Toronto Police, Canadian torturers are now using noise weapons ( Sonic Cannons) to disable me. You have seen this allegation in my letters or posts with the evidence I provided. Here is Canadian Civil Liberties Association’s stance and evidence
“In the Spring of 2010, in preparation for the G20 Summit, the TPS and OPP purchased sonic cannons for the purposes of crowd control and policing both during and after the Summit. The TPS purchased three handheld units that can be heard 600 meters away and whose volume can reach 137 decibels (LRAD 100X model).2 The TPS also purchased a fourth vehicle-mounted unit which can reach 143 decibels audible from as far as 1500 meters (LRAD 300X model).3 The OPP purchased one handheld LRAD 100X model and two tripod-mounted LRAD 300X sonic cannons. The sonic cannons are capable of emitting sounds that exceed the human threshold for pain which is widely considered to fall between 110-120 decibels. The sonic cannons were purchased without any approval by
the Solicitor General.”
“The CCLA submits that sonic cannons come within the meaning of a “weapon” for the purposes of Ontario Regulation 926. Not only are they designed to temporarily incapacitate, threaten and intimidate individuals, but they are capable of causing permanent injury and harm. The use of sonic cannons by police forces in the province must therefore be approved by the Solicitor General and undergo the appropriate regulation, pursuant to s. 14 of Regulation 926.”
“Sonic cannons are only sold to military and law enforcement agencies. They belong to a new and increasingly used class of weapons.”
However, Toronto Police Chief William Blair told Canadian media: “Sonic Cannons are not designed for the use as weapons.”
Canadian torture victim
Robin Yan