trying to get through this

Today I'm feeling as though I havnt done enough with my time and I'm getting frusterated trying to find things to do with myself so I'm not sleeping all day everythings blurry and I can barly read I'd really like to be living and laughing and educating myself on things and have things to talk about with people and meeting friends but i'm getting so frusterated with all the V2K I'm trying to find simple things to do so I at least have something to show for myself...

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  • Lol thanks Labrat : ) it sucks I had to take my blog down from anyone but friends "they" were threating to send a link into my work hoping its acctually down so noone can see it (I work for a trade skill still poor enough to draw the devil card every month to remind me that ego is getting in the way of my budget) although I may just change my name to something less revealing if that's eating the family dog would be horrid! :S makes me feel better about the hand me downs I have to wear in public for sure!

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