I spent close to 2 years trying to find out the websites perps use to harrass us with. I know now and assume that every state has a perp website used to slander and harrass TIs and each state website is interconnected and are sister websites in which perps from one state can go to another state and continue to harrass and slander a TI if he/she moves to another state. It is definitely connected with the neighorhood community watch because every perp, people connected to perps, criminals working for the neighborhood watch seem to know about the website. Most normal people don't know about the website unless they join the neighborhood community watch.


I spent a lot of time using google, yahoo search, and bing -- trying to locate a perp website in NY and in CA but to no avail. maybe it isn't cataloged in these search engines; i tried many search terms.


If one of us TI knows of a perp website please post about it, it would be a major win for us all; we will be able to sue and get rid of 1 method of harrassment and slander from perps/neighborhood watch/corrupt law officials.


It is funny that when i called the cops in NYC about my elderly Italian man perp who loved to spy on me and film me (those pervert perps are also peeping tom video voyuers) and that him and his elderly wife sexually harrassing me and i told the cops that the were putting videos of me in my bedroom (sleeping, eating, changing cloths, naked, etc...) on a website-- and THE COPS DENIED KNOWING OF ANY WEBSITE WITH VIDEOS OF ME OR SLANDEROUS STORIES ABOUT ME. THEY SAID THEY WILL  ARREST THE PERVERT PERPS IF I CAN LOCATE THE WEBSITE FOR EVIDENCE BECAUSE ONCE IT IS ON THE INTERNET IT IS PUBLIC DOMAIN ; IT IS FUNNY AND STRANGE THAT ALL THE COPS I CALLED AND THE ONES I SPOKE TO AT THE POLICE STATION DENIED KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT THE WEBSITE AND YET PERPS ON THE TRAIN WILL ALWAYS MENTION ABOUT THE WEBSITE IN NYC AND EVEN THE PERPS IN CALIFORNIA MENTION ABOUT THE WEBSITE.


If i could only find out the website, i could sue for damages in civil court AND have the perps prosecuted in a criminal suit as well.

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  • They went from me being a normal young woman to me being completely dependent on them in a nursing home.  I hope they're happy.  Way to fix the economy.  It doesn't matter if I have enough money for this because I am becoming a ward of the state and my "evil" thoughts are still there.  And I'll do it just because they interferred.  If they did this to me, then they're doing it to others.  It's a power-trip.
  • They're wrong because I didn't want to become Russian.  I wanted to leave the United States because I've been terrorized for 3 years over a dollar, and i was hoping that Putin would make up all the attention he garnered for me by fixing my brain.
  • I can hear them in my sleep.  They wake me up.  Whoever designed the weapon, designed it so that we could hear them.  They'll listen to my backthoughts then exclaim, "OH NO! She wants to become Russian." Then they'll use whatever they're using to try to numb we away from it with yet another hypoxia injury. I get confused. Last time, the lady said, "no more, or she'll be retarded." Then a guy said, "make her retarded." I'm dizzy all of the time, and I'm still planning my "evil" plans.  Basically, I was trying to live, and they keep making me more and more disabled then wondering why I'm such a burden on the state. 
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