Posted by TI in Florida on August 27, 2014 at 3:30am
Be on the lookout for property tax exemption questions on your primary or general elections. They are not reporting it extensively in the media, and they may be trying to downplay its existence so that voter turnout is low and they can pass it surreptitiously with very few people aware of it.I have discovered another reason why the rich are trying to create property tax exemptions for new businesses (they have this proposal on today's election ballot in Pinellas) .... it seems that this property tax exemption methodology is standard operating practice for the rich in England."In an article in 2002 on the subject of how 'Rich people are costing Britain millions in lost tax by not registering their houses in their own names', the Guardian[18] reports that Thatcher's home in Chester Square, London was registered as owned by Bakeland Property Ltd, Jersey. It was acquired in 1991 and Thatcher has it on 64 year lease. The shares for Bakeland Property Ltd are held by two Jersey individuals (Leonard Day and Hugh Thurston) who are the Thatcher family's financial advisers. According to the report, they are 'acting as nominees for a trust with concealed beneficiaries'. The former prime minister's office is reported to have refused to explain why she does not apparently own her own house. Leonard Day in Jersey is reported to have said: "No one's going to tell you about that." The article claims that through the exploitation of legal loopholes 'wealthy individuals... appear to be enjoying the country's choicest property virtually tax-free'."In America, property is taxed regardless of who owns it, but in Pinellas they are trying to pass a property tax exemption for new businesses (supposedly to lure new jobs). This is getting ridiculous, and it affects the county's cash flow. These businesses are trying to get rich but not paying property taxes at the expense of the local population.Be sure to vote in both the primary and general elections so that your opinion can count. And keep track of any sabotage that you notice around election time .... I seem to have my toilet act up everytime there is an election, clogs, slow filling, etc, that don't happen at other times. We may be able to show a pattern of voter sabotage to influence the elections.