Torture American Style

The torture this country is doling out – not at Guantanamo or Abu Ghraib but on its own people in their homes in their communities is no different than what goes on in other countries ruled by tyrants. In America we just lie about it and cover it up. Case in point: George Bush told the American people “In America we do not torture.”All the while brutal, sadistic, horrific covert torture and terrorism is being carried out via satellite surveillance and remote directed energy weapons belonging to the United Stated Federal Government in collaboration with state-sanctioned organized gang stalking at the local level. If we don’t sound a warning call to the masses – then who is going to do it? If you don’t have children or grandchildren of your own, go to any public playground and take a look around. Then go back home and convince yourself that a lawsuit is going to take care of it... or that something somebody else does will fix “the problem” instead of taking personal responsibility and uniting in huge numbers that will not be possible to cover up and ignore any longer. These are Federal Government projects that are entrenched and far too built into the system at this point in time to ever be eradicated by a lawsuit.

China has hidden prisons, and I understand from yesterday’s BBC broadcast the State has the right to beat a person to death. How far behind China do you think this country is? Individuals high up in the government frequent a place referred to as C Street or The Family Doug Coe, Leader – where Pol Pot and others just like him are held up as role models to be emulated just as Hitler is revered by this influential group of corporate and political leaders. These people are in our government.

Engineers and scientists who go to work in pretty little loafers with tassels and business attire create a squeaky clean-cut image in their communities where they gain favor by generously contributing to the landscape! All the while working in laboratories at Stanford Research Institute, National Military Laboratories and various corporations; i.e., the Military - Industrial – Corporate Complex, where billions of dollars are made using human scientific - medical experimental guinea gigs for unethical illegal research and development. What we have going on here is an American Ruling Class. We are talking individuals who operate above the law, adhere to zero ethics or morality and who let their conscience be their guide. Ask any victim of this criminal activity just how much of a conscience they have and you’ll likely get the same response. From head to toe, my body is poked and probed; I’m implanted with a full body suit of nano technology; I am tortured with excruciating pain to any nerve in my body; and I am used and abused in any and every way possible. Their fascination with this human experimental lab rat is probably their bewilderment at how I can still dance around the room when I’ve turned off Tchaikovsky and a Mick Jagger tune comes on . I am no more than a rag doll under a microscope to this “elite” bunch who operate above and beyond any law in existence today. I have even had my finger torn open, remote laser energy style, with a razor blade the same way they would cut open a rat or a monkey.

None of this should be happening. Yet, they have a long record of being efficient and capable of keeping this criminal activity behind closed doors… these men dressed in business suits who are permitted to get away with it. When are we going to say STOP

and get every person we can to march on the White House and demand that the criminals responsible for building the weapons and setting them loose on me and thousands of others like me to torture and terrorize innocent men, women and children be rounded up and stand trial before those of us they thought it was okay to do what they are doing? HOW MUCH LONGER before making them stop? Our absentee politicians and law enforcement agencies whose job it is to protect the people refuse to do their job. What does that tell you? It says to me that the Ruling Class has seen fit to destroy God and the church and to cause a societal meltdown – how else could they possibly get obvious flunkies to stalk people day in and day out. It’s ridiculous. Both God and the church are dead and they worked hard to achieve it knowing that the fallout would be loss of morality, ethics, decency and everything good life has to offer. One way to stop this would have taxpayers withhold mandatory contributions each month. I’m saving my pennies for our get together. Let me know when you’ve had enough.

I’d like to find out who made it okay to use innocent American citizens as laboratory rats for pretty boys who sip martinis and network with their partners in crime after hours comparing notes and score cards in Menlo Park, California or other corporate headquarters. Was it the butcher Dr. Josef Mengele, nicknamed The Angel Of Death, and the other Nazi doctors at the death camps who tortured men, women and children and did medical experiments? Certainly Retired Col. John Alexander wasn’t working alone.

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