Other nation's elections too, actually but the recent US elections manifested remote control of the smart election machines.Find the experimental town and you will identify who the people behind the control of this technology is.They will use the RACE CARD. Find out why.A Message to the Black Community (if I do not know the proper political term, sorry, i do not know what it should be. you can correct me):This is not about you. This is not against you. Let's work together in finding the evil ones amongs us who use our race, our color as a shield to hide crimes.Before the color, before the race, we are all human beings. Let's find who the traitors amongst us are. Those willing to capitalize on the politics of color to betray fellow human beings, whatever the color.This will cause a dent in history but I believe all of us want a better world for our children even if it means we have to unearth skeletons that will mar our memory of what we thought our history is all about.We are all being used to hide the propaganda of some powerful individuals.I hope we will not protect the very people behind this electronic genocide just to protect our mark in history, just to protect our nation's reputation.We still are capable of creating better reputations.Let's start by creating honest ones.Let's identify the traitors to the human race in our midst.
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