To the one who knows what's going on, An Open Plea:

Please, if the  reason you can not do anything is you believe this is an impossible hurdle to take, I am not asking you to take it for me... I will, for my child.


I just want to know the truth.


Why are they doing this?


Why is my own family treating me like I am the plague, the one to be punished when they are the ones doing things unimaginable for a family member to do to somebody they claim to be concerned about?


Why are they ensuring I am blocked off, that I am not able to communicate with anyone, that I am not able to work when they can not even treat me even civilly when I am here?


Why are they forcing me to give up and leave the child with them when I can very well see they can not take care of her beyond the material things they can provide? Do they really believe by forcing me to suffer, by cutting off all my sources of income, I would be pushed to give up my child just so she can eat? What kind of stupid. manipulative tack is that?


How can I even leave my kid to the very people who crippled me so they can force me into a corner and have no other choice but be subjected to their controlling whims? How can I leave my child to people who I know are colluding with the very group responsible for the decade-long harassment that cost me my life?


Are they really my family?


If they are, why are they permitting these people from harming me and my kid?


I am writing this with the knowledge that I may not be capable of defending my kid at all anytime soon, so I will do all that I can before my body gives up. (My baby is sick. I am , too. We are being literally cooked in the furnace of a room we are in. Food that's supposed to nourish  makes me weak and sleepy. My baby is again growling - she stopped doing that when we were not here. I am trying to control my anger for my kid's sake but it's again peaking...)


They are actually intentionally doing it, making me angry. They are trying to find grounds so they can take my baby from me.


Why are they so set in taking a baby who they so obviously can't take care of the way I can?


Why are they forcing us to be apart when unlike other mothers who are so willing to give up their kids, I gave up a lot, sacrificed a lot just so I can keep my kid?


Why are they closing all avenues so i can provide for my kid when I have tried my best to work and be a mom at the same time, just so I can keep being there for her (even if the pay was too far lower than what i used to earn)?


If they are so concerned, why are they allowing me to be forced into a game i have vehemently opposed AND which they know I am being harmed and attacked in?


For what sick reason?


They cannot give me the bull that it is for me because NEVER has anyone given me ANYTHING that's supposed to be from the sick game people are forcing me to be made a pawn in. THEY ARE THE ONES EARNING FROM IT, not me.


And I repeat, DARN IT, i have not permitted myself to be a part of any sick game, and never will I ever agree to one.


Why are people just looking on as they continually abuse me? For Christ's sake, another life's being destroyed because of what they are doing to me. Are they gonna allow that again the way they allowed my entire life to be wasted as they can, themselves, see?


What's really going on? Why is such blatant evil eing allowed?

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