Today too many psychiatrists are diagnosing a label of conditions on individuals.
Today too many psychiatrists are diagnosing people with conditions
such as psychosis and schizophrenia.
Just because someone has told them that someone has attached them with electromagnetic device.
They do not believe them people they get diagnosed wrong and put onto antipsychotic medications this highly wrong and needs to be stopped immediately!
I hear of too many cases of where people have reported cases of electromagnetic torture to the authority's and then have to go for a mental health test in my opinion so they can get away with incompetence.
I have heard cases of where people have ended up mental hospitals
because of this.
Authorities must be told that this wrong and authorities must take
electromagnetic torture cases seriously and to investigate properly
to use detection equipment to detect electromagnetic devices
to catch the perpetrators and arrest them.
We should be able to trust psychiatrists and authorities and do the right thing and listen to individuals rather labelling and judging them.