no torture through the roof,the pulsing is terrible,burnt feet and hands are really bad to the fact i cant close right hand the one i type with goes omg incredibly red purple,they torture brain now and legs n feet with pulsing that made my screams for 6 hrs last yr seem like nothing..its cos i get the infof out..its police and millitary aswell as mi5 and cia fbi all in onit but main ppl are the police who use even drug lords and have been using dead kids names for undercover work this year..the police get worse as they are frightened its coming to an end..they use cults u name it to deflect blame away so we all have our own thoughts of who it is but cleverly done..they use it and proven in uk and now bbc are exploiting it if u watch the video on bbc electromagetic radiation i posted and click on activity..woohoo i love you bbc..this is huge news and a victory already for us n peace denny
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