Remember there were many Swedish, Danes, Finnish, English, Germans, Austrians, Italians, French on Holiday when the Tsunami hit Tsunami Cause in Indonesian Ocean by Man. Here is a 20 page summary of what Prof. Whiteford sent me. Tsunami Cause in Indonesian Ocean by Man. I spoke with Professor Whiteford 7 days after the Tsunami in the Indonesian Ocean. There were no pre-cursor earthquakes before the 9.0 earthquake that caused the Tsunami in the Indonesian Ocean. case is the most criminal. Remember that the bank accounts of all those who died in the Tsunami were stolen and used by most likely Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Committee 300. I delivered hard copies to the United Nations in New York City May 23 2005 and met with Ted Soronson as well as Robert McNamera- they said that the Bush Admin was going to "Destroy the world" and had to be stopped at all costs. My torture took place after I hand delivered a copy of this to the Vienna International Center in Wein Austria the summer of 2005. I cannot tell you how horrible it is to be tortured by microwave weapons and to have your whole family and friends tortured by microwave weapons and mind weapons. It is the most massive crime against humanity. *lKkdDfkR2Aum9Uke7ywGQxlhEUxtBgmya*b/TsunamiResearch.pdf
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