UK Targeted Individuals Activism & Safety Watch

The story of the UK TIs Targeted Individuals

Tadeusz Szocik is the most "famous" TI in the UK. He was branded paranoid, although I had seen a TI being attacked with audio harassment already in Greece back in 1984.
Darrim Daoud is the first well known TI, in the TI community, killed at 34, because he was a popular and attractive activist with leader qualities to organize the derelict and dispersed UK TI community.Nobody helps the UK Targeted Individuals. I questioned the UK authorities about their torture on , type my name in their FOI search box: Joanna Iatridou and shows 80 queries so far. I blogged about my 2010 research on TIs in But now it is 2011, Darrim Daoud's inquest is not yet publicized and the UK TIs tend to get incapacitated and "disappear" from the activism and social media scene. I would like to make this a blog with several TI writers and restart meetings with the other TIs. Unless I get vital organ failure and end up crippled like many of the "not seen lately" other UK TIs.
thursday, 5 May 2011

Mike Matloff, DEWs non-stop attacks 2008-2011,looks deterioration

Mike Matloff was under constant DEWs and other electronic attacks, as well as gang-stalking and harassment and during the years 2008-2011 he uploaded a total of 13 videos on his youtube channel, trying to document proof of electronic assaults by DEWs at home and make sense who is attacking him and why. Here is his youtube channel link and photos-stills that picture both cardiovascular-fitness and face deterioration.


This picture dates from aroun December 2006, at the very beginning of the non-stop electronic-DEWs harassment that forced him to document it in social media. His blog is at

Photos from his 13 uploads on youtube, spanning the years 2008-2011:
Shot in the left eye by DEWs 2008

Mike Matloff 2010, the flab and fitness loss is because targets of DEWs feel nausea, dizziness and experience vomiting, tears,snot and sweat when they attempt to powerwalk, jog or exercise because of the large amounts of non-ionizing radiation they absorbed during covert attacks at sleeping time at home. Mike Matloff is very commendable, because he filmed the electronic jolts during sleep time- electronic sleep deprivation, on his channel, which is how usually targeting starts. I have to point out, that if a target insists on "will-power" and "discipline" to keep going to the gym, the result will be inflammation of joints or inflammation of the spine, torn ligaments, infections and lower immune system and heart disease or a sudden cardiac arrest. In fact, struggling against your body to exercise is the first tell-tale sign that you are under covert DEWs attack, electronic harassment during sleep.It has NOTHING to do with laziness as one would imagine.

DEWs GOT HEATING HARMFUL BEAMS USED TO FATTEN THE TORSO, THIS SHOWS ON ME, I PUT ON 4 STONE WEIGHT AND ON MARY HUGHES, Mary is a care worker targeted with DEWs who does not drink or smoke all her life. Women don't want naked torso photos, (no tits out) so I post photos that show how our upper arms gathered fat. These fat layers on the torso are to protect important organs from damage and also destroyed metabolism. This is a POLICE MATTER, with Police crime stopping TIs cannot return to normal health, all their systems are getting destroyed and malfunction no matter what, uless the Police confiscates the weapons and makes arrests. This disfigurement from fat is not funny, its assault and injury and worse organ damage follows, it is part of the "soft-killing" physical transformation.
best wishes n love lots

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