UN Human Rights
UN Human Rights Council
International Bar Association
International Criminal Court
Canadian Government
Topic: Psychological Torture , terror and murder.
I don't know if you can open and watch this video below:
UN is collecting evidence regarding Psychological Torture.
I tried to send those emails between UN Human Rights Office and me to them regarding Psychological Torture , terror and murder.
From this video, you can see "they" are stopping me from contacting UN and stopping me from sending those emails.
Why? What happened and what are happening?
UN Human Rights, International Rehabilitation Council for Torture Victims , InternationalCriminal Court,
Former Attorney General of Canada, Ontario Ombudsman have everything I provided.
If they don't commit any alleged crimes, why are they doing these?
Fight for my life being threatened ; fight against ongoing torture, terror and murder , I am not alone and I need your help.
Robin Yan
Canadian victim of torture
Who are " they"?
Toronto Police, The Scarborough Hospital, Canadian torturers, Ontario Government...who are living with me as my neighbors, gathering around and in my workplace...
Please forward this to International Bar Association and sr-torture@ohchr.org
, thanks.