To torturers, murderers and slaughters :

If you believe you can find somewhere to hide and find somewhere to run, you are wrong; if you believe you can remain at large, you are wrong again. You'd better think about the fate of your masters, Hideki Tojo,Mussolini,  Hitler, Saddam....


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  • When these Nazi Fascist tyrants surface and are forced at last to show their faces and true colors I expect to be able to identify (3) of them.  If they are given immunity for horrific human rights violations it would not surprise me if violence erupts in the streets.  There are too many of us who know what crimes they have committed.  Adolf Eichmann was taken to Israel to face trial in an Israeli court on 15 criminal charges, including crimes against humanity and war crimes.  He was found guilty and finally executed by hanging in 1962.  This is exactly what must happen in America to these traders and despicable so-called ‘elite’ subhumans.  At the university level, they need to round up all the biomedical engineering, et al professors where they use their laboratories to ensnare defenseless American citizens with their classroom criminal conduct; i.e., mind – machine coupling of defenseless Americans - the same as was done in Nazi Germany where universities - engineers and architects designed the ovens and death camps and were very involved in the new German order aka the Third Reich. I am particularly interested in two professors who were understudies of Stanford Research Institute where each of them worked for 6 yrs. prior to going on to professorships.  They were introduced to the Intelligence Agencies during that time where they learned the criminal conduct of brain – computer coupling and much much more… Professor Paul Sajda and Professor Lucas Parra should also stand trial – if it’s necessary before executing them.  Can you imagine – university professors learning how to lock-on to defenseless citizen’s brains in addition to other torture mechanisms.  This is going on in at least 22 universities in the U.S. that I know of and the number is, of course, much greater.

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