p 34. "The analogy to brainwashing was obvious to the CIA which provided a $60,000 grant through the Human-Ecology Society. Nine of Cameron's former patients, who had sought treatment for depression, alcoholism and other problems at the Allen Memorial Institute at McGill University,(in Canada) where Cameron was director, filed lawsuit against the CIA in 1979. One patient, Rita Zimmerman, was 'depatterned' with 30 electroshock sessions followed by 56 days of drug-induced sleep. It left her incontinent; other suffered permanent brain damage, lost their jobs or otherwise deteriorated. The case, Orlikow v U.S. was settled in 1988 for $750,000."1990From The Washington Times, "Mills mixes mind control matters," by Harvey Hagman, October 12, 1990, pE1 James Mills wrote The Power, a fictional account of psychic weapons. "The former UPI reporter and associate editor of Life magazine says he spent 3 ½ years researching and writing The Power including ferreting out Defense Intelligence Agency documents and traveling to France and the Soviet Union. ...So does Mr. Mills really believe 'spiritual warfare' is being waged? "Absolutely," he says. and so do the Pentagon and the Kremlin. ...There are documented cases of suspected KGB paranormal attacks against Nixon and Carter."Excerpt from Larry King Live September 12, 1990, Transcript 127.James Mills, author of The Power. "It is based on alot of research. I have three Defense Intelligence Agency studies that are in large measure an assessment of the Soviet threat in this area. They say that there is a possibility that Soviet advances in psychic weaponry would enable them to, and there are direct quotes, 'mold the thoughts at a distance of key military and civilian leaders, cause the death at a distance of key military and civilian leaders, cause the death at a distance of key military and civilian leaders, know the contents of top secret documents, troop movements, locations of military installations.' This report was produced in 1975 so this is what they were worried about then and it makes you wonder where we have come since then."Mr. Mills states further, "I know for a fact that the Soviet Union had a mind control device that they said had military applications. They said it was valuable for reducing what they call neural tension in combat troops and which could certainly be used to reduce the aggressiveness and energy of our troops. I know that, because I've seen the machine. ...The one I've seen is a very, very old one. ...It came over from the Soviet Union in the mid-1970s to an American government research lab on the west coast. ...It used heat, sound, and light radiation, and very high frequency electromagnetic radiation to affect the central nervous system and affect mental processes."1990From The Atlantic, "The Zap Gap", March 1987, Chuck de Caro, p 24-28. "Soviet Military Power, Department of Defense, "Recent Soviet developments in radio frequency generation devices could enable them to build weapons to degrade or destroy electronics or cause disorientation of personnel. They have generated single pulses with peak power exceeding one gigawatt and repetitive pulses over 100 megawatts." The article also states, "If, going further, an RF pulse could be propagated over a wide zone, in roughly the same way that radio signals can blanket a city, it might act as an electronic wall, disabling the silicon brains of any approaching airplane, tank, or missile."1990From Crosscurrents,1990, Dr. Becker, p304. "I have made no attempt here to review in any detail the relationship between military considerations and the hazards of man-made electromagnetic fields. This complex and dangerous situation lies outside the scope of this book, except for an indication of how the political policies derived from it have effectively hampered the public recognition of the hazards. In my opinion, the military establishment still believes that the survival of the military organism is worth the sacrifice of the lives and health of large segments of the American population."1990From Time, July 30, 1990, Technology,p53, "Hidden Hazards of the Airwaves, An obscure newsletter uncovers the perils of the information age". "In the current issue of Microwave News, Slesin has printed what may be his greatest scoop: the key paragraph of a two-year Environmental Protection Agency Study recommending that so-called extremely low-frequency fields be classified as 'probable human carcinogens' alongside such notorious chemical toxins as PCBs, formaldehyde and dioxin.' The recommendation, which could have set off a costly chain of regulatory actions, was deleted from the final draft after review by the White House Office of Policy Development. "The EPA thing is a stunner," says Paul Brodeur, a writer for the New Yorker."It's a clear case of suppression and politicization of a major health issue by the White House."The article states further, "Louis Slesin's stories have a tendency to shock. Like the one about the 23 workers of the Bath Iron Works in Bath, Me, who got 'sunburns' one rainy day when someone on a Navy frigate flicked on the ship's radar. Or the trash fires that start spontaneously from time to time near the radio and TV broadcast antennas in downtown Honolulu. Or the pristine suburb of Vernon, NJ., that has both one of the world's highest concentrations of satellite transmitting stations and a 'persistent' and unexplained-cluster of Down's syndrome cases."1993From The Sacramento Bee, "Energy Chief says U.S. owes radiation victims," Wed Dec. 29, 1993, pA1. "The U.S. government should compensate victims of radiation testing conducted as part of its Cold War nuclear program, Energy Secretary Hazel O'Leary said Tuesday as disclosures mounted about extensive experiments involving humans as often-unwitting subjects."1993From "Nonlethal Technology and Airpower: A winning Combination for Strategic Paralysis" by Maj. J. W. Klaaren, USAF and Maj. RS Mitchell, USAF, Air Command and Staff College, 1993, Air University Press, Center for Aerospace doctrine, Research and Education, Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama. This article is an excerpt from a research project by the authors et al. It states, "Currently, the best method of accomplishing this is to have developers of nonlethal weapons (agencies such as the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA), military laboratories, and national laboratories) visit the operational commands. We need to stress how these weapons will be force multipliers and ..."The article further states, "In 1993, for example, ARPA provided grant money to regional business alliances. Comprised of civilian-sector businesses and government organizations, these alliances competed for grants to develop new technologies... The scope of this program could be expanded to include nonlethal technology..." And also, "Although the United States may choose not to pursue mind-altering drugs as a weapon, other states may hold a different view. For that reason, it is imperative that we understand this capability."The article concludes "We maintain that future conflicts will demand the use of nonlethal warfare and that aerospace platforms can provide an effective method for the employment of nonlethal weapons. ...Our research for this article was an eye-opening experience for us." The article lists in "Table 1 Selected Types, Examples, and Capabilities of Nonlethal Weaponry" and under "Electromagnetic Electrical interferors (power effects, pulses) degrade/destroy equipment and systems"The article lists sources including, "Alan W. Debban, "Disabling Technologies and Applications, " HQ USAF/XOXT background paper, 22 February 1993; Herbert H. Dobbs et al., "Assessment of Mission Kill Concept, Requirements and Technologies" Washington, DC: Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, September 1990); And finally, in the Notes of the article is the following: "1. John B. Alexander, Los Alamos National Laboratory, NM, presentation on nonlethal weapons and limited-force options, Council on Foreign Relations, New York, 27 October 1993."1993From Defense Week DW Vol. 14, Nu 46 p1, "Non-lethal Weapons Group Set To Form In March", Andrew Weinschenk, "The Army plans to appoint a senior advisory group in March to guide development of 'non-lethal' weapons and draft a first-ever masterplan detailing future doctrine, training and materiel issues, according to service and industry sources." The article also states, "The Army Research Laboratory's Steve Taulbee, for example, said researchers there have experimented with a radio-frequency pulsing device. The weapon would disrupt an enemy's internal organs but it might also permanently destroy the liver.1993From Defense Electronics, July 1993, "DOD, Intel Agencies Look at Russian Mind Control Technology, Claims FBI Considered Testing on Koresh." by Mark Tapscott. "In a series of closed meetings beginning March 17 in suburban Northern Virginia with Dr. Igor Smirnov of the Moscow Medical Academy, FBI officials were briefed on the Russian's decade-long research on a computerized acoustic device allegedly capable of implanting thoughts in a person's mind without that person being aware of the source of