I know this is hard to believe, but I hope you are willing to give it the benefit of your doubt and at least consider the fact that, through secret military technologies, (like the HAARP Weapon) there exists the ability to heat up the ionosphere and manipulate the weather and create mass destruction, while making us think it is just "natural disasters" or "global warming" or whatever.
Have you not wondered why there have been sudden unusual amounts of tornadoes, hurricanes, earthquakes ...etc.? Scientific proof is heading straight toward finding secret technologies (like HAARP) responsible for many of these disasters.
In 2000, I began publicly sharing precognitive dreams, which I'd begun having about these disasters. Since then I've been severely targeted, on many levels, with sly and manipulative tactics, which aimed to prevent us from believing my forewarnings.
If my intuition is still serving me correctly, we may soon see more of the catastrophic events, which had been shown in my dreams, and will be orchestrated by criminal operatives of HAARP-types of weapons. Within my dreams had been shown a large amount of "geese" arriving with an extremely catastrophic man made storm/disaster in the Northeastern USA ~ An extremely BLACK cloud coming over us ~ One of my daughters being killed in a way that appears like an accident but isn't~ Military camps set up near New London, NH in preparation for severe NH flooding ...etc. ~ People being surrounded by intentional forest fires and earthquakes ~ flood waters suddenly rising in the middle of the night. . . setting Keene, NH completely under water ...etc.
Have you not wondered why there have been sudden unusual amounts of tornadoes, hurricanes, earthquakes ...etc.? Scientific proof is heading straight toward finding secret technologies (like HAARP) responsible for many of these disasters.
In 2000, I began publicly sharing precognitive dreams, which I'd begun having about these disasters. Since then I've been severely targeted, on many levels, with sly and manipulative tactics, which aimed to prevent us from believing my forewarnings.
If my intuition is still serving me correctly, we may soon see more of the catastrophic events, which had been shown in my dreams, and will be orchestrated by criminal operatives of HAARP-types of weapons. Within my dreams had been shown a large amount of "geese" arriving with an extremely catastrophic man made storm/disaster in the Northeastern USA ~ An extremely BLACK cloud coming over us ~ One of my daughters being killed in a way that appears like an accident but isn't~ Military camps set up near New London, NH in preparation for severe NH flooding ...etc. ~ People being surrounded by intentional forest fires and earthquakes ~ flood waters suddenly rising in the middle of the night. . . setting Keene, NH completely under water ...etc.
Can it be stopped? Only if enough people start realizing and exposing it.
http://www.amazon.com/Weather- Warfare-Militarys-Mother-Nature/dp/1931882606
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