I think my offenders blame me the victim while they possibly use my identity and my family members identitys along with other peoples identitys just to keep from being caught while they murder me. They mind control me and many others through the internet on their computors with a typed in microchip code. My internet has been hacked in the past 2 years they managed to get my password for my netgear wireless router by reading my thoughts through a microchip in my brain when they typed in a microchip code on their computors or cell phones. I figured out that I was a victim of a microchip implant without my permission and sonic ear hearing device for elderly. One time someone told me that I had nice boobies when I was taking a shower that was when I knew I was being watched on camera in my own bathroom through a microchip in me. My computer was hacked and froze up one day while I was on the computer so rebooted the computor and was able to get the Ip address of the hacker through my netgear login page on my computor that was when I found out that they was logging in to my wireless netgear router with my password hambone12 which I did not give to my neighbors who hacked my netgear router. I also know that my family members and friends did not give them that password for my netgear router because I never gave the password out to anyone and I made that password hambone12 up myself and the only way my neighbors could have got that password to use my wireless netgear router without my permission was to read my thoughts through a typed in microchip code on their computors or cell phones that is another reason why I know that I am a microchip victim. So I had my friend change the password on my wireless netgear router because I knew that my thoughts was being read. Then later I decided to sign up with att universe to get a newer modem which is harder for them to hack without a ip address. I decided to have the att tech put the network ip address into my laptop computor because I know that the people that mind control me can read my thoughts through a microchip code on a computer or cell phone. I think they have tried to blame my family members who was never involved along with other peoples family members of other victims out there. I think they can hear my conversations throughout the day from the sonic ear that they have put on mein the past. I think they make it look like the victim or the victims family members did the crime when they didn't do the crime while they call me and other people fake dead,non-living people on their computors through microchip code that they have typed in on their computors and cell phones just make it look like they are playing a game called physco cybernetics on the victims that have been microchiped while they mind control, torture, and give us health problems through physco cybernetics or other cybernetic programs. Then when the person is dead they try to cover up the murder by making it look like the microchipped victim died from health problems that they had caused them through physco cybernetics or some other cybernetic programs on their computors and cell phones. I think that they have been using the microchip victims dna that they have stolen through a microchip code on their computors and cell phones and that they use that dna to clone people out through the cybernetics they use on a person that has been microchipped. I think that after they murder the person that they will try to claim to be the person they murdered by getting a fake id and social security card under the murdered persons name and will go to the bank of the victims and withdraw any money that is left along with insurance policys that the person left behind when they died. They are able to do this because they read the thoughts of the victim through a microchip code on their computors when the victim was alive. That is how they steal the private information of the victim and use it in the end after they murder the person. So the cycle goes on because nobody can get help to stop electronic weapons from being used against me and others all over the world. I believe the people who murder me and others by giving us health problems through electronic weapons and microchips need to be stopped. Did you know? that they can make me and other microchip victims talk when we are not even talking through computor with a typed in microchip code of the microchip victim just to make the microchip victims look like the crazy people while they kill us off with health problems through the microchip and whatever other kind of electronic weapons they use against us. Please help me in the fight to stop electronic torture that is done to me along with many other woman,men and children. People have been being murdered one by one by people out there just because they get paid the money by other people to do so. Most of these murders get covered up when the victim of a microchip and electronic weapons has died because the microchip is so tiny it is nearly invisible even on a mri and ex-ray photo unless the photo is blown up no one would know it was in the victims body before they died and after unless there was some other evidence left behind. I think that alot of the murders that take place through a microchip and electronic weapons are covered up by the doctors because the victim is misdiagnosed as having a mental problem most of the time. So when me and other victims seek help from these places such as the hospitals,doctors,mri,ex-ray, Police,Fbi,City Mayor, President of the United States we get no help because we have all been misdiagnosed with a mental problem because of electronic weapons and microchips that are being used against us to kill. DO YOU WANNA KNOW WHAT IS SAD THE DOCTORS,EX-RAY,MRI DEPTS,POLICE,FBI,CIA,NSA,CITY MAYOR, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES ARE ALL CORRUPT. THEY KNOW WHAT IS GOING ON AND DO NOTHING FOR US WHILE WE ARE ALL BEING KILLED OFF BECAUSE THEY ALL MAKE MONEY OUT OF THIS TOO!!
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