the thought."1993From Defense News, Jan 11-17, 1993, "U.S. Explores Russian Mind-Control Technology" by Barbara Opall, p29. "The Russian authors note that "World opinion is not ready for dealing appropriately with the problems coming from the possibility of direct access to the human mind." And further, "The Russian experts, including George Kotov, a former KGB general now serving in a senior government ministry post, present in their report a list of software and hardware associated with their psycho-correction program that could be procured for as little as $80,000."1994From The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, Sept, Oct 1994, "The Soft Kill Fallacy", Steve Aftergood with Barbara Hatch Rosenberg, p45. "Many of the non-lethal weapons under consideration utilize infrasound or electromagnetic energy (including lasers, microwave or radio-frequency radiation or visible light pulsed at brain-wave frequency) for their effects. These weapons are said to cause temporary or permanent blinding, interference with mental processes, modification of behavior and emotional response, seizures, severe pain, dizziness, nausea and diarrhea, or disruption of internal organ functions in various other ways."The article further states, "In addition, under the Certain Conventional Weapons Convention, international discussions are now under way that may lead to the development of specific new protocols covering electromagnetic weapons; a report is expected sometime next year."1995From The Guardian "The Future Art of War", May 25, 1995. Nic Lewer, peace researcher at the University of Bradford, in the latest issue of Medicine and War, lists "more than 30 different lines of research into 'new age weapons'..." the article further states, "Some of the research sounds even less rational. There are, according to Lewer, plans for 'pulsed microwave beams' to destroy enemy electronics, and separate plans for very-low-frequency sound beams to induce vomiting, bowel spasm, epileptic seizures and also crumble masonry."Further the article states, "There are plans for 'mind control' with the use of 'psycho-correction messages' transmitted by subliminal audio and visual stimuli. There is also a plan for 'psychotronic weapons' - apparently the projection of consciousness to other locations- and another to use holographic projection to disseminate propaganda and misinformation."1995From Free Thinking, Vol. 1. Number 4, March 1995, "President's Committee on Radiation Hears Mind Control Survivor's Testimony". "For the first time in history officials heard evidence of the atrocities of mind control which were committed along with the radiation "research". Ms. Wolf is among a number of independent researchers around the world who have come up with identical cases in which survivors of radiation treatment describe life-long mind control abuses at the hands of the U.S. government.""While the radiation "research" was conducted under the direction of the Atomic Energy Commission, many of the same scientists who were involved in the CIA's MKULTRA program acted as overseers of the radiation experiments. Among these scientists were Dr. Martin T. Orne, Dr. Sidney Gottlieb, and Dr. L. Wilson Green." Also, "A licensed sociologist from New Orleans, Wolf offered her testimony and supporting evidence to the committee in a hearing on March 15th. Focusing on the 9,000 children who were targets of radiation experiments conducted by the Atomic Energy Commission and kept secret under the National Security Act, the precious ten minutes granted Ms. Wolf was a precedent setting digression from the investigators' agenda."1996From Nexus Magazine, "Soul Catcher Implants", Oct/Nov 1996. "British scientists are developing a concept for a computer chip which, when implanted into the skull behind the eye, will be able to record a person's every life time thought and sensation. "This is the end of death," said Dr. Chris Winter of British Telecom's artificial-life team. He predicts that within thirty years it will be possible to relive other people's lives by playing back their experiences on a computer."The article further states, "By combining this information with a record of a person's genes, we could recreate a person physically, emotionally and spiritually." Dr. Winter and his team of scientists at BT's Martlesham Heath Laboratories, near Ipswich, call the chip "the Soul Catcher." The author, David Guyatt states that, "British Telecom, Britain's giant telecommunications enterprise, has a long history of involvement with the intelligence services." This article quotes it sources as, "The Daily (London) Telegraph, July 18, 1996.1996From USAF Scientific Advisory Board, New World Vistas Air and Space Power for the 21st Century, Ancillary Volume, p89. "Prior to the mid-21st century, there will be a virtual explosion of knowledge in the field of neuroscience. We will have achieved a clear understanding of how the human brain works, how it really controls the various functions of the body, and how it can be manipulated (both positively and negatively). One can envision the development of electromagnetic energy sources, the output of which can be pulsed, shaped, and focused, that can couple with the human body in a fashion that will allow one to prevent voluntary muscular movements, control emotions (and thus actions), produce sleep, transmit suggestions, interfere with both short-term and long-term memory, produce an experience set, and delete an experience set. This will open the door for the development of some novel capabilities that can be used in armed conflict, in terrorist/hostage situation, and in training..."It is interesting to note that two scientists with connections to CIA classified mind control and psychic research have contributed to this study. Dr. J West, MD Director Emeritus, Neuropsychiatric Institute, UCLA, School of Medicine, Behavioral biology and Dr. Edwin May, PhD, Science Applications International Corporation,(SAIC) Physics of Consciousness.This timeline demonstrates how classified the electromagnetic and mind control technology is. Scientists have been killed for revealing this technology. They have lost government funding. They can be prosecuted and or lose their jobs if they reveal national security secrets. And some scientists have been targeted with the technology and have been unfairly labeled mentally ill.A similar analogy would be the Manhattan Project, the U.S. government program to build the atomic bomb. The project used the highest of national security precautions, and few knew of its existence. Mind control technology is the currently classified weapons program and national security methods are even more entrenched and developed.New World Orderand E.L.F. Psychotronic TyrannyC.B. BakerYouth Action Newsletter, issued December 1994In his September 21, 1992 speech to the United Nations, President George Bush announced that foreign troops, would occupy America and train for a New World Order Army. He stated:"Nations should develop and train military units for possible U.N. peacekeeping operations. ... If multinational units are to work together, they must train together. ... Effective multinational action will also require coordinated command & control and inter-operability of both equipment and communications.""...WE MUST CHANGE OUR NATIONAL INSTITUTIONS if we are to change our international relations. ... THE UNITED STATES IS PREPARING TO MAKE AVAILABLE OUR BASES AND FACILITIES FOR MULTI-NATION TRAINING AND FIELD EXERCISES. One such base, with facilities is Fort Dix, N.J."President Bill Clinton has continued and expanded George Bush's surrender-America policy. As a result, increasing numbers of foreign troops, including Russian Spetsnaz, along with vast amounts of foreign military equipment are now entering the United States to serve as a U.N. OCCUPATION force.On May 3, 1994, President Clinton signed an Executive Order Presidential Decision Directive (originally numbered PPD-13, later changed to PPD-25) that places U.S. troops under U.N. command and abolished the law limiting the number of U.S. troops that can be committed to the U.N. without approval of Congress.PPD-25 also created special funding for U.N. peacekeeping and occupation forces, that permits an UNLIMITED drain upon the U.S. Treasury. American Tax payers will be forced to pay any amount demanded by the U.N. occupation forces.The Judas attitude of the Administration is symbolized in an article written by Bill Clinton's very close friend, Deputy Secretary of State Strobe Talbott, titled: "The Birth of the Global Nation." Talbott strongly attacked American national sovereignty, stating: "NATIONAL AS WE KNOW IT WILL BE OBSOLETE: ALL STATES WILL RECOGNIZE A SINGLE, GLOBAL" (666) "AUTHORITY," (7\20/92 Time Magazine).Acting under U.N. occupation orders, U.S. military and national guard forces are now being trained to attack civilians in this country. In Alaska, contingents of Russian military OCCUPATION FORCES are reported to have already landed. State and Federal forces, have begun house-to-house surveys, looking for gun collectors and checking attitudes for possible patriotic resistance.A number of citizens have already been illegally