VERY IMPORTANT; Creatine as needed. It will rehydrate your muscles immediately and relieve the fibro symptoms caused by DEW assault. (I cannot take Creatine regularly because I end up developing an allergic reaction of swollen, red face and depression, so take it with caution. I only take it occasionally)
You can find Creatine in the vitamin section at Walmart or any health food store on on line at It comes in powder form in a large canister.
VERY IMPORTANT: Lots of Fish Oil to lubricate joints. DEW dries out your muscle and joints, so it is important to keep your joints extra lubricated.
Take Pantothenic Acid (Vitamin B-5) 1000 mg three times daily. Pantothenic Acid boosts your adrenal glands and also makes you not allergic to many things.
Take Citrus Bioflavonoids along with the Pantothenic Acid. Citrus Bioflavonoids, among other things, keeps your skin and soft tissue young and strong.
Take Vitamin C with the Pantothenic Acid and Citrus Bioflavonoids three times a day. All three together boosts your adrendal glands. This is important due to the stress depleting the glands. Too much stress causing your adrenal glands to fail will cause chronic fatigue.
VERY IMPORTANT: Take MSM daily MSM is a sulfur which we have to have. MSM helps vitamin C to assimilate better. It keeps your connective tissues strong. The soft tissues are the first to go. Think of your gums and how they have receded since becoming targeted. MSM also detoxes your brain of aluminum, and makes your bones, skin and teeth and hair strong, and has added benefit of helping to keep your body alkaline.
Take Bamboo Extract - It's the cheapest yet best form of silica. It makes your bones, skin, teeth, hair strong.
IMPORTANT: Take extra B-50 or B-100 for your muscles and brain and energy.
IMPORTANT: I take sublingual B-12 for my brain, concentration and energy.
I take Turmeric. I would rather take Curcumin or Curcumin Extract, but it's too expensive. It is said to have cancer fighting properties. Also it helps with digestion.
VERY IMPORTANT: Take Lecithin. Buy it in granule form, big canister and take it at least once a day in water. Lecithin coats your central nervous system and brain in a protective sheath and protects against electrical damage. Leciithin also keeps your arteries clean, clean, clean.
VERY IMPORTANT: Take DHEA by Schiff. This will boost your testosterone just enough to make you feel much better. Start out taking one 25 mg tablet per day. It should do the trick. It won't hurt you. We need more testosterone as we grow older, and it will make you feel younger and even look a little younger. Good those 40 years old and older.
Take a good multi every day.
IMPORTANT: Take Chorella every day. It is a super green and gives you all the greens you need, and it detoxes your body of all kinds bad stuff.
VERY IMPORTANT: Take Ubiquinol. It gives a lot of energy instantly. It's wonderful for your cardiovascular health It actually builds heart muscle back. Take it in the morning with your coffee, and take it again in the afternoon if you feel you need a boost. It's expensive but buy the strongest dose you can afford.
Take Lutine for eye dryness. It works great.
Take extra Beta Carotene - good for skin and eyes.
VERY IMPORTANT: Take extra Vitamin D3 - It will keep your immune system strong and help fight depression.
VERY IMPORTANT: Take Bone Up by Jarrow. The type of Calcium in Bone Up actually builds bone back. None of the other Calciums do that. Bone Up by Jarrow also has Vitamin K-2 in it, and K-2 keeps the walls of your your arteries and blood vessels strong. DEW depletes calcium.
I also like to take extra Biotin every day. Good for your skin and hair.
GROUNDING: Try taking your shoes off and walk outside in the grass. This will cause the built up electricity to flow out of you and into the ground.
If your home is built on a concrete slab, try keeping your bare or sock feet on the floor at all times. I don't know if it works on a wood floor. If doesn't, get a piece of marble and carry it around with you and put your bare or sock feet on that and see if it works to absorb the frequencies or electricity or microwave frequencies.
Look around to see if you have a piece of reconstituted marble if you can't find or afford an actual piece of marble. Lowes or Home Depot have marble tiles, but you may have to buy a box of them and that can be expensive. Try a grave memorial business for a piece of marble.
