Day of protest after authorization by the Prefecture against electromagnetic harassment and Network Harassment, Saturday, June 17, 2017, "Place de la République, Paris" organized by the "Association for the Defense of Victims of Electromagnetic Harassment and Network Harassment" (ADVHER), official association.

Link to the event:

About thirty victims were present, a small victory for our cause!

We informed the public with posters, placards, documents, brochures and we also talked to several people.

A big thank you to “Debout Éducation Populaire” which allowed us to make interventions with microphone!

(In addition to the program:

Four members of ADVHER and three other victims made interventions several times.

Two scientists came to talk with us. A high level scientific discussion took place in the presence of Mr. Serge Labreze who addresses the scientific aspects of this phenomenon and crime against humanity on his blog.

It was a cordial event that allowed us to exchange ideas, informations, to create bonds of friendship, solidarity and reassurance.

Thank you to the participants and to those who contributed to the organization of this event!

Til the next demonstration or meeting!

Good luck to STOP Zorganizowanym Elektronicznym Torturom - Stowarzyszenie Stopzet which is preparing for his demonstration on July 2!

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