detained. The 10\14\94 WASHINGTON TIMES reported that U.S. Marines in California had to fill out a "Combat Arms Survey" that asked 39 questions about attitude to determine if AMERICAN MARINES WERE WILLING TO SERVE THE NEW WORLD ORDER TRAITORS AND FIGHT AGAINST THEIR OWN FELLOW CITIZENS.Marines were asked to give their attitudes on the treason statement: "I am a United Nations fighting person. I serve in the forces which maintain world peace and EVERY Nation's way of life. I am prepared to give my life in their service." The last item on the survey asked the Marines' attitude about the statement: "I WOULD FIRE UPON U.S. CITIZENS, WHO REFUSED OR RESIST CONFISCATION OF FIREARMS BANNED BY THE U.S. GOVERNMENT."As more Russian and United Nations occupation troops enter the United States, the White House is expecting strong resistance from loyal Americans. To QUIETLY suppress these patriotic fighters, President Clinton is getting help from the old Soviet KGB.Moscow is now supplying Clinton and Attorney General Janet Reno with a whole new class of weapons, that will be specifically TARGETED AGAINST AMERICAN CIVILIANS.The controlled U.S. media has labeled these so-called "NON-LETHAL WEAPONS." A close inspection of the facts about these new anti-civilian devices, reveals that they are SOVIET PSYCHOTRONIC WEAPONS, which are very dangerous and they can also be extremely lethal. The 3\1\93 issue of Time Magazine reported: "American and Russians are discovering common interest...MIND CONTROL TECHNOLOGY. Former KGB General George Kotov has told American visitors about Russian (KGB) research into 'acoustic psycho-correction.' The process involves transmitting commands into the subconscious of targeted victims through static or white-noise bands.The Jan. 11-17, 1993 issue of DEFENSE NEWS reported that U.S. political and military officials are obtaining Soviet mind-control technology. The Soviet KGB "capability, demonstrated in a series of laboratory experiments dating back to the mid-1970's, could be used to suppress riots, CONTROL DISSIDENTS, demoralize or disable opposing forces and enhance the performance of friendly special operations teams, sources say.""Pioneered by the government-funded Department of Psycho-Correction at the Moscow Medical Academy, acoustic psycho-correction involves the transmission of specific commands via static or white noise bands into the human subconscious without upsetting other intellectual functions.Experts said laboratory demonstrations have shown encouraging results after exposure of less than one minute. Moreover, decades of KGB research and investment of untold millions of rubles in the process has produced THE ABILITY TO ALTER BEHAVIOR ON WILLING AND UNWILLING SUBJECTS, the experts add."One of the KGB's psychotronic systems was being sold for as little as $80,000. A scientific analysis published by an affiliate of the Department of Psycho-Correction at Moscow Medical Academy stated: "...It has become possible to probe and correct psychic contents of human beings DESPITE THEIR WILL AND CONSCIOUSNESS, by instrumental means...Results having been achieved...can be used with inhumane purposes of manipulating psyche."To raise hard currency, and promote the U.N. New World Order, the Russians have planned a Bilateral Center For Psycho-Technologies where U.S. and Russians authorities can cooperate.Janet Morris of the Global Strategy Council, a Washington "think-tank" tied to the CIA and Federal Government, "is a key U.S. liaison between Russian and U.S. officials." Morris is a long time close associate of Col. John B. Alexander, a leading U.S. expert on psychotronics.ELECTROMAGNETIC TOTALITARIAN CONTROL OVER AMERICAThe 4\94 SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN reported that Janet E. Morris and her husband Christopher C. Morris "have been involved in promoting a 'psycho-correction' technology, developed by a Russian scientist, that is INTENDED TO INFLUENCE BY MEANS OF SUBLIMINAL MESSAGES EMBEDDED IN SOUND OR VISUAL IMAGES." In 1993, "the Morrises organized a meeting in which the technology was demonstrated for U.S. scientists and officials by its Russian inventor."Defense news reported that on Dec. 15, 1992, Janet Morris stated that she and the Richmond, Virginia-based International Health-line Corporation "have briefed senior U.S. intelligence and Army officials about the Russian capabilities, which Morris said could include hand-held devices for purposes of special operations, crowd control and anti-personal actions."Morris reported that this particular weapon creates "BONE-CONDUCTING SOUND WAVES that cannot be offset by protective gear These devices appear to work at the Very Low Frequency (VLF) spectrum, the same frequency range as generated by the sinister U.S. Gwen (Ground Wave Emergency Network) system of transmitters.The 7\93 issue of DEFENSE ELECTRONICS discussed the FBI's use of Soviet KGB psychotronic devices against the Branch Dividians at Waco, Texas. There is strong evidence that such weapons were used. After the Feds launched their mass-murdering, flame-throwing attack, some members of David Koresh's church attempted to flee the burning building, but soon as they got outside, they suddenly turned around and ran back INTO the fire--which demonstrated an extreme mental disorientation of the type created by psychotronic mind control weapons. The few victims who survived the fire were visibly confused and unable to talk coherently or move.Prior to the massacre, the Feds targeted the church building with a night and day acoustical barrage (that included the sounds of dying animals and low frequency sound devices). The Feds also utilized a super-strobe light show (pulsed at ELF frequencies).DEFENSE ELECTRONICS reported that a Richmond, Virginia firm, Psychotechnologies (believed to be closely tied to the CIA and the FBI) has purchased the American rights to the Soviet mind-control devices.DEFENSE ELECTRONICS described a spring, 1993 meeting between Clinton Administration officials and Soviets psychotronics experts, including Dr. Igor Smirnov. Amongst the U.S. agencies represented at the meetings with Smirnov were the FBI, the CIA, the Defense Intelligence Agency, and the Advance Research Projects Research Agency (ARPA). Clinton Adiministration officials wanted "to determine whether psycho-correction...programs COULD BE UNDERTAKEN BY THE U.S. GOVERNMENT. These devices could be used to AFFECT JUDGMENT OR OPINION OF DECISION-makers, KEY PERSONAL OR POPULACES."Clinton Defense officials expressed interest that the KGB psychotronic devices could be used "in non-violently" clearing areas of potential enemies, snipers, ect. (meaning U.S. gun collectors and patriotic militias).Also meeting with the Soviet psychotronic experts, were officials from the giant Trilateral-allied international corporations, such as General Motors and researchers from the National Institute of Mental Health. The 8\22\94 NEWSWEEK MAGAZINE reported on a secret Arlington, Virginia meeting between experts from the FBI's Counter-Terrorism Center and Dr. Smirnov, whose work was described in the publication: "...Using electroencephalographs, Smirnov measures brain waves, then uses computers to CREATE A MAP OF THE SUBCONSCIOUS AND VARIOUS HUMAN IMPULSES, such as anger or the sex drive. Then through taped SUBLIMINAL MESSAGES, he claims to physically alter the landscape with the power of suggestion."THE NON-LETHAL WEAPONS COVER STORYTo cleverly disguise the Federal Government's use of KGB psychotronic devices, a whole series of cover-stories about so-called "non-lethal" have been planted in the American press.Such items as nets, foams, sticky material to snag an attacker, mace-like compounds that immobilize a targeted subject, devices that mimic flashbulbs in order to blind a criminal, bean-bag guns and high-tech sticky goo-shot from a special device to immobilize fleeing criminals: all seem harmless enough and are being publicized in order to generate public support and funding for the HIDDEN globalist non-lethal weapons agenda.This collection of simple, anti-criminal items conceals the dangerous psychotronic weapons which U.S. officials are now acquiring. The very name "non-lethal" is a gross deception. In fact, many Clinton Administration Justice Department officials (in private conversations) do not use the description, "non-lethal", but instead, prefer to describe them as "SOFT-KILL WEAPONS."The 8\2\94 WALL STREET JOURNAL reported: "Military researchers define nonlethality a tad more broadly than a municipal attorney. Last November, for example, (while attending the secret conference on non-lethal weapons) Lawrence Liverpool physicist Edward Teller (father of the hydrogen bomb) argued that TINY "NUCLEAR" WEAPONS SHOULD BE CONSIDERED PART OF THE NATION'S NON-LETHAL ARSENAL."The 3\23\94 WASHINGTON POST reported: "The Pentagon and the Justice Department have agreed to share state-of-the-art military technology with civilian law enforcement agencies, including exotic 'non-lethal' weapons.""The plan aims to capitalize on a growing confluence of interest between the two departments: With the Pentagon increasingly preoccupied by unconventional, post-Cold War" (U.N. World