VERY IMPORTANT; Creatine as needed. It will rehydrate your muscles immediately and relieve the fibro symptoms caused by DEW assault. (I cannot take Creatine regularly because I end up developing an allergic reaction of swollen, red face and depression, so take it with caution. I only take it occasionally)
You can find Creatine in the vitamin section at Walmart or any health food store on on line at It comes in powder form in a large canister.
VERY IMPORTANT: Lots of Fish Oil to lubricate joints. DEW dries out your muscle and joints, so it is important to keep your joints extra lubricated.
Take Pantothenic Acid (Vitamin B-5) 1000 mg three times daily. Pantothenic Acid boosts your adrenal glands and also makes you not allergic to many things.
Take Citrus Bioflavonoids along with the Pantothenic Acid. Citrus Bioflavonoids, among other things, keeps your skin and soft tissue young and strong.
Take Vitamin C with the Pantothenic Acid and Citrus Bioflavonoids three times a day. All three together boosts your adrendal glands. This is important due to the stress depleting the glands. Too much stress causing your adrenal glands to fail will cause chronic fatigue.
VERY IMPORTANT: Take MSM daily MSM is a sulfur which we have to have. MSM helps vitamin C to assimilate better. It keeps your connective tissues strong. The soft tissues are the first to go. Think of your gums and how they have receded since becoming targeted. MSM also detoxes your brain of aluminum, and makes your bones, skin and teeth and hair strong, and has added benefit of helping to keep your body alkaline.
Take Bamboo Extract - It's the cheapest yet best form of silica. It makes your bones, skin, teeth, hair strong.
IMPORTANT: Take extra B-50 or B-100 for your muscles and brain and energy.
IMPORTANT: I take sublingual B-12 for my brain, concentration and energy.
I take Turmeric. I would rather take Curcumin or Curcumin Extract, but it's too expensive. It is said to have cancer fighting properties. Also it helps with digestion.
VERY IMPORTANT: Take Lecithin. Buy it in granule form, big canister and take it at least once a day in water. Lecithin coats your central nervous system and brain in a protective sheath and protects against electrical damage. Leciithin also keeps your arteries clean, clean, clean.
VERY IMPORTANT: Take DHEA by Schiff. This will boost your testosterone just enough to make you feel much better. Start out taking one 25 mg tablet per day. It should do the trick. It won't hurt you. We need more testosterone as we grow older, and it will make you feel younger and even look a little younger. Good those 40 years old and older.
Take a good multi every day.
IMPORTANT: Take Chorella every day. It is a super green and gives you all the greens you need, and it detoxes your body of all kinds bad stuff.
VERY IMPORTANT: Take Ubiquinol. It gives a lot of energy instantly. It's wonderful for your cardiovascular health It actually builds heart muscle back. Take it in the morning with your coffee, and take it again in the afternoon if you feel you need a boost. It's expensive but buy the strongest dose you can afford.
Take Lutine for eye dryness. It works great.
Take extra Beta Carotene - good for skin and eyes.
VERY IMPORTANT: Take extra Vitamin D3 - It will keep your immune system strong and help fight depression.
VERY IMPORTANT: Take Bone Up by Jarrow. The type of Calcium in Bone Up actually builds bone back. None of the other Calciums do that. Bone Up by Jarrow also has Vitamin K-2 in it, and K-2 keeps the walls of your your arteries and blood vessels strong. DEW depletes calcium.
I also like to take extra Biotin every day. Good for your skin and hair.
GROUNDING: Try taking your shoes off and walk outside in the grass. This will cause the built up electricity to flow out of you and into the ground.
If your home is built on a concrete slab, try keeping your bare or sock feet on the floor at all times. I don't know if it works on a wood floor. If doesn't, get a piece of marble and carry it around with you and put your bare or sock feet on that and see if it works to absorb the frequencies or electricity or microwave frequencies.
Look around to see if you have a piece of reconstituted marble if you can't find or afford an actual piece of marble. Lowes or Home Depot have marble tiles, but you may have to buy a box of them and that can be expensive. Try a grave memorial business for a piece of marble.
warmest wishes n love lots denny
copyright @Susan Littleton