Army) "missions, such as peacekeeping..., Justice Department officials, see an opportunity to apply the fruits of pentagon" (and Soviet KGB) "research to America's urban battlefields."The newspaper reported that in 1993, Clinton allies in Congress directed the Defense and Justice departments to SHARE NEW MILITARY TECHNOLOGY and identify areas for collaboration on specific projects.THE LONG STANDING TRADITION OF STRICT SEPARATION OF THE U.S. MILITARY FROM POLICE FUNCTIONS IS NOW BEING ABANDONED--as demonstrated by the military equipment used during the Waco Massacre.In addition to the psycho-correction devices obtained from the Soviet KGB, the U.S. Government and Justice Department have obtained a series of other high tech, including electromagnetic pulse devices ("which stimulate a lightning strike)--a high powered generator to destroy electronic circuits; electromagnetic devices that can disable an automobile or truck engine; and holographic projections to deceive an attacker."The WALL STREET JOURNAL reported that the use of a government high-power electromagnetic device against a single fleeing automobile "might stop EVERY car in one or two blocks and also stop EVERY HEART PACEMAKER AS WELL. Such a device would also COOK the driver of the vehicle. "The technology, could be a bit hard on the driver, (and other drivers in the vicinity) says Donna J. Marts, an engineering specialist at Idaho National Engineering Laboratory. 'You know, like that poor little potato you put in a microwave oven'."The newspaper described another new "non-lethal" psychotronic weapon now being designed for government anti-civilian usage: A "magnetophosphene" gun THAT WOULD INDUCE A VISUAL EFFECT AKIN TO WHAT HAPPENS 'WHEN A PERSON RECEIVES A BLOW ON THE HEAD AND SEES STARS'."The 4\94 SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN reported: "Federal researchers are no investigating a broad array of non-lethal devices including...LOW-FREQUENCY 'INFRASOUND' GENERATORS POWERFUL ENOUGH TO TRIGGER NAUSEA OR DIARRHEA,...electronics-disrupting pulses of electromagnetic radiation..and biological agents that can chew up crops."To help promote the U.N. global dictatorship, Soviet KGB scientist have recently been working at various U.S. advanced weapons facilities, such as Lawrence Liverpool and Los Alamos Laboratories. In November, 1993, a three day top-secret non-lethal weapons conference took place in the Applied Physics Laboratory at Johns Hopkins University in Maryland. The meeting was attended by Attorney General Janet Reno, numerous scientist, military weapons experts, intelligence officials from state and local police departments. The main purposes of the meeting was to prepare leading law enforcement officials for the use of psychotronic mind-control weapons.The official program of the conference stated: "Non-lethal defense has emerged as a potent new means of applying force. ...Non-lethal defense is an approach that explores options for attacking targets...including NON-TRADITIONAL FOES" (CODE WORDS FOR GUN COLLECTORS, THE UNORGANIZED MILITIA, AND SO-CALLED CHURCH "CULTS").Amongst the subjects covered at the conference were "RADIO-FREQUENCY WEAPONS, HIGH POWERED MICROWAVE TECHNOLOGY, ACOUSTIC TECHNOLOGY" (used to transmit subliminal voices into a victims head), VOICE SYNTHESIS, and APPLICATION OF EXTREME FREQUENCY ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELDS TO NON-LETHAL WEAPONS." Col. John B. Alexander, Program Manager for Non-Lethal (psychotronic) Defense, Los Alamos National Laboratory, served as conference chairman.PSYCHOTRONICS CZAR OF THE NEW WORLD ORDERAlexander first became known to the public through his December, 1980 MILITARY REVIEW article titled, "THE NEW MENTAL BATTLEFIELD." That article clearly described the LETHAL nature of many of the so-called "non-lethal" weapons that are now being targeted against American civilians. Alexander stated: "Psychotronics may be described as the interaction of mind and matter. ...The possibility for employment as weaponry has been explored. To be more specific, there are weapons systems that operate on the power of the mind and whose LETHAL CAPACITY HAS ALREADY BEEN DEMONSTRATED." Describing Soviet development of psychotronic weapons, Alexander stated: "The ability to...CAUSE DEATH can be transmitted over distances, thus inducing illness or death for no apparent reason." These "weapons would be able to induce illness or death at little or no risk to the operator. ...The psychotronic weapon would be silent (and) difficult to detect..." He then discussed the Soviet use of extremely low frequency (ELF) electromagnetic weapons against humans in the U.S. Embassy in Moscow.Col. Alexander's knowledge of psychotronic weapons was demonstrated in a 1990 book he co-authored with Janet Morris, and Major Richard Groller, titled THE WARRIORS EDGE. That book described the mind-zapping effects, inside the United States, that have been created by the Soviet Tesla Magnifying ELF Woodpecker transmitters. Alexander demonstrated his close personal ties to the White House by describing his long association with Al Gore, Jr., who is now Vice President of the United States.Alexander made a revealing comment about secret "revolutionary technologies" that are in fact, now being utilized by both the U.S. and Russian governments: "Areas of GREAT POTENTIAL include superconductivity, genetic engineering, macroscopic WEATHER ENGINEERING and psychotronics."Describing the horror created by Soviet psychotronic weapons, "designed to psychically influence others," Alexander stated: "Nikolai Kokolov, an ex-KGB agent, reported a case in which the spinal column of the human subject was fractured psychotronically from a distance." Alexander also described the effects of " 'entraining' the brain waves of two or more individuals." He stated: "The brain-wave oscillations of electronic potentials may act as a harmonic oscillator."Extensive details about Alexander appeared in the Oct-Nov., 1993 NEXUS MAGAZINE article: "Psychic Warfare & Non-Lethal Weapons." Nexus reported that Alexander has worked closely with Dr. C.B. Scott Jones, who SERVE AS HEAD OF THE ROCKEFELLER FOUNDATION. NEXUS reported that Col. Alexander is currently involved in over twenty separate projects at the Los Alamos Laboratories. Alexander's associate, Janet Morris, "confirmed John Alexander's involvement in mind control and psychotronic projects" at the laboratory.Describing some of her written articles, NEXUS reported: "Morris seeks to establish a doctrine for the use of non-lethal weapons by the U.S. in crisis 'AT HOME' " (MEANING USE AGAINST AMERICAN CIVILIANS) " 'or abroad' ...She totally disregards the offensive, LETHAL ASPECTS inherent in some of the weapons in question." Morris suggest areas where these non-lethal weapons can be used "adventurism, insurgency, ethnic violence, terrorism and domestic crime."According to Janet Reno and other Clinton Administration officials, many of the above categories are designed to include Christians, patriots, pro-gun groups, right to life groups, so-called "cults,: and many other civilians.Morris described so-called "Non-Lethal electromagnetic technologies." These technologies are already being directed against American citizens in the GWEN system, in various ELF transmitters inside the U.S.A., and in secret collaboration with the Russians in electromagnetic weather-engineering.NEXUS reported on the U.S. development of "High Powered Microwave (HPM) Projectiles." The U.S. Government has already obtained "a portable microwave weapon."Several U.S. high tech laboratories, with the help of Soviet scientist, are working on very low frequency (VLF) weapons. NEXUS reported that these U.S. high labs, including Col. Alexander Los Alamos Laboratory, are working on "developing high power, VERY LOW FREQUENCY acoustic beam weapons. They are also looking into methods of projecting high frequency acoustic bullets.""Very Low Frequency (VLF) sound (20-35 kHz), or low-frequency radio-frequency modulation CAN CAUSE NAUSEA, VOMITING, AND ABDOMINAL PAINS. Some Very Low Frequency sound generators, in certain frequency ranges, CAN CAUSE DISRUPTION OF HUMAN ORGANS, and at high power levels CAN CRUMBLE MASONARY." Such a system could also be used to create artificial earthquakes.PSYCHOTRONIC UFO ABDUCTIONSThe Federal Government has acquired enough high tech psychotronic devices to zap the minds of targeted victims and if necessary even create the APPEARANCE of UFO abductions as an experimental method to conceal a program of injecting tiny computer tracking-chips into targeted subjects. Many of non-lethal weapons projects, in which Col. Alexander is involved, have the technical capability to create the effects of ARTIFICIAL UFO abductions, via holography and electromagnetic mind control techniques.NEXUS reported that Alexander is a member of the secret U.S. Government "Aviary" Group (made up of CIA and defense officials), which has been involved in repeated efforts to plant PHONEY UFO stories, FOR THE PURPOSE OF DISCREDITING ALL SERIOUS PRIVATE CITIZEN UFO RESEARCH.SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN reported that in 1993, Col. John Alexander "organized a meeting on the 'Treatment and Research of Experienced Anomalous Trauma' at which attendees discussed alien abductions," many of which are now being deliberately staged by the government as a propaganda tool to promote the New World Order.The disruption of private UFO research got under way after January, 1953 meeting of the Robertson Panel that was sponsored by the Central Intelligence Agency.TRAITORS DISARM U.S.A. & CONVERT TO NON-LETHAL WEAPONS FOR SERVICE IN U.N. WORLD ARMYWhile the Clinton Administration is slashing American national defense to a pre-pearl Harbor level, the remaining Pentagon budget is being directed towards weapons that will be used by American military forces serving in the U.N. world government army. The 2\7\94 NEWSWEEK stated:"What if U.S. or U.N. forces--and what if the FBI--had an arsenal of tricky, new-tech weapons that could rout a mob, find and subdue a hidden gunman?What if American GLOBOCOPS could keep the peace or fight future wars without killing or injuring civilians? The possibility of a new generation of non-lethal weapons is now attracting serious attention at the Pentagon and, at the Department of Justice as well."NEWSWEEK described how these psychotronics non-lethal weapons will be used: "The United States needs new options to control rogue governments and insurrectionaries without resorting to total war. New-wave military thinkers say that the list of exotic technologies that could be harnessed for non-lethal technologies is already large and growing. It includes lasers, MICROWAVES, SOUND WAVES, STROBE LIGHTS (already used for psychotronic entrainment during the Waco siege), ELECTROMAGNETIC PULSES and Microbes (GERM WARFARE)."The 9\19-25\94 DEFENSE NEWS reported "U.S. Defense Secretary William Perry is expected to launch a new policy that directs the Pentagon to purchase and use non-lethal systems as an option to lethal force."The official Pentagon directive (Draft 7\21\94) states: "Non-lethal weapons are especially suited to operations such as peace-keeping, humanitarian missions and other operations short of war. ... Non-lethal weapons that show significant promise of DUAL-USE BY U.S. LAW ENFORCEMENT" (AGAINST AMERICAN CIVILIANS) "as well as by the military services, will receive higher priority than those that do not."Demonstrating plans for NEW Waco-style massacres against U.S. churches, gun-collectors and patriots fighting against the U.N. occupation, the Pentagon directive stated: "The term 'adversary' is used in its broadest sense, including THOSE WHO ARE NOT DECLARED ENEMIES, BUT WHO ARE ENGAGED IN ACTIVITIES WE WISH TO STOP. THIS POLICY DOES NOT PRECLUDE...DOMESTIC USE OF NON-LETHAL WEAPONS BY U.S. MILITARY FORCES IN SUPPORT OF LAW ENFORCEMENT."In March, 1993, the National Institute of Justice [NIJ]--(an office of Janet Reno's Justice Department), issued a report titled: "NIJInitiative On Less-Than-Lethal Weapons." The Department is now encouraging local and state police organizations to utilize Soviet-KGB psychotronic, electromagnetic and mind control weapons against their local citizenry. Targets for these KGB weapons include "domestic disturbances" meaning that mind-control devices are even to be utilized against family arguments.The reports stated: "Short-term research will be completed TO ADOPT MILITARY TECHNOLOGIES TO USE BY DOMESTIC LAW ENFORCEMENT...including LASER, MICROWAVE, AND ELECTROMAGNETIC" WEAPONS.The Justice Department is preparing to use these non-lethal psychotronic weapons for "search warrent RAIDS." A 1994 Congressional report says that the new H.A.R.R.P. ELF transmitter in Alaska "could allow earth-penetrating tomography over most of the northern hemisphere." Such a capability WOULD PERMIT THE DETECTION AND PRECISE LOCATION OF TUNNELS AND UNDERGROUND SHELTERS," AS WELL AS UNDERGROUND STORAGE SITES FOR GUNS AND AMMUNITION.By utilizing this tomography with high speed computers, the Clinton Administration will be able to rapidly locate and target PRIVATE COLLECTIONS OF BURIED FIREARMS MARKED FOR U.N. OCCUPATION FORCE CONFISCATION.In 1989, FULL DISCLOSURE MAGAZINE published the article, "REMOTE MIND CONTROL TECHNOLOGY." The magazine reported that Los Alamos National Laboratory "prepared a report for Federal Emergency Management Agency(FEMA) setting forth that use of microwave radiation on 'terrorist' could kill them, stun them, or at least modify their behavior by changing their perceptions."C.F.R. - TRILATERAL INSIDERS PREDICTED USE OF PSYCHOTRONIC WEAPONS AGAINST AMERICAPowerful CFR and Trilateral insiders have long known how electromagnetic weapons can be effected utilized to wage political warfare against America's population. President Lyndon Johnson's Science Adviser, Dr. Gordon J.F. MacDonald wrote the globalist-promoting 1968 book, UNLESS PEACE COMES, A SCIENTIFIC FORECAST OF NEW WEAPONS.MacDonald described how MAN-MADE CHANGES IN THE ELECTRICAL EARTH-IONOSPHERE CAN BE USED FOR MASS BEHAVIOR CONTROL. He said that low frequency electromagnetic oscillations CAN ATTACK THE LOW FREQUENCY ELECTROMAGNETIC BRAIN WAVES IN HUMAN BEINGS. He stated, "Perturbation of the environment (by geophysical warfare) can produced changes in behavioral patterns."Zbigniew Brzezinski, the founding director of David Rockefeller's Trilateral Commission, also served as President Jimmy Carter's National Security Director, where he founded the infamous FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) that is designed to implement world government dictatorial rules over the U.S.A.In his 1970 book, BETWEEN TWO AGES, Brezezinski described "weather control" as a "new weapon" that is a "key element of strategy." He added: "Technology will make available, to leaders of major nations, a variety of techniques for conducting SECRET WARFARE, of which only a bare minimum of the security forces need to be appraised," (which explains why the U.S. public and the press was denied access to the recent Los Alamos conference on non-lethal psychotronic weapons).Brzezinski predicted the exact types of electromagnetic psychotronic weapons that the Clinton Adminstration is now obtaining for mass behavior control of U.S. citizens. He stated: "It is possible--and TEMPTING--to exploit, for strategic-political purposes, the fruits of research on the brain and on human behavior. ...Accurately timed, artificially excited electronic strokes" (such as those created by the Soviet ELF Woodpecker, the U.S. GWEN tower VLF network and U.S.H.A.R.R.P.-style ELF transmitters) "could lead to a pattern of oscillations that produce relatively high power levels over certain regions of the earth. ...In this way, one could develop a system that would SERIOUSLY IMPAIR THE BRAIN PERFORMANCE OF A VERY LARGE POPULATION IN SELECTED REGIONS, OVER AN EXTENDED PERIOD."ELECTROMAGNETIC TELEPATHIC INFLUENCEThe terrible effects of the KGB psychotronic devices, now being supplied to the Clinton Regime, were publicized in the 1970's. A 1975 issue of the Soviet publication INTERNATIONAL LIFE, discussing electronic mind control developments, stated that atmospheric electricity can be used "TO SUPPRESS THE MENTAL ACTIVITY" of large groups of people. The Soviet journal said that a sonic generator, tuned to an infrasound (below the hearing level) frequency, could CREATE "FEELINGS OF DEPRESSION, FEAR, PANIC, TERROR, AND DESPAIR."In 1977, the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) declassified a report describing how vast advances in Soviet psychotronic technology can create THE ULTIMATE BIG BROTHER SOCIETY, BY USING ELECTRONIC MIND CONTROL AGAINST POPULATIONS TO IMPLANT IDEAS AND THOUGHTS INTO THE HEADS OF UNSUSPECTING VICTIMS:"SOUNDS AND POSSIBLY EVEN WORDS, WHICH APPEAR TO BE ORIGINATING INTRACRANIALLY (WITHIN ONE'S OWN HEAD), CAN BE INDUCED BY SIGNAL MODIFICATION AT VERY LOW AVERAGE POWER DENSITIES" (VLF & ELF).The DIA report also said that the Soviets discovered that secret microwave radiation can be used to induce in unsuspecting victims:"headache, fatigue, perspiring, dizziness, menstrual disorders, irritability, agitation, tension, drowsiness, sleeplessness, depression, anxiety, forgetfulness, and the lack of concentration."BRAIN ENTRAINMENT WARFAREThe results of many years of U.S. psychotronic research, originally DESIGNED FOR THE DEFENSE OF UNITED STATES, are now being directed to the service of the United Nations and against many of the very American taxpayers who helped pay for the research.Ron McRae's 1984 book, MIND WARS, described research in the 1970's at the Stanford Research Institute on the subject of ELF and mind control."BECAUSE THE HUMAN BRAIN GENERATES ELECTRICAL SIGNALS IN THE SAME ELF FREQUENCIES, SCIENTIST SPECULATE THAT TRANSMITTING STRONG SIGNALS IN THESE FREQUENCIES MIGHT INTERFERE WITH THE NATURAL BRAIN ACTIVITY OF PERSONS IN THE TARGET AREA, PRODUCING EFFECTS RANGING FROM HYPERTENSION TO SUDDEN DEATH."MaRae continued: " Initial results coming out of laboratories in the United States and Canada (show) that certain amplitude and frequency combinations of external electromagnetic radiation in the brain-wave frequency STIMULATING HIGHER-LEVEL NEURONAL STRUCTURES IN THE BRAIN.This electronic stimulation is known to produce mental changes at a distance, including hallucinations in various sensory modalities, particularly auditory."Because the power levels are so low, the brain COULD MISTAKE THE OUTSIDE SIGNAL FOR ITS OWN, MIMIC IT (A PROCESS KNOWN AS BIOELECTIC ENTRAINMENT), AND RESPOND WHEN IT CHANGES."Early Soviet research by Professor Leonid L. Vasiliev, head of the Department of Physiology at the University of Leningrad, appeared in his publication: EXPERIMENTS IN DISTANT INFLUENCE. Ron McRae reported:"Vasiliev and his colleagues were "among the first to show that even very low-level radiation can effect living organisms and cause dizziness, loss of appetite, emotional instability, and hallucinations."Valiliev's research caused him to conclude that "THOUGHTS CAN BE GRAFTED ONTO MICROWAVES IN THE SAME WAY THAT TELEVISION SIGNALS CARRY PICTURES AND SHOULD, opening the possibility if LONG-DISTANCE HYPNOSIS of mind control."PRESENT DAY, U.S.Government use of electromagnetic weapons was described in the Oct-Nov., 94 NEXUS MAGAZINE: "Directed-energy weapons currently being deployed include, for example, a micro-wave weapon manufactured by Lockheed-Sanders and used for a process known as 'Voice Synthesis' which is REMOTE BEAMING OF AUDIO (i.e., VOICES OR OTHER AUDIBLE SIGNALS) DIRECTLY INTO THE BRAIN OF ANY SELECTED HUMAN TARGET. This process is also known within the U.S. Government as "Synthetic Telepathy." This psychotronic weapon was demonstrated by Dr. Dave Morgan at the November, 1993 Non-Lethal weapons conference.Dr. Robert O. Becker, leading U.S. expert on biomagnetic effects, stated: "All the evidence points very clearly to the fact that animals (including humans) must intercept a NORMAL magnetic field in order to maintain the functional integrity of their central nervous systems. We derive crucial information from the field--information that influences biorhythms, the electrical and chemical properties of the brain, and the growth rate of the organism as a whole. ...It should be obvious by now that ABNORMAL (electromagnetic) fields CAUSE ACUTE PHYSIOLOGICAL STRESS, A MAJOR PREDISPOSING FACTOR TOWARD DISEASE," (2\85 OMNI MAGAZINE).Dr, Becker comments show the extreme danger created by many of the so-called "non-lethal" psychotronic electromagnetic weapons.HAMMER AND SICKLE MIND ZAPPINGIn addition to the infra-sound Russian device, described in the press, there are other, more destructive psychotronic weapons that are now being secretly supplied to the Clinton Regime. To understand what the globalists are planning to use against American civilians, it is necessary to look at the background on these KGB weapons.In the 1950's, Nikolia Khokhlov, a Soviet KGB agent defected to the West. In 1976, Khokhlov was asked by the U.S. Government to prepare a report on secret Soviet parapsychology centers. He interviewed a number of scientists who had recently left the Soviet Union. The 2\5\83 issue of THE SPECTATOR reported that Khokhlov said: "The Soviet mind control program is run by the KGB with unlimited funds."Khokhlov stated: Soviet psychotronic weapons "ARE ABLE TO JAM SOMEONE'S THINKING IN THE SAME WAY THAT YOU CAN JAM THE SIGNALS COMING IN FROM A RADIO TRANSMITTER. In simple terms, it means that YOU CAN SCRAMBLE ANYONE'S THINKING PROCESS AND CAN PLANT FEAR AND CONFUSION AT WILL IN THAT PERSON."NEXUS MAGAZINE stated: "Reports recently appeared that the FBI deployed the weapon against David Koresh" during the siege at Waco. This type of psychotronic weapon was able to confuse and plant false messages into the targeted victims. Videos of the Branch Dividian compound, made during the siege, showed a small microwave dish (used for TRANSMISSION) setting atop a portable pole, POINTED DIRECTLY TOWARDS THE MAIN BUILDIN IN THE COMPOUND.The Feds appear to have also utilized psychotronic mind-zapping weapons against the Montana-based Church Universal and Triumphant.KGB defector Khokhlov reported that by using these psychotronic weapons, "you can make an enemy to do something TOTALLY CONTRARY TO HIS TRAINING AND HIS LOYALTY TO HIS OWN COUNTRY." Loyal Americans, who are targeted by these psychotronic weapons or by the VLF GWEN tower network, can be MENTALLY SOFTENED-UP, so that they will more willingly SUBMIT TO THE CONTROL OF THE U.N. OCCUPATION FORCES.Khokhlov reported that these KGB devices could turn a senior officer "into a traitor" to his own country.The 1988 book, PSYCHIC WARFARE--FACT OR FICTION, edited by John White, carried several articles by Thomas E. Bearden, leading U.S. expert on Soviet Tesla and psychotronic weapons. In his article titled, "Soviet Psychotronic Weapons, A Condensed Background," Bearden stated: "The psychotronic patterns/effects can be modulated onto electromagnetic signals, even of very low intensity" (such as ELF and VLF), "and still affect living systems because of the KINDLING EFFECTS; i.e. the psychotronic virtual state modulations are stripped off by a living system (IN THE ACUPUNCTURE POINTS NEAR THE SURFACE OF THE SKIN) and introduced onto the human nervous system where they begin to superpose coherently as time passes. Such collection eventually reach the quantumthreshold and OBSERVABLE PHYSICAL CHANGE RESULTS.""...By modulating psychotronic (PT) signals onto electromagnetic (EM) carriers, visible light squelching can be overcome. The PT modulations are then delivered to the bio-logical (or material) targets through the light--photons go right through other photons without interaction except in the most extreme cases--and ACTIVATE THE ACUPUNCTURE POINTS." Soviet physicist, "Victor Adamenko, discovered that acupuncture points formplexuses or groupings, THAT ARE FREQUENTLY SENSITIVE. Further, these plexuses are coordinated with and to specific body locations. BY CHOICE OF FREQUENCY, ONE CAN THEREFORE DETERMINE WHAT PART OF THE TARGET'S BODY IS EFFECTED."White's PSYCHIC WARFARE reported Communist East Bloc discoveries that "telepathy can be amplified like radio waves." "The bulk of recent telepathy research in the U.S.S.R. has been concerned with the transmission of emotional or behavioral impulses and the study of physiological response to PK exercises etc. ...By the early 1970's CIA agents in the field reported that the Soviets were able to influence telepathically the behavior of people, alter their emotions or health, and even kill at long distance."The 1983 book, THE MIND RACE, by Russell Targ and Keith Harary reported that leading Soviet psychotronics expert, Professor I.M. Kogan "argues that if psychic phenomena are to be explained at all, it will have to be through low-frequency electromagnetic principles."Targ and Harary reported: "Experiments that feature INDUCING PAIN OR BEHAVIORAL MANIPULATION AT A DISTANCE HAVE BEEN THE DISTINGUISHING CHARACTERISTIC OF ALMOST ALL OFFICIAL SOVIET PSI RESEARCH SINCE THE 1920's."Describing Soviet research, Targ and Harary reported: "An 18 KHz oscillator was modulated with different types of stochastic (random) noise. The output of the generator was brought near the patient's heads, apparently causing the to have 'mystical or religious types of experiences.' In other experiments, IT WAS FOUND THAT HEART ATTACKS COULD BE INDUCED in susceptible rats, and relief from hypoxia obtained in rats suffering from oxygen deprivation."Martin Ebon's 1983 book, PSYCHIC WARFARE, stated: "Efforts to monitor human brain activity, by means of some form of super-telepathy, should be seen in the context of just such technological means as microwave techniques offer today. ...Certain aspects of psychotronics, those concerned with extremely low levels of energy, electromagnetism, photons, bioplasma, and similar categories, are the electro-biological equivalent of communications and interception techniques that utilize advanced electronic technology." Ebon also reported that THE ROCKEFEELERS'S HAVE BEEN FINANCING PSYCHOTRONIC MIND CONTROL RESEARCH since the 1950's.SATANIC 666 SOVIET ZAPPING DEVICESBecause of the 1991 breakup of the old U.S.S.R., much new information about the Soviet mind zapping weapons program has appeared. The 2\94 FATE MAGAZINE carried extensive details about the different types of psychotronic devices (many of which are now being secretly supplied to the Clinton U.N. Occupation Regime): "In 1991, an article entitled 'Once More About Psychic Weapon's' was published in the UGOLOG UKRAINI newspaper by A.V. Kalinets-Bryukhanov (K.B.)." He reported that "he had participated in the development of one of the most classified projects of the Soviet State Committee for Sciences and Technologies." K.B. was "involved in secret research into the effects of the operation of electromagnetic pulse fields. He studied various effects of the exertion of force upon cellular structures and subcellular formations."Other work involved "the development of an electronic device to direct remote influence upon the biological environment, using microwave radiation, with subsequent corrections of biophysical parameters of living organisms.""Test on animal brains demonstrated that when cellular transformation resulted from fields of especially destructive forces, manifestations of paranormal abilities, like clairvoyance, became possible."The KGB "researchers located phrenological zones of the skull, responsible for motivating various actions of the research subjects....These experiments helped Soviet scientist find THE MOST EFFECTIVE ELECTROMAGNETIC PULSE FIELD OPERATING CONDITIONS TO REPRODUCE CEREBRAL TISSUE THAT WOULD CREATE THE PLANNED PERSONALITY CHARACTERISTIC."K.B. described KGB experiments upon certain Soviet soldiers, who had exhibited characteristics of fear and cowardliness during the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. After being zapped by psychotronic mind-control DEVICES, these former cowards SUDDENLY HAD A 180 DEGREE CHANGE IN THEIR OUTLOOK. They were turned into supe-rcourageous heroes, who subsequently, repeatedly risked their lives in battle."Having observed the brain as a receiving and transmitting device, the researchers had discovered certain wavelengths. Using them, IT IS POSSIBLE, TO INFLUENCE VARIOUS SECTIONS OF THE BRAIN DIRECTLY, REPRODUCE CEREBRAL TISSUE, AND THEN PROVOKE UNUSUAL CHANGES IN THE QUALITIES OF INDIVIDUAL PSYCHES. THEN ONE CAN PROGRAM ANYTHING INTO THE BRAINS OF EXPERIMENTAL SUBJECTS."FATE MAGAZINE also reported on a fall, 1991 article by Emil Fedorovich Bachurin, that was published in two issues of the MOLODAYA GVARDIA MAGAZINE: "The information demonstrates the kinds of weapons that fall under the heading of 'psychotronic weapons'." Bachurin described the psychotronic devices as "dreadful." A human being becomes a silent cogin a hellish machine of all-devouring fear. AN INDIVIDUAL'S BRAIN CAN BE SUPPRESSED, ACTIVITIES CURTAINED, and such an individual WILL SUBMIT TO ANY WISH OF THE OPERATOR. ...Bachurin list several types of 'psi-oruzhiye': "The first, most effective, well known, destructive type, tortures the victim and then kills him. It is based on INFRASONIC RADIATION" (very similar to the so-called "non lethal" psychotronic devices now being pushed by the Justice Department)--"7 hertz ELF in frequency. The human brain and peripheral nervous system cannot withstand such directed radiation. ...The secret of putting it to proper use is finding the right screening emitter...""Application of directed, high power microwave and ultrasound radiation is the principle between the second type of psi-weapons. Although these are two separate concepts, each one affects the nervous system equally effectively: humans lose sleep. Insomnia wrecks a human being and such weapons can be made portable.""The third type of psi-oruzhiye involves several systems: chronal emitters, chronal guns, pyramid sets, and some cavity structures. The destructive effect here is achieved by creation of chronal beams, consisting of tiny particles--chronos, or time carriers. Such beams are all-penetrating, and their velocity allows the beams to disperse in space instantaneously.""After a volley from a chronal gun, the human aura is torn to pieces, and the victim's bioenergy defense is gone. Should the energy circle around an individual's head (halo or nimbus) be hit, the mental abilities of the targeted person will be affected. Such weapon's do not kill, but do maim the psyche. Prolonged exposure to bullets from such weapons systems can affect the urinary system, sexual organs, the cranial brain, and the spinal cord. Leukemia and malignant brain tumors are the result.""The forth type, and by far the most dangerous for human targets,...is the psi-generator. It is also known as a psi-amplifier, and psi-data unit. And generators they truly are. What is being generated is electromagnetic radiation that conforms to brain frequencies" (such as the 10 hertz ELF signals generated by the Russian Woodpecker system of Tesla Magnifying Transmitters). "Such radiation, when directed at the target, can be used to suggest and transmit anything, any feeling--love, hate, euphoria, anger, anguish, and suicidal thoughts. The psi-generators can be used for remote transmission.""Creators of such generators designed to shield the operator's brain. If hit directly, the victim loses his will power, and should the person be excited or think intensely about something at the time of the attack, the victims suffer cerebral thrombosis."E.L.F PSYCHOTRONIC FOR THE U.N. OCCUPATION FORCESThe June-July, 1989 issue of the West German scientist publication, RAUM & ZEIT carried an article by Dr. W. Volkrodt, titled: "Can Human Beings Be manipulated By ELF Waves." The article stated: "The technical principal of receivers for electromagnetic waves is fully analogous with biological information and communications systems. If several thousand of the hundreds of billions of nerve cells in our brain resonate with man-made centimeter waves, the carrier frequency has to be suppressed when the signal is passed on to the synapses.""To overcome cell membranes, living organisms use electrochemical processes involving sodium and potassium ions. This suppresses the carrier frequency in the high-frequency range just as the demodulation circuit does in man-made receivers. What remains is the signal impressed on the carrier frequency, e.g. in the low frequency ELF range. This is also the frequency range at which our own nervous system normally works.""Using these frequencies, the nerve fibers convey pain sensations, the feeling of hungry, tiredness, nausea, and signals on the sense of balance to points in the brain which invoke these stages in a awake consciousness.""IF INTERFERENCE SIGNALS ARE SUPERIMPOSE ON THE NATURAL SIGNALS GENERATED BY THE BODY, E.G. BY USING ARTIFICIALLY CREATED CENTIMETER WAVES AS A CARRIER, THE BRAIN COULD BE PRESENTED WITH SIMULATED STATES THAT WE CONSCIOUSLY PERCEIVE, BUT WHICH DO NOT REALITY""A state of disturbed sense of balance, which seems to us to be real, is enough to stop people from being able to run or make them feel dizzy even when they are lying down.""IN A 'PSYCHOTRONIC WAR' USING MICROWAVES MODULATED USING ELF WAVES, it would no longer be necessary to kill whole armies by inducing cardiac or respiratory irregular signals. The enemy can simply be incapacitated by disturbing their states of balance or CONFUSING THE ABILITY TO THINK LOGICALLY. ...The manipulation of human beings, by means of ELF waves is relatively easy to perform."Predicting the use of so-called "non-lethal" psychotronic weapons to support the U.N. occupation of America, the 1988 article stated:"Government authorities and the military would have to overcome no insurmountable difficulties to modulate carrier frequencies with ELF signals in existing centimeter radio-relay links. ...AN ARMY OF OCCUPATION COULD THEN MANIPULATE A NATION'S ABILITY TO MAKE DECISIONS IN CONFUSING POLITICAL SITUATIONS OR DISABLE UNDESIRABLE ACTIVITIES" (the militias of loyal American resistance forces). "ELF-modulated microwave transmitters employed in this way could also serve to obviate the use of force" (non-lethal weapons)."AN ENTIRE NATION CAN BE GRADUALLY SUBJUGATED PSYCHICALLY by the means of long-term radiation using ELF-modulated centimeter waves. ...Once any kind of DESIRE TO DEFEND OR CAPACITY TO RESIST HAS BEEN DISPELLED, political activities by negotiation are sufficient to incorporate into one's power a nation subjugated in this way."GWEN TOWER VLF NETWORK FOR SOFTENING-UPTHE PATRIOTIC RESISTANCEThe Ground Wave Emergency Network (GWEN) was begun in the 1980's by the U.S. Government. The system was allegedly designed for the purpose of maintaining defense communications in case of a nuclear war. However, the entire network is highly vulnerable to destruction from an electromagnetic pulse (EMP) generated by a high-altitude nuclear explosion, according to Dr. Robert O. Becker, M.D., (co-author of THE BODY ELECTRIC and author of CROSSCURRENTS: THE PERILS OF ELECTROPOLLUTION).After the 9\93 YOUTH ACTION NEWS report, "Weather war Deluge Over America" exposed the role of the GWEN system in electromagnetic weather-engineering, the Government suddenly announced that it was temporarily curtailing construction for a one year moratorium that just ended. The present 58 tower GWEN system is still functioning and cannot be turned off or dismantled without specific legislation from Congress.The GWEN towers transmit electromagnetic waves in the VLF range between 150 and 175 Khz. Dr. Becker reported, "The VLF range was selected because its signals travel by means of ground waves--electromagnetic fields that hug the ground--rather than radiating into the atmosphere.The signals drop off with distance, and a single GWEN station transmits to a 360-degree circle radiating out from it to a distance of about 250 to 300 miles."Unlike the thousands-of-miles long range ELF waves, the higher frequency VLF waves transmitted by the GWEN system have a limited range of only a few hundred miles. The GWEN towers will play a key role in Clinton's Regime's U.N. mind control operations because they have the ability to SELECTIVELY zap SPECIFIC geographic locations, while leaving other areas unaffected. In this way, the population in selected regions of the nation can be mentally softened-up. Expected resistance to U.N. occupation forces, from the militias of loyal Americans, can be significantly reduced by having GWEN system in targeted areas transmit specific psychotronic signals that encourage depression and SUBMISSION.In CROSSCURRENTS, Dr, Becker stated: "GWEN is a superb systems,in combination with cyclotron resonance" (the type of system utilized in the new H.A.R.R.P. ELF transmitters), "FOR PRODUCING BEHAVIORAL ALTERATIONS IN THE CIVILIAN POPULATION. The average strength of the steady geomagnetic field varies from place to place across the United States.Therefore, IF ONE WISHED TO RESONATE A SPECIFIC ION IN LIVING THINGS IN A SPECIFIC LOCALITY, one would require A SPECIFIC FREQUENCY FOR THAT LOCATION. The spacing of GWEN transmitters 200 miles apart across the United States would allow such specific frequencies to be 'TAILORED TO THE GEOMAGNETIC FIELD STRENGTH IN EACH AREA."Prior to the construction of the GWEN system, the government conducted experiments on the use of GWEN-type Very Low Frequency transmissions.Walter H. Bowart's famous 1978 book, OPERATION MIND CONTROL described how federal-funded scientist studied "the effects of Very Low Frequency (VLF) as an instrument of war.Research revealed that there is a natural wave guide between the ionosphere and the earth which could be used to propagate very-low-frequency radiation and guide it to selected locations on the earth.Studies showed that low-frequency sound subtly affected the electrical behavior of the brain.""The alpha-wave frequency of the human brain is eight to twelve hertz (cycles per second). The ionospheric wave guide oscillates at eight hertz, making it a good harmonic carrier of low-frequency sound (LFS) waves. These are such long waves that they are virtually impossible to detect. Pentagon reports apply LFS to DEMOBILIZING THE PRODUCTIVE CAPACITY OF A CIVILIAN POPULATION in time of war."Dr. Frank Barnaby, Director of the Stockholm Peace Research Institute, stated: 'If methods could be devised to produce greater field strengths of such low-frequency oscillations,...by artificial means, then it might become possible to IMPAIR THE PERFORMANCE OF A LARGE GROUP OF PEOPLE IN SELECTED REGIONS OVER EXTENDED PERIODS.'"In his earlier 1980 article, "The New Mental Battlefield," the Federal Government's "non-lethal" psychotronics weapons tsar, Col. John B. Alexander wrote: "Mind-altering techniques, designed to impact on an opponent are well-advanced. ...Researchers suggest that CERTAIN LOW FREQUENCY EMISSIONS POSSESS PSYCHOACTIVE CHARACTERISTICS. THESE (ELF & VLF) TRANSMISSIONS CAN BE USED TO INDUCED DEPRESSION OR IRRITABILITY IN A TARGET POPULATION."SPACE SHUTTLE WEATHER-ENGINEERING AND MIND ZAPPINGIn addition to the electromagnetic weather-engineering created by the Russian Woodpecker, U.S. H.A.R.R.P.-like ionospheric-heating ELF transmitters, and the GWEN tower network of VLF transmitters, the U.S. Government is now utilizing space vehicles to help fine-tune current weather-engineering methods. The Sept. 26-Oct. 2, 1994 DEFENSE NEWS reported that the U.S. Air force has a master space plan for "weather control". "Advances in technology" have resulted in weather modification being made a part of the Air Force's planning. DEFENSE NEWS reported that details on the weather-control plan are "classified and will not be released Air Force officials said."U.S. space shuttles are already being utilized for space-based weather-engineering and mind control actions against the American populations. An associated Press report carried in the 9\11\94 EVANSVILLE COURIER stated that on Sept 10, 1994, the space shuttle Discovery utilized a powerful green laser directed at key sections of North America and other parts of the globe. Pulses from the shuttle's laser "bounced off thick, high clouds over a tropical storm in the first atmospheric study of its kind. Ground controllers directed the lasers at tropical storm Debby in the Caribbean as the shuttle soared 160 miles overhead."The $25 million laser machine is flying for the first time in space.Similar devices have flown for years on planes." PROOF THAT THE SPACE SHUTTLE LASER WAS UTILIZED FOR WEATHER ENGINEERING AND MIND ZAPPING, CAME FROM THE SPECIFIC FREQUENCY EMPLOYED BY THE LASER.DEFENSE NEWS stated: "During a checkout of the laser machine, PULSES BEGAN EMANATING FROM THE DISCOVERY AT A RATE OF TEN PER SECOND AS THE SHUTTLE FLEW OVER MANITOBA, CANADA. THE LASERS CONTINUED FIRING AS DISCOVERY CUT ACROSS WISCONSIN, MICHIGAN, AND THE NORTHEAST, HEADING OUT OVER THE ATLANTIC OCEAN NEAR MARYLAND, and down toward the Caribbean, and passed eastern Brazil and the South Atlantic. ...Each pulse was just the width of a finger when leaving Discovery, but COVERED THE AREA EQUIVALENT TO THREE FOOTBALL FIELDS BY THE TIME IT REACHED EARTH."The 10\3\94 AVIATION WEEK & SPACE TECHNOLOGY MAGAZINE reported that the Discovery mission also involved two Lockheed Electra aircraft which, during the period Sept. 16-17, flew over part of Discovery's orbit, each firing its own on-board laser at the earth, "PULSED AT 10 HERTZ, through quartz windows" on the aircraft. Discovery and the two aircraft operated "simultaneously from different altitudes over the same spot on earth."The 10 pulses per second (10 hertz--cycles per second) is IN THE EXACT SAME PRIMARY ELF FREQUENCY THAT HAS BEEN TRANSMITTED FOR MANY YEARS BY THE SOVIET WOODPECKER TESLA-MAGNIFYING-TRANSMITTERS. The ten pulses per second ELF waves have been utilized for weatherwar attacks against America since July 4, 1976. Further, the space shuttle's and aircrafts' 10 CYCLES PER SECOND ELF FREQUENCY IS IN THE HUMAN BRAIN'S ALPHA WAVE RANGE AND HAS BEEN SPECIFICALLY UTILIZED FOR MIND ZAPPING FOR MANY YEARS.In July, 1972, President Lyndon Johnson's former science adviser, Dr. Gordon J.F. MacDonald testified before the House Subcommittee on Oceans and International Environment. Commenting on the discoveries in low-frequency research, Dr. MacDonald stated: "...The basic notion there, was to create within the cavity between the electrically charged ionosphere in the higher part of the atmosphere and conducting layers of the surface of the earth, this neutral cavity, TO CREATE WAVES, ELECTRICAL WAVES, THAT WOULD BE TUNED TO THE BRAINWAVES. The natural electrical rhythm of most mammalian brains, including man, IS ABOUT 10 CYCLES (HERTZ) PER SECOND, and there are indications that if you tune in at this frequency, that is, these low frequencies of about 10 cycles per second, YOU CAN PRODUCE CHANGES IN BEHAVIORAL PATTERNS OR IN RESPONSES."The book, THE BODY ELECTRIC, by Robert O. Becker, M.D. and Gary Selden contained important research discoveries that related to the simultaneous space shuttle-aircraft use of three lasers firing at a 10 hertz frequency: "Hypnotist often use a STROBE LIGHT, FLASHING AT ALPHA WAVE FREQUENCIES to ease the glide into trance. It seems that for over thirty years, the Communist bloc nations have been using an ELF wave form to do the same thing undetectable and perhaps more effectively." In 1983, leading expert on biomagnetic research, Ross Adey "organized a public meeting at the Loma Linda VA hospital and released photos and information concerning a Russian Lida machine. ...This was a small transmitter that emitted 10 HERTZ WAVE FOR TRANQUILIZATION AND ENHANCEMENT OF SUGGESTIBILITY."The space shuttle 10 hertz laser zapping of America fulfills part of END TIMES BIBLICAL PROPHECY. Revelations 13 states: "And I beheld another beast coming UP OUT OF THE EARTH" (Like a rocket), and it had two horns (the two accompanying aircraft, each firing their own lasers) like a lamb and he spake like a dragon. ..And he doeth great wonders, so that he MAKETH FIRE COME DOWN FROM HEAVEN ON EARTH IN THE SIGHT OF MEN." (the ELF laser zapping).
Rothscilds are responsible for the Napoleonic wars, the US Civil War, WWI, WWII,
Alois Shickelgrueber was Adolf Hitler's real name and he was the illegitimate grandson of Nathan Rothchild who raped the Austrian Maid Maria Shicklegrueber in the UK.
Maria Shicklegrueber married a Heitler and Rothschild made maria rename Alois Heiter Adolf Hitler.
Hitter was on mind control durgs called Vitamultin and he was totally controlled by Rothschild to steal assets of Eastern Europe with a bogus war that never should have been
That is how Adolf Hitler was created, and his Jewish root is a greedy evil banker who tortured.
Also Vitramultin was given to all Germans in the late 1920's for depression.
All US children were given for the last 20 years medication such as prozac and zoloft and mind controlled to fight and hate, rape, torture and murder Iraq people and now the world peoples.
Alois Shickelgrueber was Adolf Hitler's real name and he was the illegitimate grandson of Nathan Rothchild who raped the Austrian Maid Maria Shicklegrueber in the UK.
Maria Shicklegrueber married a Heitler and Rothschild made maria rename Alois Heiter Adolf Hitler.
Hitter was on mind control durgs called Vitamultin and he was totally controlled by Rothschild to steal assets of Eastern Europe with a bogus war that never should have been
That is how Adolf Hitler was created, and his Jewish root is a greedy evil banker who tortured.
Also Vitramultin was given to all Germans in the late 1920's for depression.
All US children were given for the last 20 years medication such as prozac and zoloft and mind controlled to fight and hate, rape, torture and murder Iraq people and now the world peoples.